
(Mabel's P.O.V)

Dipper and I were sitting on the porch watching the sun set over the hill as it cast its brilliant golden shadows all over the woods. Tomorrow was our last day of Summer Vacation and our parents were picking us up to go home.

"Hey Dip…" I began. "I'm really going to miss this place"

"Me to Mabel" He replied as I gradually shuffled my way closer to him.

"I mean what are we going to do without our new friends and the mystery shack?" I spoke

"We'll find a way. If we have each other we'll be fine" He replied comforting me.

But what I didn't know is that after tomorrow we would be apart for the rest of time. Although I still believe now 1 week later there may be light at the end of the tunnel. Anyway I bet you're wondering what an earth I'm talking about. Ok let me tell you.

The next day came and we packed our bags and said our fair wells to our friends. The car drove out and mum got out and thanked Grunkle Stan for having us. We slumped down in the car and drove off far into the distance, Waddles on my lap (Luckily mum let me keep him.) We reach the Highway stretching many kilometres. Dipper was reading and I was playing with Waddles. After a little while I got bored so I began watching my parents chatter away in the front. My dad was driving and forgetting to check the speed he was going. I gradually watched the speed creep gradually up. 60…65…70…75…90.

"Dipper?" I whispered, "Is dad meant to be doing 90mph?"

"Mabel stop panicking" He replied raising his voice

At that point the car span out of control. It hit the barrier and then bounced across the road and rammed through the outside barrier the car fell tumbling down and splashing into the crystal blue water. The impact shocked me and instantly killed my parents. My window was wound down so I grabbed Waddles and Dipper and swam to the surface dragging Dipper onto the rocky road out of the water. He was unconscious and barely breathing. 4 hours I waited, cold alone (except Waddles who was to stunned to even oink) and floods of tears running down my face. Eventually a man drove past and called the ambulance and police. Dipper now dead I was drove back to Grunkle Stan. We were forced to cry ourselves to sleep from the pain of losing three innocent, family lives.

In the morning I woke up in the attic.

"Dipper?" I whispered just to be sure

No reply. I walked over to his bed. Nobody there. I began crying all over again. Then Wendy walked up her eyes red and her face raw from crying. And then Grenda. And after Candy. All comforting me.

A week passed. My life was getting more and more miserable. Until one day I couldn't stand life anymore I found a gun and one shot was all it took. Clean through the head. Gone.

Ok to start I'm sorry if this has depressed you and if your mad at me I don't blame you. One more little bit I need to add.

A blinding white light. A scene in the clouds. Dipper and Mabel were dressed in white outfits and golden wings. They both had a golden halo round their head. They were dancing around an amazing white palace together. Life was unbearable when they were apart. But now they are together. And the place they were together? Heaven.

I'm nearly in tears right now.

Ok thank you for reading. Please review!
