Natsu of the Dragons
Chapter One: A New Creature on Dragon Isle
It is said, in ancient legends long ago, that there is an island on Fiore's ocean borders inhabited by only dragons and their prey. This island was called Dragon Isle. These dragons lived in group scattered on the land. No man has ever dared to travel to this island in search for a great and powerful dragon to rule the land and skies with.
Until one family took to a boat with a fine crew out to sea. This family consisted of an adventurous husband, a lovely wife, and a fine baby boy. The voyage was crystal clear, as if reflecting the image of the beautiful sea. Their search for the island of dragons seemed all in vain. They were running low on supplies and the nearest possible island was the Dragon Isle.
But, on one unfaithful day, there was a terrible storm brewing.
The rapid winds caused waves to be great and too powerful to somehow stop. The husband tried to take charge of the boat. Trying in vain to level the ship. Many of the crew members had gone overboard once a fire broke out because of a fallen lamp and the deck covered in oil.
The man could hear his wife's scream for help and immediately went to where her screams sounded from. By the time he reached her, it was too late. The man's wife had been burnt to death. Then, the man thought of his son.
His son! How could he have forgotten about his son?! He looked on his wife's body, hoping that a miracle kept his son alive from the flames. His son, a healthy boy with a mop of bright pink hair on his head, was swaddled in a blanket. The man grabbed his son and looked around.
The remaining crew members were dead from burns or suffocation. Fire was raging on in every direction possible. There was now way that he was getting out of this without burns. The man ran through the flames into the water. Obtaining third-degree burns.
The man placed his son on a floating piece of wood that had fallen from the ship. The man started pushing it towards a shore through the crashing waves.
{Line Skip}
On the shore of the mysterious island that seemed to appear out of nowhere, were two mysterious creatures. They were dragons, the mystical creatures that have been the target of many searches throughout the years. Both were large in stature but were somehow differed. One seemed to have ice clear wings and had ice blue scales on its body with dark blue eyes. The second had pure white scales and a matching pair of white wings with splotches of blue on them. The second dragon's eyes were the colour of a clear blue sky.
The ice blue dragon saw something out to shore and pointed it out to the other.
Suppose you think of that, Grandeeney?
The white dragon, named Grandeeney looked out to the sea where the ice blue dragon was pointing to with its tail.
I cannot say Ur. Shall we fly out to it?
The first dragon, Ur, nodded its head and they headed out to sea. They saw a baby wrapped in a blanket and a dead man hanging off the drift wood. They took pity on the baby.
What shall we do Ur? Grandeeney asked.
Should we bring the boy to Igneel? Maybe he'll know what to do, Ur said.
Do you think he will allow us to take in a human? It is forbidden.
Our leader has a kind heart Grandeeney. I believe he will allow it this once.
Grandeeney nodded and swooped down to pick up the boy with her claws gently. Shall we head back?
Ur nodded and they flew to the middle of the island where their village of dragons were. Most of the others were asleep in their homes. Not knowing what has come to their island. But there were some who stayed awake and found comfort in the starlit sky. Such as a metallic grey dragon whose plated armour was gleaming in the dull star lighting and a great red dragon laying next to the other.
Ur and Grandeeney bowed their heads in respect to the red dragon as the landed.
Ladies… the metallic dragon called out.
Ur rolled her deep blue eyes. Quit it Metalicana.
The red dragon released a rumble in its throat as a chuckle. Now, now you two. Let's not awake the children. Grandeeney… the red dragon said, noticing the human child clutched in the claws of the white dragon. What is that you're holding?
A human child. Let us explain Igneel, she said. The red dragon nodded. We found this child afloat with a man, possibly his father, near the shore on our patrol. There seemed to be no survivors on the flaming boat nearby.
We brought him here, hoping you would know what to do with him… Ur said.
The red dragon thought for a minute and smiled. Flames erupted around the red dragon and eventually died down to reveal a human form. Igneel's human form consisted of black pants, a red jacket with orange and yellow flames sown in it, his onyx eyes stayed the same and the red scale morphed into tanned skin and bright red hair. Igneel reached out to Grandeeney and she gave the baby boy to him.
Igneel held the boy in a torch's glow. He noticed the strange pink hair this boy had and thought of Pinkie as a name for him.
"How about Pinkie?" Igneel asked. He looked back to the other dragons for support on the name.
For what? Ur asked.
"For the name of the boy Ur. What else?"
That's a gay name for a boy, Metalicana, the plated dragon, replied.
Now Metalicana. What have we said about calling things gay? It's rude if they are not gay like Gray.
My boy's not gay…He simply likes to strip and it doesn't matter where or who he does it in front of Grandeeney! Ur defended.
"I wonder where he gets that from, eh?" Igneel laughed out.
Ur let out a growl. Igneel waved it off.
We're keeping him, I'm guessing? Metalicana asked.
Igneel nodded. "He will stay with me and be taught Dragon Slayer magic. Won't this be exciting? A human amongst dragons? He'll have to be strong though to make it here."
A Fire Dragon Slayer? Grandeeney asked. Igneel nodded. He'll already be powerful then.
"But dragons differ from humans. Dear ones to us can be hurt and even killed, but we move on. Seeds of sadness, anger, and even revenge will be planted into the human mind. That's why he needs to be strong. For himself."
Ur nodded. I think he'll be fine. After all, Igneel will be raising him.
The others agreed.
Will he take over the role of leadership after you've passed? Grandeeney asked.
Igneel shrugged; "Maybe. I honestly haven't thought about it that far," he said with a large grin on his face.
The other three dragons thought of face-palming themselves.
Igneel looked to the sky. "It's summer right now, yes?"
Yeah June, so? Metalicana asked.
"That's it! Natsu! He shall be named Natsu of the Dragons!"
Unbeknownst to the baby boy now named Natsu of the Dragons, he would be taken under a dragon's wing, literally, and become the closest to being a dragon, a Dragon Slayer. A form of magic that can kill dragons if the mage is strong enough. But Natsu would never use it on his family. He would use it to protect his loved ones.