Beyond The Grave

Scene 1: This is where it begins?

Author's Note: Hello, everyone! ~

To celebrate me going into Junior year, I decided to write a horror story. HA HA.

I did a lot of work on this and I'm happy with the way it turned out.


I got my idea by watching High School of the Dead and World War Z.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji. Okay.

Warnings: Gore. Disturbing Images. Bad-ass tricks. AWE YEAUH. Ciel being an emotionless rock half-way through the story. Same ol' same ol'.

Enjoy this brand new story. ~

September 4th, 2012.

September 4th was a Tuesday. It was just like any other school days for these high schoolers. They woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, or whatever their normal routines were. But, even though the beginning was normal, the ending was horrific.

"So, you're coming over today, right?" The blonde asked his dark-haired friend who looked oddly unresponsive.

"Nope, busy." He waved him off, shoving his cross-swords inside the locker. He pulled out various binders, searching for the accurate one he needed for English. "Hey, make sure to remind me to grab my swords for 7th period."

"With whaaaaaaat? You're always busy!" He whined, pouting at his year younger friend as he overlooked the last comment.

"Swords club, Alois. Coach Spears is working us to the bone, thanks to that idiot, Joker. I would just love to come over and hang out with you, my best friend, but alas, I can not." The small male smirked at his friend. He banged the locker shut before starting to walk away. He was brusquely stopped. The male glanced at his friend before raising an eyebrow.

"Ciel, fuck the club. We haven't hung out since Saturday! I miss you! Do you know how many days that is in cat days? Like…a thousand!" He yelled, tossing his arms in the air for emphasis. The blonde shrieked when his hand made contact with someone's face. "I'm so sorry!"

"Yeah, it's okay." The male said, adjusting his glasses carefully.

"Sounds like such a sincere forgiveness." Ciel mumbled to himself before glancing around at the other students, rejecting to engage in any conversation that wasn't important to him.

"I'm Alois Trancy!" The blonde extended his hand towards the stranger, smiling graciously. "I'm really sorry for hitting you. I was trying to get my statement heard out."

"Claude Faustus. It's okay, really." The raven-haired male shook the hand before gently letting go. Claudes' gaze landed on Ciel; he was still refusing to speak to anyone. Chuckling inwardly, he felt someone elbow his side before facing to meet him. "Ah." Turning back around to meet the blonde he pointed to his friend. "This is Sebastian Michealis."

"Pleasure." The taller male shook hands with the blonde as a polite gesture. "Alois Trancy, correct?" He watched as the blonde nodded eagerly. "Pleased to—"Before finishing, he caught a glimpse of the shorter male behind Alois. "I'm sorry. Who is that?" Sebastian pointed to a (quite) bored Ciel.

"Oooooh~!" Alois grabbed his best friends' hand enthusiastically. "Introduce yourself!" The blonde dragged him over to the two older men.

"Ciel Phantomhive." The azure-haired boy said lazily, but gently.

"Claude Faustus."

"Sebastian Michealis." He stretched his hand out, only to have it stared at. The raven-haired male raised an eyebrow at the younger.

"Ah." Ciel looked up at him, and then back at the other students like it was the most exciting thing happening in school.

Awkward Silence.

"Well… This is sufficiently awkward. I'm sorry. Ciel doesn't really like to socialize with other people." Alois hummed in disapproval, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, I understand." Claude said, nodding his head.

"Hi. I'm still here. Actually, nope. I'm leaving." The blue-haired boy walked towards the English hallway, alone. The upperclassmen stared at him from where they stood.

"Sorry! It was really nice to meet you guys, though~! See you around!" The fair-haired boy waved, rushing towards his best friend, smacking him on the arm. "What the hell, Ciel? I could've gotten laid tonight! You're a major cock-block." He listened as his friend hummed in agreement. Sighing out, he walked into English.

Fuck this class. Whoever said I couldn't burn down the school?

"'Kay! Do some stretches then we'll discuss teams and game play. Phantomhive, front and center, now." The coach yelled, watching closely as his best, and favorite, swordsman, boy, made his way to him.

Thirty minutes ago, sixth period ended with his best friend reminding him to get his swords and complaining how he hates that 'bitch' of an Algebra Two teacher. Alois was also complaining about how Ciel couldn't come over, still. The male was now in his last class, Swordsman Ship, staring at his coach who had called him over.

Why the hell does he have us do a whole class period and two and a half hours of this?

"Yes, sir?" Ciel questioned when he stood in front of Coach Spears.

"Phantomhive," he placed a hand on the boys' shoulder before continuing. "I would like you to know that I am—"Spears was cut off by an announcement over the intercom.

"All students and facility, this is an emergency. Please, stay in your classrooms. If you are not in a classroom, find the nearest one. Until further instructions, please remain calm and wait for the next announcement. Please and thank you." The intercom shut off. Silence embedded the padded classroom as Ciel stared at his coach.

"Alright, everyone! Please, go to the locker rooms and change! Meet me out here ASAP." Coach Spears yelled, lowering his clipboard. "That means you too, Phantomhive. I'll tell you later." He waved him off, gesturing the male to get changed.

Nodding once, he jogged over and grabbed his swords from the corner of the room before rushing to the lockers. In a matter of sixty seconds, the male was out and ready to leave the class and fetch his best friend. Ciel stood by the coach, strapping his swords on his back, he sighed. "Do you think this is actually important?"

"Not quite sure, Phantomhive. Not sure at all." Spears hummed, staring around the room. He counted each student, satisfied that everyone was in the classroom.

The intercom came back on, signaling an announcement was about to be spoken; "Teachers and students. This is a hard lock-down. We're trying to figure out the situation as fast as possible. Teachers, please, lock your doors and roll down your blinds. If you are in a gym or classroom where you are not capable of doing so, please, lead your class quietly to another room. Information will be announced later. Thank you." Silence again.

"Alright. Closest classroom is Mrs. Reds'. Follow me." Mr. Spears gestured them to follow behind him. Once everyone excited the padded classroom, he stared at the students before him. His full attention focused on his favorite student. "Phantomhive. Please, lead these students towards Mrs. Reds' classroom. I will be joining soon. I have to gather my things from my office. I'll be there soon." He nodded them off before turning away.

Ciel tugged on his Coaches sleeve watching as Spears turned towards him. "Come back safe, Coach." The azure-haired boy said, saluting him. He let go and turned towards everyone. "Alright. We need to be quiet. Don't make a single sound while we're walking. Am I clear?" Ciel watched as the whole classed went hushed and nodded. "Then let's go."

The petite boy lead the way to the history teachers' class he had always disliked. Once arrived at the door, he knocked several times before a student he recognized as Soma Kadar opened the door, telling them to come in. I wish I was in Mr. Suttcliffs' class. Alois is there. I wonder if he's okay. And what about those males we met this morning? Are they okay? What about Lizzy? He grimaced at the unnecessary nick-name she had told him to use since freshman year.

The intercom, sounding a third time today, caught him out of his daze. The woman who was speaking was clearly apprehensive of the situation as she tried to compose herself before speaking; "S-students and…teachers. This…i-is Mrs. L-Landers speaking." She took a deep breath before trying to speak again. "Principle Landers is dead."

In the background, Ciel (and the other students) could hear a sound which resembled an insane growling. The male listened as the assistant principle screamed at the noise. "N-no! G…get aw-away from…me!" She yelled; a sound of blood-curdling screams filled the school. Then, nothing.


Madame Red stood up, knocking on her desk, she smiled at everyone. "Alright, all! Let's not fret! I'm sure everything is—"The history teacher was cut off by students screaming and pushing their ways through the doors. Ciel stood in the back, arms-crossed, watching the scene in front of him. Reality struck him before his eyes went wide.

I have to find Alois.

Adjusting the tightness of the straps, Ciel made sure his swords were comfortably strapped on. Walking out calmly, he started towards the Biology hallway, (which was right next to the History hallways. How lucky!) Passing through students who roughly bumped into him, Ciel pushed his way into Mr. Sutcliffs' room. "Alois?"

"Ciel!" The blonde wrapped him in a hug tightly. "I waited for you! I knew you'd come for me! Oh, this is Finny, Mey-Rin and Mr. Bard, you know, the cooking teacher." Alois smiled at him widely.

"I'm proud of you, Alois. But, we need to get out of here." The azure-haired boy looked at the trio in front of him. "If you're going to be with me, we need to get things straight. I know every part of this city, so I am the leader. It doesn't matter your opinion, got it? You need to learn how to use weapons." Ciel glanced at the cooking teacher before smirking. "Knowing Mr. Bard, he has bought very illegal weapons and stashed them away at his house. Am I correct?"

"Sadly, yes. Heh." The dirty blonde smirked before placing a cigarette in his mouth.

"Mr. Bard! That's against school rules!" Finny whined, trying to pull the cigarette out of the teachers' mouth.

"Finny." Ciels' voice was laced with irritation.


"We're going to our lockers, and then we'll make our way to your classroom." He pointed at the teacher who was smoking. "If we're ready, I'm sure this won't be a problem. I'll protect us if necessary." The petite boy stood between the doorframes. "Let's take our leave."

The trio of males and female walked out into the crazy hallway, filled with students screaming. "Alois, I'd never thought I'd let you do this but," he held out his hand. "Hold my hand."

"Are we finally going to date~?!" His eyes sparkled with determination and hope.

"No. This is to be safe. Now, grab on or I'll leave you behind. I'm being serious." He watched as his best friend grabbed his hand tightly. "Now, you three, follow this motion. Do not get separated. I will repeat this once more, do not get separated. Let's go." Ciel started towards the Junior lockers. He stopped at the stairs when he saw a student physically eating another student.

"Disgusting." Mr. Bards' gruff voice caught the cannibals' attention. They watched as the student ran down the stairs to get a new host.

"Ciel! What the hell do we do!?" Alois screamed, his grip tightening.

"I'll tell you what we'll do." The azure-haired boy let go of the slightly larger hand, grabbing the grip of the sword he brought it out. Ignoring the cries of, 'Ciel, that's murder!'; he ran up the stairs, towards the student. At the last second, he plunged the blade of the sword into the male students' heart. The undead student reached his hands out, trying to get to Ciel. "F-fuck."

Pulling the blade out, he swiftly kicked the pupil. He watched the male growl and stand back up. The azure-haired boy stared at him before he rammed the blade into his skull. Ciel watched as the undead male fell, dead. "The brain." He muttered.

"C-Ciel…He was…" The innocent blonde, known as Finny, stuttered.

"Eating another student, I know." The boy said, placing his sword back in its sheath. "When we get to our lockers, if you have a jacket, be sure to put it on." Ciel started to walk forward when he was stopped by a snarl in front of him. "Not again." He whispered and watched as the student, who became a snack, stood up. The girl ran forward. "Fuck this." Ciel swung his foot and watched as the female tumble over and slam against the railing. The junior brought out his sword again, jamming it in the girls' skull. Flinging the blood off the blade, Ciel placed it in its' rightful place. "Let's go."

"This hallway is…ruined." Alois whispered, eyes wide as he watched the alive fight the undead. "W-what do we do?" The blonde looked at his best friend for answers; he saw a smirk. "No, Ciel."

"I'll do it. I just need…help." Ciel placed his hand on the grip of the sword, pulling it out. "Who is going to help me?" The words came out smoothly as his hand wrapped around the other grip, pulling out the clean sword.

"I will."

Ciel turned his head, smirking. "Thanks, Mey-Rin." His smirk grew when the girl blushed furiously. He threw the sword at her and watched her catch it perfectly. "No fuck-ups."

Mey-Rin ripped off her glasses, handing them to Finny before she smiled gently. "Of course."

"Let's go." Running forward, Ciel swung his leg, kicking multiple of the undead, making them hit into other cannibals. Acting swiftly, the blue-haired male rammed his sword into the skulls of the living dead, killing them on the spot. "How are you doing, Mey-Rin?" He asked, swiftly swinging his sword, cutting half of an undead teachers' head off.

"Perfect." Swiftly, but lightly, she moved through the crowd of the terrified students, plunging the males' sword into her classmates' brains. "More of a gun kind of girl, though." She smirked as the male scoffed at the reply.

"Well, so sorry." He kicked a lunch lady in her abdomen, causing her to stumble. Without hesitation, he jammed the sword in her forehead, watching her drop.


"Alois?!" He asked anxious. Turning his head, he exhaled in relief to find no walkers near him or the other two blondes behind him. "What is it?" He kicked a freshmen girl in the chest; he made a gaping hole with his blade in her temple.

"Look! There are other people fighting!" The blonde pointed out blankly, his index finger pointing towards a group of the undead and three students trapped with their backs against the lockers.


"Got it! Go!" She kicked a male in the face, making him growl.

"Thank you! Keep them safe." He ran towards the group, stabbing multiple undead in the forehead with his sword. Kicking the row of flesh-eaters, Ciel stood in front the trio. He rushed the blade into several students' heads, breathing jaggedly. "Mey-Rin?!"

"All clear on this side! Coming your way!"

He turned his head to see the three students. "Well, well, well. Hello."

"C-Ciel!" The blonde pushed her way through the two males who were protecting her to grip onto her cousin with a less-needed strength. "What…what's going on, Ciel?" Lizzy watched as her cousin turned his head away. "Y-you don't…know?"

"I don't. I'm sorry. Please, go to Alois. He'll—"

"Ciel! Lizzy! Watch out!" The magenta haired student shouted, running towards him.

"Wha—"Ciel couldn't process what happened in those ten seconds. He watched as a anthropophagus bit into his cousins' neck, ripping out the flesh. Blood squirting along the walls, making his eyes go wide. "Lizzy!" The blue-haired male pried away the undead male and kicked him a few feet back. "Lizzy?"

"C…Ciel…" She sputtered, coughing up blood. "I-I…lo-ove…you." Her eyes rolled into the back of her head before she quit breathing.



"Lizzy?! Answer me!"


"Ciel! She's dead!" Mey-Rin yelled, dragging the other two males along with her.


"Ciel!" Alois screamed his name.


Ciel watched her skin go pale.




He swallowed the distraught lump in his throat.


"Hey, kid. Come on." Mr. Bard stopped in front of the blonde junior and the blue-haired boy.


He pressed his hand to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. He watched as blood squirted out of his cousins' pale throat.


He gulped, lips trembling.


Ciel sniffed, watching his cousin.


"Ciel! Get up!" His blonde best friend screamed at him.


Ciel mouthed the number, staring at his cousin. Waiting for any sighs of turning.


"Hold on, Alois. I don't think he's mourning over her loss right now." Mey-Rin butted in, her voice wavering.


He pressed on the wound harder, searching on her elegant features.


"What the fuck is he doing then, Bard?" Alois yelled out, pointing to his best friend who was hovering over his cousin.


"Wait, I know you two." The blonde spoke again, staring at the two males who were looking down at the blue-haired boy.


"Who are you two, by the way? Why were you just…trapped here?" Finny asked, cocking his head to the side.


"Well…" One of them started.


Ciel took a deep breath as he clutched the grip on his sword.

"Twenty." Ciel spoke and watched as his cousins' eyes opened. What were once a bright, vibrant green was now a pale, sickly lime. He watched as his cousin growled, hungry for a vigorous host.

"Back away! Back away!" Mey-Rin shouted as she watched Ciel stand up. The lilac-haired girl searched his face for any sentiment possible. "Ci—"

"AaaaAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhHHH!" The young blonde junior screamed, jumping up. Ciel took a short look at her before hitting the tip of his knife-edge against the locker. Lizzys' head turned to that direction as she ran for it.

"I'm sorry…" The blue-haired boy whispered as he lurched the blade into her skull. He speedily pulled the blade out and watched her fall to the floor with a thud. "Twenty seconds." He whispered to himself. "It only takes twenty seconds for them to chan—"

"Claude!" Alois screamed as the walker from before ran to the raven-haired male with a blood-curding scream.

"N-no! What the hel—NnnaaaHHaha!" The cannibal bit his write, pulling epithelium from it. The male tried to pry the walker off of him, but the bastard was locked on tight.

With a hard kick, Ciel made sure, once, student slams into the wall. Turning the sword in his hand effortlessly, the cobalt-haired boy brought the blade down on the seniors' wrist. Cutting the hand, along with the bite, off smoothly, Ciel placed his sword inside of his shirt, ripping a long piece of cloth off. He wrapped it around the wound, pressing it tightly.

"One…Two…Three…Four…Five." The azure-haired boy looked up at the seniors' petrified face. His eyes were filled with anxiety as his body was shaking wildly due to the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Six…Seven…Eight…Nine…Ten." He muffled, squeezing tighter, hoping the bleeding would stop. Glancing around him, he nodded his head a couple times to Mey-Rin, who pulled out a gym shirt and handed it to him.

"Eleven…Twelve…Thirteen…Fourteen…Fifteen." He pulled the bloodied cloth of his shirt off, hurling it on the floor. Taking the new shirt Mey-Rin had given him, he wrapped it firmly around the sliced wrist.

"Sixteen…Seventeen…Eighteen…Nineteen…Twenty." The blue-haired boy looked up at the senior who was staring at him with trepidation in his eyes. His face was pastel while his lips were quivering, his body was still. Making sure the cloth was wrapped around tightly; he wiped his hands on his pants, getting all the blood off. Ciel grabbed the seniors' face, making him make eye contact with the older. "You're not going to turn. You aren't, I promise." He nodded his head.

Claudes' lips twitched to a smile, but faded when the boy decided to let his hands drop. Picking up his sword, the blue-haired boy walked to the walker that was struggling to get up. "Stupid fucker." He grunted before thrusting the blade deep in the students' skull. He ripped it out; tossing the blood off, Ciel shoved it in his casing. "They can't see, but their hearing is amazing." He said to his group, sighing out. The junior brought his attention to the six classmates in his view. "I will tell you two exactly what I told these four. I know every part of this city, which makes me the leader. I don't care about your opinion, if you want to stay alive, follow me. Am I making myself—"


Turning his head to the side, he smiled a little bit. "Mr. Spears, you came back." Ciel walked towards his coach, respiring a breath he didn't realize he had been holding in. "How did you…survive?" He questioned which got an affronted look from his coach. "Oh, no. I mean, these students…they were…"

"I know. I am your coach after all." He smirked. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I'm only twenty-nine, Phantomhive. I'm not that old." Winking at his favorite student; he turned his attention to the others. "I am Mr. Spears. I was the coach of the Swordsman Ship club, but, that doesn't matter, does it?"

The navy-haired boy turned his head towards Claude, indicating him to walk towards him. Claude, who had already fell in love with Ciel at the beginning of the day, obeyed and walked to him. He watched as the boy checked his wrist for any problems.

"Spears, we need to head to the nurses' office. I'm sure something is still there. What hallway are we in?" He mumbled, biting the inside of his lip.

"Senior." Sebastian finally spoke as he stared at the boy.

"Oh, how nice of you to join us, Sebastian." Ciel mocked, grinning at the older male. "We need to reach the Junior hallway. Once we're finished there, we need to go to the nurses'. I'm concerned about Claudes' arm. Lastly," He smirked, looking around. "Mr. Bards' house is our goal, after mine." Turning around, he started walking away from everyone. "Our main goal is to stay alive."

"I got mine." Alois whispered, not bothering to close the metal door on his locker.

"Me too." Finny muttered and started to put on his backpack.

"I made sure to bring mine with me this morning." The purple-haired girl said, slinging the bag over her shoulder. "I brought extra water bottles because of practice, so, I have enough water." She shrugged and smiled.

Ciel placed his combination in, opening his locker quietly. Pulling out his backpack swiftly, he hung the bag over his shoulder and looked up. "Are we ready to go to the nurses'?" Looking around, he watched everyone nod before he smirked. "Let us be on our way, then."

They turned the last corner of the first floor, being noiseless as possible. Motioning his hand, Ciel guided the males, and a female, into the nurses' office. Sliding the door open inaudibly, he walked in. "Seems nothing has been touched here. Odd." He muttered to himself before turning to the group. "Alright, come in." He whispered loud enough. The azure-haired male watched the group of seven make their way inside.

"Alright, now, anyone that has a backpack, dump out everything." He well-ordered. "If there is anything important in there, make sure to place it back in the bag. Whose bag am I using?" He closed the door, making sure to lock it. "Alois?"

"Sure." Everyone watched as the blonde dumped everything on the floor. Ciel snickered when a box of condoms found its way into the pile of stuff. "Oops. I need these~" He placed the condoms in the side of his backpack, amused. "Everything else is useless."

"I'm not even going to ask why you have condoms in the first place. You're an idiot." He chuckled, grabbing the empty backpack. "Alright, open cabinets. If they're locked, too bad, force them open. Go." Ciel watched them scatter around, smirking, he opened a component under the bed, revealing blankets. Folding a few of them carefully, he stuffed them in the bag, making enough room for anything else.

"Shit!" Alois hissed, blood dripping off his finger. "C-Ciel…I cut my finger." He howled, turning towards his best friend who was getting off the ground quietly.

"Come here, Alois." He beckoned his best friend, reaching his hand out towards him. Once the blonde made his way to him, Ciel examined his finger closely. "You'll be fine." The cobalt-haired boy opened his mouth, placing the digit inside. Slowly, he slurped the blood off his best friends' finger. Once it had stopped bleeding, the slowly pulled away, smiling at his friend. "All clean."

"C-Ciel…" He huffed, crossing his arms on his chest. "Don't…do that!" He whined, throwing a tantrum. "I hate when you tease me."

Smirking, Ciel turned away, looking at everyone else. "Shit." He whispered, turning towards Claude. "Claude? Do you want me to take care of your arm? Or would you rather Coach Spears take care of it?" He smiled thoughtfully before walking over to him.

"If you know how to, I would rather you tend to my wound."

"It's settled. I'll get the supplies." Ciel looked around, biting his lip. Walking towards a cabinet, he ripped it open; he grinned. "Jackpot." The junior pulled out gauze, tape, alcohol, and anti-biotic ointment. "Alright, Faustus." Ciel walked over to the senior, placing the supplies on the counter next to him. "Are you ready?"

"Is it going to hurt?"

"Um. No." He reclined, smiling considerately. Unwrapping the bloody shirt, Ciel threw it in the trashcan next to the desk.

"Alright, then. Let's get it over with."

The junior sighed out, opening the bottle of alcohol. "3, 2…"

"Why are you counting down?" Claude questioned, cocking his head to the side.

"1." The boy poured the burning liquid over the open wound, earning a shriek from the senior and a rudely 'I thought this wasn't going to fucking hurt?!' escaping out of his mouth. "I'm sorry, but, unless you want it infected (ironic), you'll have to suck it up and let me clean it." He placed the clear bottle on the desk, taking out the anti-biotic, Ciel spread it across the wound moderately, biting his lip in the process. "There. The worst part is over; I just have to put the gauze and tape on it. Can you handle that?" He asked pleasantly, glancing up at the senior.

Claude breathed out, nodding once as he looked into the juniors' eyes for the first time since they had met. Those are the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Other than that Trancy kid that I really don't care for.

"Alright, here we go." The younger male placed the gauze on Claudes' arm gently. "I need you to prop your arm up. No, no, yeah, like that. Good." Wrapping the gauze in tape to keep it in tact, Ciel smiled at his work. I'm so going to be a fucking doctor. "There you go."

"Thanks, Ciel." He purred, standing up.

"Okay, everyone. What did we find?" The navy-haired male wiped his hands on his pants, looking around the room. He saw Bard and Finny together, Mey-Rin and Alois, along with William and Sebastian. Smiling, he sat on a, rather uncomfortable, bed. "So?"

"Bard and I got a bunch of Band-Aids and creams to treat infections!" Finny replied fortunately, holding up twelve boxes of fresh Band-Aids and ten tubes of creams.

"Well done. Place them in Alois' back-pack. Make sure they're fitted, not just thrown in there. Okay?" He pointed to the bright pink and black back-pack sitting on the floor.

"Alois and I found a huge bottle of Tylenol! Oh, and we also found Pepto-Bismol!" Mey-Rin grinned at the last one. She walked towards the back-pack, carefully placing the bottles in the side compartments. "No luck on anything else." She shrugged.

"Sebastian and I found the rest of the gauze, tape, peroxide, and alcohol." Coach Spears held up multiple boxes of gauze, and tape. There were four, large, bottles of peroxide and eight, medium, bottles of alcohol. Shrugging, he gently placed the boxes next to the Band-Aids, and the bottles snuggly in the back.

"If this is all we can find, I just have one thing to ask of you two." He looked in the direction of William and Sebastian. Once they glanced over at the boy, Ciel sighed out. "You couldn't find any inhalers?"

"Oh, we could. We just thought you didn't need them." Sebastian gripped the boxes of inhalers, showing the male. "There are five here, we could take them. Do you need them?" He watched as the boy nodded and Sebastian placed the boxes in the backpack.

"I need to make a call." The azure-haired boy pulled out his Smart Phone, scanning his contacts. Reaching his home phones' number, he dialed it and waited.

And waited.

And even waited some more, for the hell of it.


And waited.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg ~

And waited.



"Young Master, are you safe? Where are you?"

"Yes, my…friends…and I are in the nurses' office. We're going to be coming home soon. You'll need to open the door once I call you, okay?" Ciel listened as the older male sighed in release once he realized he was okay.

"Of course, but, how do you plan getting home, Young Master?"

"Well, the only way I guess." Glancing around the room, he simpered at the seven people in the room who were staring at him. "We walk."

Scene 1. End.

Author's Note: Okay, It took me from 3:30 a.m. to now, 11:14 a.m., to finish this chapter.


So, tell me what you think about this story, and I'll continue writing if you enjoyed.




I love you all. Bye.