Sorry for the delay and thanks for the reviews!
Chapter 7:
Murdock paced the waiting room as B.A and Frankie sat listening to Hannibal's story about what had happened.
"And then you guys showed up, and that's it, that's everything." Hanntbal said recalling the earlier events.
They were all silent a moment before Frankie looked up.
"Our pardons? He gave us our pardons..As in we are free?"
"Not all of us Frank. Face doesn't have a pardon."
"Yeah, I mean that's terrible for Face and everything but I can see my family, I can go home!"
Hannibal sighed and turned toward B.A who was staring out the window, a deep scowl was etched on his features.
"B.A I-" Hannibal started before being cut off.
"What sucka? Don't be sayin your sorry. You the reason Faceman in there fightin for his life. Ain't right Hannibal. You ain't never lied to us man. Face trusted you."
Even though Hannibal knew deep down B.A was right, his anger still boiled to the surface.
"Did he B.A? Did Face trust me? What about you Murdock, do you trust me? Because if you do, you and Face sure have a hell of a way of showing it."
Murdock stopped pacing and narrowed his eyes at Hannibal.
"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"A.J Bancroft, and that fact that he is Face's father. Seems you two neglected to tell me that little piece of information."
Murdock walked over to Hannibal and sat down.
"That was different. There was no danger there. We didn't lie to you! You didn't ask us anything about Bancroft! Face asked you repeatedly if anything was going on, if you were telling him the truth. Don't you dare compare the two colonel."
Hannibal sighed again, he felt like he had aged 30 years in the past hour.
"Murdock, I couldn't tell Face anything. I told you, Stockwell gave me his word that nothing would happen to Face. So these guys wanted to talk to Face, and in return we would have our pardons. You would've done the same thing."
Murdock got up and threw a glare at Hannibal that made B.A nervous.
"That's where you're wrong colonel. I would never trust Stockwell and I would absolutely never hand my friend over for a piece of paper. You're no better than Stockwell, in fact colonel, you may be worse. "
Murdock walked back towards the doors that they had whisked Face threw and began his pacing again.
Hannibal got up and went outside, desperate for a smoke. As he lit it up Frankie came walking out with a sheepish look on his face.
"Johnnie, I was thinking. Umm well I..."
"Go home Frankie. Go back to Virginia and get your pardon. Have a great life. None of us will hold it against you.'
"What about you guys?"
Hannibal took a long draft from his cigar and turned towards the window. Inside he saw B.A pacing right next to Murdock. He immediately knew what he had to do.
"We won't be going back Frank. The four of us are in this together. If one of us doesn't have a pardon, none of us do. So go on and don't look back."
Frankie smiled and shook Hannibal's hand.
"Thanks for everything Johnnie, and give my best to Face and the guys."
"Will do."
Hannibal watched as Frankie hailed a cab and it disappeared into the darkness. He put out his cigar and headed back inside.
"Guys, Frankie's gone. I sent him home. There is no reason for him to be here. "
B.A nodded and Murdock never acknowledged the statement.
"Look guys, I know I screwed up bad, but Face needs us and when he gets better all of us will disappear and work things out. We can get past this. What do you think?"
B.A was the first to speak up.
"Don't like what ya did Hannibal, but we a team and we stick together. I ain't gonna trust ya for awhile. Ya gotta earn it back man. That ain't gonna be easy. But it's Faceman's call. "
Hannibal nodded and turned towards Murdock.
"I will never forget what you did Hannibal, and if Face dies there will be no team and I will have nothing more to do with you. So if I were you I would start praying for someone other than yourself. Face is the most important thing here. Get over yourself. The pity party is getting old."
Hannibal only nodded, knowing he would have to earn back their trust.
Over an hour later a doctor came out and walked towards Hannibal, Murdock and B.A looking anxious.
They immediately stood and he motioned them back down.
"I am Dr. Wilson. and I'm afraid I have some bad news."