Chapter 1

I was nervous. There was no denying that I was nervous. But who can blame me? Have you ever gone away from home to a boarding school, where you had no say in whether you wanted go or not? No, didn't think so.

Guess I should elaborate. My name is Kaito Shion. And due to some... Misadventures in my old school last year, my parents decided to get rid of me and shove me off to a boarding school. I learned about this the night before I was leaving. Now I was going to be living in a mixed dorm with 9 other people; 3 boys and 6 girls. And I wasn't looking forward to it.

The bus dropped me off in front of the dormitories. Yeah, my parents couldn't even drop me to the new school. They really didn't care.

I walked up to the front door of the dorms. There was a map showing the different rooms. My bag was really weighing me down so I decided to bring it up before anything else. I was in dorm V-03 which meant there was three flights of stairs until I reached my dorm. Goodie.

After dragging the suitcase up countless steps, I finally got to the room. I opened the door slowly, waiting to be greeted by a bunch of geeks and nerds. Instead, I was greeted by a small fight scene. A boy with silver hair was being pinned to the ground by a boy with blond hair tied up in a small ponytail. Everyone else was just watching. As if they were discussing what to eat instead of wrestling. Eventually one of them, a girl with cherry red hair, blew a loud whistle.

"3 minutes, 45 seconds! New record!" she squealed. Blondie got off of Silver and helped him up. Silver smirked and patted Blondie on the back.

"You're getting better. Slowly but surely," he said, snickering a little. Blondie rolled his eyes and huffed, a smile visible on his face. I guess I got put in a dorm full of weirdos.

"Hey look! It's the newcomer! Everyone, we need to say hi and introduce ourselves and bring him to the darkside!" A loud, high-piched voice announced my arrival. As if trained by the army or something, everyone in the dorms came out from their cubicles and stood in front of me, staring and taking in my appearance. I felt like a caged in animal. A girl with long teal hair tied back in two ponytails came out from the crowd and held out her hand.

"Hiya! I'm Miku Hatsune. What's your name?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

"Kaito. Kaito Shion," I replied, shaking her hand and giving her my own smile. She gestured to everyone and nudged me forward, silently telling me to introduce myself. It was awkward, walking up to everyone, shaking their hands like I was royalty or at one of those fancy meetings.

The first two people were Blondie and a girl version of him. Their names were Rin and Len and, strangely enough, they weren't related. I then met Silver and the girl who blew the whistle. Piko and Miki. I then met Gakupo and Gumi. I thought Gakupo was a girl at first but then he spoke. I would be sharing a cubicle with him so I better not make that mistake again. The last two, a girl with short brown hair and a girl with long pink hair. The girl with brown hair was holding the other's hand and both were grinning. I approached them slowly, going through the same ritual I had gone through with everyone else.

"Hi, I'm Kaito. I'm staying in the dorm with you."

The brown haired girl, smiled broadly and held out her free hand. "I'm Meiko Sakine and this is Luka Megurine!"

The pink haired girl, Luka, smiled shyly, covering half of her face with Meiko's arm, and gave me a small wave. I gave her a small wave back.

"So, what age are you two?" I asked. So far, everyone was 16.

"We're 16. Luka's going to turn 17 in a few months though, isn't that right sweetie?"

Luka nodded, looking down at the ground. I wondered why she wasn't speaking to me. Was she shy? Did I intimitate her? I honestly wouldn't blame her if she was intimitated. I forgot to take out my tongue piercing and it kept clicking against my teeth. I also had a bit of a permenant glare etched into my face.

Gakupo came up behind me and slapped me on the back. "Come on, I'll show you to our cubicle. It's the only spare bed. Miku stays with Gumi, Rin with Miki, Piko with Len and Meiko with Luka. I've always been on my own."

I nodded and followed him down the hall. Our cubicle was small, two beds on either side and a wardrobe. I flung the suitcase on the bed and sat down, running my hands through my hair. I was wrecked.

"So, why you get dumped here?" he asked suddenly.


Gakupo rolled his eyes. "No parent sends their child to a boarding school out of love and affection. So, why you get dumped here?"

"Oh. I went through a bit of a... rebellious stage. Hanged out with the wrong people, flunked school and a few other things. Mom and Pops decided to be shot of me while they work on a 'scientific breakthrough'. Can't afford to have a rebellious child." I sighed and leant against the wall, clicking the piercing off of the roof of my mouth.

Gakupo grinned a little. "I think we're going to be pals, Kaito." With that, he got up and left, leaving me on my own. Shortly after he left, Miku's head popped around the wall.

"Hey Kaito, we're leaving for the Ringu in a moment, wanna come?"

I shrugged and stood up. "Sure, don't see why not."

She giggled and skipped out of the room. Was she always this happy and excited?

Following her, I walked into the large open space part of our dorm, right in front of the door. Everyone was already there. We left for the Ringu. Miku smiled and linked her arm through mine, chatting aimlessly. I nodded absentmindedly, not paying any attention. She talked too much. Speaking of talking too much...

I craned my neck to try and see Luka. I finally caught sight of her and Meiko at the back. Meiko was talking, waving her arms around to emphasise some point. Luka was smiling and, from what I can assume, laughing. I wasn't sure because there was no sound coming from her. But she was smiling broadly and her shoulders were shaking. I wriggled my arm out of Miku's slyly while she was distracted and fell back a little so I could try and pick up some of their conversation.

"So Luka, are you still going to dancing lessons?"


"That's good, I bet you're great!"


"You'll have to put on a show for us sometime. I'll sing!"

Silence. Did this girl ever speak?