A Whole New Era: My Life, My Responsibility

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of its characters

Chapter 8: Father And Son Bonding

I awoke the next morning when I heard Bulma yelling and some people talking. Looks like Bulma has a tough work day today, and it's not a good time to get on her nerves. I look to my right to see my kids sound asleep, Goten sucking his thumb while Junior murmured something I couldn't pick up. With a shrug, I sat up and went to the bathroom and started the shower. I let the hot water hit my back to calm the stress I had earlier. Meanwhile, Bulma continued to yell at her workers until she spotted Vegeta making his way towards the gravity room.

"Oh no you don't mister!" She shouted while stomping towards her husband. Vegeta simply opened the gravity room door and was about to step inside, until Bulma slammed the door shut. "This room is off limits! We're celebrating Gohan's return and everyone is gonna be here!" Vegeta threw his towel on the floor in frustration.

"But the brat challenged me! I need to teach him and his spawn a lesson." Vegeta snapped, making Bulma shake her head in protest. "I'm going in here if you like it or not." Before he could move, she locked the door and threatened him.

"If you dare go in there, you would make your own food and sleep on the couch for a week." She threatened. The prince glared at her before turning his back and walking away. "Stupid, ungrateful husband." She returned back to her work. After turning off the shower and drying myself off, I returned to the bedroom and noticed my kids were gone! I gasped and looked around the room, figuring that they were playing hide and seek. I was wrong. I quickly changed and ran out the bedroom to see them scoffing down food in the kitchen while Bulma smiled at them.

"I thought I told you guys to wait for me." I reminded them, feeling relived that I found them but angry that they didn't listen to me. They lowered their head while Bulma gave me a look. I raised my hands in defense while making my way towards the table.

"Gohan, I've got great news." Bulma giggled as I sat near the table. Oh great, let's see what she has to say. "I've invited everyone to celebrate your return." I spat out the orange juice I had and looked at her in disbelief. Junior wiped the juice from his eyes and glared at me. Why did she invite everyone? I told her not to! We need to get out of here, now! "I know what you're thinking, 'but why'?" Duh. "Just think of it as a big ol' reunion. Everyone's gonna be there!"

"But I told you to NOT let anyone else know!" I snapped quite angrily. She had a sad expression on her face, which quickly turned to anger. Before she could rant, we were interrupted by Goten, who still had food in his mouth.

"Dad, but I wanna see the rest of your friends." He managed to speak out. I slowly shook my head, but Junior nodded in agreement. Bulma looked at me with a face that said 'I told you so'. I sighed and slapped my hands on my legs. Junior and Goten raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to respond.

"Okay fine." I sigh, making Junior and Goten cheer in delight. Bulma nodded at me before returning to her duties. Damn it, after all this I just wanted to live a normal life, the way it was before. No one to bug me, it was so peaceful! I grab a few pancakes and stuffed them into my mouth in boredom. Junior and Goten had enough and wobbled back to the room where Trunks was waiting for them. Hearing all the commotion, Vegeta stepped in the kitchen and sat across from me. He glared at me while eating his breakfast, which was a little weird. I felt uncomfortable and broke the ice. "What is it, Vegeta?" He slammed his fork on the table.

"That woman cancelled our fight for today!" He said angrily to me and himself. "She's throwing you a stupid party!" He returned to eating his breakfast, making me awkwardly nod before heading back to my room. Junior and Goten must've been in Trunks' room because they weren't in here. I plopped on the bed and put my hands behind my head.

"OOF!" I grunted when I felt someone, or something, jump on me and got off. I look next to me to see Junior in the same position I was in. "Don't do that. I just ate and you scared the…" He gave me a look when I was about to cuss. "…crap outta me. What's the matter? Why aren't you playing with Trunks and Goten?" He shrugged and yawned.

"Dad, can you tell me about the time you beat Cell?" He suddenly asked. I was taken aback by that question. Why did he want to know about Cell now? I look at him before nodding. He rolled to his side to face me while raising an eyebrow. "Tell me how you defeated him." I also rolled on my side to face him.

"Well, It was seven years ago, and I was young…" I began. "My Dad and the Z-fighters were fighting an android named Cell. He held a tournament and he said that if he wins, he'll blow up the Earth. Me and my Dad didn't tolerate that and challenged him. My Dad was the first to fight and he put on a great show. It was a tough battle, but my Dad gave up…" Before I could continue, Junior scoffed.

"He gave up?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded.

"…He then told me to face him." I continue. "At first I was scared, but everyone encouraged me to fight and so I did. To be honest Junior, I got my ass kicked." He chuckled. "He realized that I had a hidden power and managed to get it out of me by hurting my Dad and my friends. That's when I ascended…"

"Just like me?" He asked, cutting me off. I nodded. "But, I wasn't mad or anything. It just happened."

"That's because you're as strong as me." I complimented. "Anyway, I started to win until Cell had a trick up his sleeve. He threatened to blow up the Earth. We couldn't do anything about it until my Dad did something heroic…he sacrificed his life to save us all." Junior was silent while my eyes started to water. "But, Cell returned and he was a lot stronger. Vegeta then attacked him, but Cell easily defeated him and was about to kill him, until I stopped the blast. I ended up injuring my arm…"

"So that's why you have that scar on your arm?" Junior asked me, pointing to my right arm. I nodded and continued the story.

"He was gonna blow the solar system up using a kamehameha. But thanks to my Dad, I also used a kamehameha to stop his. The struggle was tough but my Dad helped me defeat Cell, once and for all." I finished, making Junior clap a bit. I smile at him until he frowned.

"Wait, couldn't the dragonballs wish your Dad back to life?" He asked.

"Um…We tried, but he said that the Earth would be better and safer if he wasn't wished back." Junior cut me off and sat straight up. He had anger written all over his face and crossed his arms.

"That's selfish." He said. I nodded in agreement and smiled. He laid back down and sighed in comfort. We were both silent for a moment before I pulled out a picture from my pocket.

"Have I ever told you how I looked during the Cell Games?" I asked, making him shake his head. I pulled out the picture so we both could see it. "That's me." I pointed to my younger self. "And that's my Dad." I pointed to the picture of my father. Junior looked in awe at the photo.

"Hey! You look just like me!" He shouted, bug eyed. I chuckled.

"No, you look just like me." I playfully shot back. "Why do you think I named you Gohan Junior?" He shrugged in response. "I'm proud of ya, son. I really am." Junior smiled, rolled on top of me, and rested his head on my chin.

"I love you, Daddy." He whispered, acting like he was four years old again. I smile and wrapped my arms around him. In the doorway, Goten witnessed it all and ran to me and jumped next to me. He squeezed next to me and rested his head on my chest also.

"I love you too, Daddy." He chuckled. I smile again.

"I love you both." I chuckle. Meanwhile, Videl stood in front of Capsule Corp and rang the doorbell. There was some footsteps until the blue-haired scientist opened the door.

"Oh, you must be Videl, Gohan's girlfriend!" She smiled. Videl rubbed the back of her head and blushed. "He's in his room. I'll lead you to there." Videl stepped inside and along with Bulma, made her way towards his room. "So, how long have you and Gohan been dating for?"

"We're not actually dating." Videl replied, blushing harder. Bulma playfully rolled her eyes and made it to the doorway. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Briefs."

"Just call me Bulma." Bulma reassured. "Mrs. Briefs is my Mom's name." Videl nodded. Bulma walked away while Videl poked her head through the doorway. She noticed Gohan and his kids sleeping on the bed together. Videl smiled and quietly shut the door.

"Those kids are really lucky."

Author: I'm back everyone! This story is alive and kicking! Told you I would be back for more 'A Whole New Era'. Since I'm now working on this and "The Saiyan Meister" and a new story, my schedule will be packed. I'll try to update at least a chapter or two for each of those stories every month. That means a chapter every week or two. Don't forget to review, favorite, and follow this story! Support it and make this story famous! BYE!

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