AN: Since this story is already weird I decided to make it even odder, by pairing Minato up with one of the main characters. Why? Well I do love Minato with Kushina (one of the few heterosexual pairings I full heartedly agree on), but I wanted to see where this would go.
Anyways I thanks for the reviews!
{The Yellow Flash Reborn!}
With wide unblinking eyes Minato stared at the red-headed woman as she cooed at him in 'the baby voice' that adults loved to use when talking to a young child. Though that wasn't what was making him so shocked, no it was her uncanny resemblance to Kushina.
Well give or take a few points, if he wasn't so close to her, the Yondaime had no doubts that he would have confused her with the hot-blooded Uzumaki.
"You definitely have Reborn's good looks." The red head cooed as she ran her fingers through his hair. "And his hair."
He cocked his head to the side in acknowledgement, knowing that underneath the fedora, which was what the hat was called he realized, Reborn did indeed have spikey hair.
The seven year old turned his gaze from the woman, searching for his 'father' who had mysteriously disappeared not moments before the woman had arrived. Something told him that she wasn't like the other women that Reborn had 'fun' with, she held herself like someone who knew how to fight, so perhaps the hitman was afraid of her.
Minato highly doubted that Reborn was actually afraid, but more along the lines of making himself scarce so that she didn't have a chance to latch onto him. Minato had similar experiences with his fans in Konhoa and didn't respect the man any less for making a safe retreat.
Still, what kind of parent left their child in the middle of Italy with a random stranger?
"Here," He broke out of his train of thought to glance at the plate of cookies the woman was offering him. "I made this for you."
He paused and glanced between the sweets and the woman's smiling face, years of being trained as a Ninja making him wary of any food people gave him. Though he highly doubted that it was poisoned, giving that the woman seemed to be deeply in love with Reborn, Minato couldn't be certain that the woman was a threat or not.
"I made them with love so I'm sure they will taste delicious." The woman still had a smile on her face, but her voice gained a dangerous edge to it that made him instantly on guard. He sent an uneasy glance at the cookies, stuck between eating them or facing the wrath of the woman. He knew all too well what a pissed off red-head could accomplish, especially if he didn't eat the food she spent her time on and think it was the best thing in the world.
Hesitantly he grabbed a cookie from the plate, it looked like a normal chocolate chip cookie, he sniffed it freezing when the inside of his nose was almost burnt by the harsh sent coming off the sweet.
The woman smiled at him brightly, her eyes sparkling. "Go ahead, it's completely full of my love for your father, Reborn."
Minato gulped, his eyes glancing around frantically for any sign of said man. There was no doubt that if he ate the cookie he would immediately be unconscious, but if he didn't she would more than likely pummel him.
When he didn't spot the familiar fedora, Minato knew he would have to find a way out himself. This meant drastic actions were to be taken, ones that he only used when he was desperate.
A soft smile slowly formed on the small child's face, and the woman watched stunned as the sun hit the golden locks just right forming a halo around the child's handsome features. "I'm sorry." Blue eyes the color of the sky gazed regretfully at her, and for a moment she saw a full grown man in front of her not a small child. "But I have to go."
A dazed nod was all Minato needed to drop the cookie and run as fast as he could the other direction.
Still running Minato sent a narrowed eyed glared toward the fedora wearing baby, who didn't seem at all bothered that he had left his son to the wolves.
Reborn smirked approvingly, keeping pace with his son as they made their way down the street. Bianchi was a hard woman to get away from, especially if she had her full attention on you, but of course his son accomplished that effortlessly.
'Lesson: Learn how to use mafia seduction-Complete.'
{The Yellow Flash Reborn}
AN: Hope you enjoyed the chapter, Not Reincarnation. A second chance! Will being updated soon. :P I apologize for any mistakes.