"Hey... it's been five years. How about a nice slice of vengeance?" - Eren Jaeger, Attack on Titan Abridged by Team Four Star

The irony in how much this random quote from a 2012-ish video remains in my mind now, just over five years after I last updated this story, is honestly pretty astonishing. However, more than a few times over the past year I've received random notifications from informing me that I received a new follower or favorite on this story, and I'd like to say a couple things.

First off - this story hasn't been updated since 2013 guys, have you really been looking that far back in the OC x Akiza tags that you found this? If so, I respect your dedication and appreciate that you chose my story to place interest in :) . If that is not the case... I'm not sure what to say to you other than... "Nice."

Secondly - to a certain degree, I'd like to apologize for the quality of certain aspects of this fanfic. This was started in 2013 as a project heavily inspired by Fenikkusumaru's Stardust Accelerator fanfic, which he has unfortunately since removed, and doubly unfortunately I believe my own work reflects that here. I was kind of a novice to writing stories, so I honestly didn't have a personality in mind for Shuya, mainly molding it to fit the protagonist of Reverse of Arcadia's actions at the time. I didn't have a good concept on how to write a developing romance as evidenced by Shuya's almost instant infatuation in Chapter 2. Also, while I still find him humorous in the way that a childish joke from Spongebob (not the well-thought out all-ages jokes, the actual childish ones. You know which oned I mesn) can be hit or miss funny, Taizen, aka the embodiment of Light End Dragon in the Spirit World, was honestly just a comic relief character that I probably used when I didn't know what to write, instead of treating him like an actual partner for Shuya like Stardust is for Yusei. I'm sure you guys may have a different opinion than me, and you may agree or disagree on any of these points or more, but these are the three that stood out to me when rereading it.

Thirdly, and completely unrelated to the other two points - they really missed out on giving Yusei a cameo in Stardust Crusaders.

So, this brings me around to the main reason as to why I'm even typing this on my phone at 5 am instead of sleeping.

I'm bringing this story back. Plain and simple. However, to try and fix the previously highlighted points, I'm going to start out by tweaking Shuya's deck to make it more fitting for the early stages of RoA and then rewriting the first two chapters. Hopefully this time around, I'll remember to make Shuya interesting too instead of just having him... be there. Give him real development. Have actual plans for his story arc aside from getting with Akiza and existing in a universe with a preset story. In addition, I hope to keep up a similar writing style to how they were originally written but I won't lie, my primary style has become vastly different since, mainly due to a shift in genre interests. That's why I want to call on you folks who read my story in the past-when I start replacing the chapters, I want your feedback. I want you to tell me if you like what I've done with it, or if you don't like it tell me that too! I want to do this story the justice it deserves after being shelved for five years.

So what do you say fellas, shall we give Shuya and Akiza the happy ending they've been waiting for all this time? It'll be a long road; due to work and the grueling process of transforming myself into a father over the next few months I can't promise when I'll have the first revision out, or guarantee a definite consistency between updates, but I'll do it if you guys will be there with me.

Hope to write for y'all again soon! Excelsior!

p.s. RIP Stan Lee, you absolute legend