Haru's POV

I soaked a dry hand towel into a bucket of water and tightly drenched the water out of it, placing it onto her burning forehead. I grabbed the stool that was sitting in the corner of my room and sat down, resting my arms on my thighs.

She really shouldn't push herself over her limit. Staying up all night to finish overdue assignments, participating in after school activities, taking care of me when I was sick, worrying over me when there was really nothing to worry about.

My stomach tightened from the guilt that was settling at the bottom of my stomach. I sighed, lifting my head up to look at her face.

She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping..

It was probably the stress, the work, the worrying, and the exhaustion that had all piled up on her at the same time that made her collapse so suddenly. Not only that, but I had gotten her sick. While I was getting better gradually, she was doing the opposite.

I pressed my lips into a firm line and eyed her movements.

Her breathing is unsteady.

It looks like she's breathing from her mouth.

Her hand twitches every once in a while.

Her brows slightly furrow, then relax.

Sweat is building up on her face, hands, and legs.

She looks like she's suffering under her uniform. I got up from the stool and leaned reached the window that was above the bed. I quietly opened it, letting in a cool breeze.

It looked like her uniform was sticking to her body from the sweat. The breeze was not enough.

Maybe if I just take off some layers of the uniform..

I flinched back at the realization of what I was thinking, my face crumpling for a second while I was at it. I thought twice about the idea of literally undressing her. Tapping my fingers on the night stand repeatedly, I wondered if I should do it or not. If it's going to help her breathe better and sleep better, I should, right?

I swallowed thickly, lifting my hand to the buttons. My hand twitched a couple times before I reluctantly unbuttoned the first one as carefully as I could, trying to not wake her up. I had a feeling I was going to regret it if she woke up in the middle of me undressing her. My cheeks felt as if they had gotten warmer instantly.

Slowly but carefully, I tucked one hand under her back so it was easier to pull the blazer off. I gently tugged the sleeve of the blazer off of her, showing the knitted vest she wore under that.

Finally getting to the last button of the vest, I smoothly pulled it off her shoulders and threw it on the edge of the bed. I tugged at the bow that was tied around the collar of her dress shirt, loosening it.

I was glad she didn't squirm or switch sleeping positions. That would have made it more complicated than it already was.

I put both of my fingers on the first button of her dress shirt and instantly stiffened, my brows slightly twitching.

I have to.. unbutton this shirt now..?

Immediately, I yanked my hands off the button and hastily turned around, looking at the wall. I covered the lower half of my face with the back of my hand, hiding my cheeks that were tinted red. I didn't even notice the droplets of sweat that were trickling down my face. I took a quick glance at her in the corner of my eye to see if she was still in a deep sleep.

Turning around, I took a deep breath and pulled the stool closer to her. I furrowed my brows in determination, and unbuttoned the first button.

I could just unbutton the first few ones..

Sliding my hand down to the next button, I hesitantly tried to unbutton it, lifting my hand up once in a while to think twice about it.

Her neck and collarbones were exposed after I finally unbuttoned the second one. What was she going to think when she wakes up like this? I completely froze when she switched sleeping positions and mumbled something.

"Really, I'm fine.."

She brought her legs closer to her chest and squeezed her eyes tight, as if they weren't closed already.

"You really.. don't have to worry.."

I sighed in relief as to realizing that she was just sleep talking.

Even in her sleep shes troublesome.

Ai-ya.. I feel like Haru was a bit OOC. But hey, anyone undressing a girl while she's sleeping would react the same, right? ._.

Okay this might sound sudden, but I think I will be moving the Sick Days fanfiction to my DeviantArt. asdfghjkxxm (Please watch and fave on there so you can keep track of the upcoming chapters!)

This is the last chapter I will post on here(probably) , before I repost the old ones onto DA.

It's because the rule of not being able to have a second person POV that I heard from FluerDeLeis (Zephyros22 on DA) That's why I decided that my last chapter on here should at least be in first person POV.

Like her, I want to obey the rules and guidelines of this site, so that is what I'll be doing. In the future, I will probably delete this fanfiction and leave this chapter on only, for those that don't know where the others are.

But yeah, I just wanted to keep you guys updated! Gomen for the late chapter againnn T^T

By the way, thank you for all your kind reviews! It means a LOT!

And also, very sorry for having to transfer this fanfiction to DA! forgIVE MEEE OAO

(I'm thinking of writing an Eren x Levi or something else and posting it on here in the future owo)