This is a story about how Sydney, in her desperate need to see Nigel happy, inadvertently puts him, Preston and herself in great danger when events from Nigel and Preston's past, quite shockingly, catch up with them. When Nigel then almost dies at the hands of a sadistic gang of kidnappers, Sydney begins to realise that her feelings for him are much deeper than she'd previously thought. However, as he'd been so brutally attacked and abused in all manner of ways, there's doubt as to whether or not he'll be mentally capable of living a normal life again! Read on and find out how this all occurs!

16 Dec 2003

Sydney Fox walked into the ancient studies department of Trinity College early one Monday morning feeling a little hung-over. She'd been out the previous evening with a group of friends and although it was fun, it was the middle of December, it was cold and wet and she desperately longed for some sunshine.

Although much in demand as a relic hunter all over the world, she still had many friends at home and led a very active social life. This was, however, quite in contrast to her young teaching assistant, Nigel Bailey, whose social life was practically, non-existent.

Sydney was concerned about Nigel's lack of friends, as he never appeared to have any fun; all he seemed to do was work, study, accompany her on relic hunts and have the odd date…..that mostly ended in heartache! She'd often asked him to come out with her and he did occasionally, when she wasn't with a large crowd, or when she threatened to tear up his book!

Although it was very clear Nigel liked women, he was always so shy and awkward around them, particularly if they were beautiful, or came on to him too strongly. Having realised that, Sydney took it upon herself to help and advise him on the fairer sex, although she'd noticed just recently he'd been avoiding the subject of women altogether.

Believing he'd become uncomfortable discussing his girlfriends with her, she considered that what he really needed was a more experienced male friend to talk to, or better still; if she could ever get them on speaking terms, the help of his older brother Preston!

Nigel's home life was what she considered, boring and had been like that since he'd been working with her; some three and a half years. In all that time he'd never even taken a vacation and, try as she might; she'd never been able to persuade him to spend Christmas, or any other holiday, with his brother.

She was, of course, aware that Preston, who was seven years older than Nigel, constantly belittled and overshadowed him. However, she really believed that, deep down, they loved each other and that Nigel would genuinely benefit from having his big brother back in his life.

This wasn't just wishful thinking on Sydney's part either, as they'd both said things that made it quite apparent how they truly felt and she'd witnessed Nigel's kindness towards his brother several times!

On one occasion, upon hearing that Preston might lose his much-loved job at the British Museum, Nigel gave his brother a vial which had once contained water from the Fountain of Youth. This kind gesture enabled Preston to impress his boss with the relic and in so doing, he kept his job; although in truth, he'd no need to work at all. Unfortunately, although Nigel's act of kindness should have brought the brothers together, it didn't, as Preston immediately behaved quite selfishly, causing another rift!

Sydney sat in her office mulling over the situation between the two brothers and began to recall a conversation she'd had with Preston during a recent relic hunt, the third one he'd joined them on. During that discussion he'd expressed his concerns that Nigel was constantly in danger working with her and that his little brother had wrongly assumed that he didn't love him. Of course, she'd responded by telling Preston that she worried about Nigel too; but that she did all she could to protect him, which was more than he was doing!

Realising she'd got his attention, she'd gone on to say that it was time he actually showed Nigel he cared, rather than causing him such anguish and heartbreak!

Having knocked back a larger than normal brandy, Preston had uncharacteristically responded by saying how foolish he'd been to continually belittle and undermine Nigel when, clearly, it was having a detrimental effect on him. Of course, Preston being Preston, he didn't take all of the blame but said he considered Nigel was over sensitive and should simply know that he loves him!

Remembering her annoyance at this she then recalled she'd agreed Nigel was sensitive and then told him, quite angrily, that if he was aware of this, it made his behaviour all the more irresponsible and that she'd personally witnessed his tactlessness in the past and was sickened by it!

It had been clear by Preston's reaction that he was surprised by her attitude, as he appeared to think she'd side with him, be sympathetic to his needs and give Nigel a lecture about not holding grudges. However, after giving her comments some further consideration; he'd confessed that he'd treated Nigel badly for so long, it was now almost second nature; although he swore that he meant no harm.

To put an end to this frank conversation she remembered telling him that if he really wanted to get along with Nigel, he'd have to change his attitude; or lose his little brother forever. Annoyingly, however, his last words to her on that subject were; so will he!

That comment was so typical of him and showed clearly he needed as much help to get over the past as Nigel did. It was for that reason, and because she felt that Nigel was hurting too much at the moment, that she decided to take the bull by the horns and try to bring them together herself. The problem was; how was she going to achieve that when Nigel had adamantly and a little emotionally, stated that he never wanted to see Preston again!

Sitting in her office, her head still thumping, she looked out through the glass partition and saw Nigel hard at work marking papers and doing all manner of other things that made her life so much easier.

She mulled over the problem again and again when suddenly she had an idea; although she realised to achieve her goal she'd have to be a little bit sneaky and tell a few lies!

Firstly she made a few telephone calls, mainly to her colleagues at Trinity, just so Nigel would see that she was talking to someone. She then rushed back to the outer office and excitedly said "Nige! Remember that stack of gold that Paul Avery told us about? You know… the one that pirates supposedly hid in Brazil?"

"Yes, of course; you told Paul it was just a myth and he got really annoyed with you…. I think he just wanted you all to himself down in Rio! He certainly didn't want me along anyway!" Nigel said, remembering how insulted he'd felt at the time and wondering why she'd brought that up again.

"Well, what if I told you I was just speaking to Paul and he told me he's located a map which shows the exact whereabouts of the gold!?" Sydney said convincingly enough to fool Nigel.

"That's fantastic!….has he e-mailed you a copy of the map?" he asked, getting up from his desk "because if it's genuine, it'll definitely be worth a trip to Rio…..although Christmas is just around the corner; you can't be thinking of going right now, surly! I thought you were planning to go to Hawaii."

"I was but dad's planning a surprise for Jenny and I'd feel in the way; so there's no problem" she said, quite truthfully, giving him one of those looks that said; 'this could be big!'

She then went on to explain that Paul was unable to scan the map and e-mail it to her but that he wanted both of them to join him in Rio, as he believed that Nigel's expertise in these matters would be crucial. Nigel felt a twinge of pride upon hearing that but, of course, that was all part of the plan!

Eventually, regardless of how fake this hunt really was, she managed to convince Nigel that it would be amazing and that even though she hadn't actually seen the map, Paul had had it authenticated and was in Rio right now waiting for them.

As soon as she was happy that Nigel believed what she said, and definitely wanted to go, she returned to her office and called Preston, in London.

Keeping up the pretence she explained about the 'hunt', ensuring he was unaware of her ulterior motives for inviting him and making him feel rather special. Preston was delighted and secretly relieved to accept her offer, as without that he'd have been forced, once again, to spend Christmas alone, as Nigel, for the third year running, had completely ignored his invitation to join him. Feeling rather depressed by that, he told Sydney that he believed his brother would never forget the past and that even though it was going to be another difficult meeting with Nigel, he was still willing to sacrifice his Christmas to help her out!

Sensing his unhappiness, she tried to reassure Preston that if he went about things the right way, Nigel would respond favourably, although she realised, as she'd thought about this situation at lot, there was probably more to their relationship problems than either brother was saying.

Trying to lighten Preston's mood she went on to explain that she knew nothing more about the gold than she'd told him, but believed he had knowledge vital to the hunt.

Feeling quite sure he'd be coming she then explained she'd not arranged flights or accommodation for her and Nigel yet, but would call him when she had.

As much as Sydney hated lying she realised that this time she had to; at least until they'd all arrived in Rio. At that time she figured, as long as she could prevent Nigel from immediately flying back home, she'd be able to deal with his anger then.

19th Dec day 1 in Rio

As it turned out Preston managed to get a flight to Rio immediately and arrived the day before the relic hunters. Of course, he'd kept Sydney informed and, in fact, had arranged hotel accommodation for all of them for one night and car hire for a week, believing that's all that they'd need. Sydney, of course, hoping her plan would run smoothly, immediately called the hotel to book rooms for a further two weeks; hoping the brothers would bond in that time. Unfortunately, however, there was one little problem….apart from the first night, the hotel only had two rooms available!

Not letting that spoil her plans, she promptly booked them and arranged for flowers, chocolates and 6 beers to be placed in Nigel's room, along with a note saying "I'm sorry….Syd xx"!

The heat hit their faces as they got off the plane at Santos Dumont Airport and Sydney breathed in the warmth she'd so desperately longed for. Staring at Nigel, whose excitement at looking for pirate's gold was clear, she wished for a moment she'd not asked Preston along, realising he'd soon be unhappy again.

Glancing toward the exit, having passed through the arrivals gate, Nigel could hardly believe his eyes as, to his horror, he saw Preston running towards them with his arms outstretched!

"What the!" Nigel shouted, suddenly realising now why his boss had been so quiet on the plane!

Before he could say another word Preston threw his arms around Sydney "welcome to Rio Sydney….. um…you too Podge."

Nigel looked like he was about to explode as he stood there watching them hug! He was absolutely furious and shook head in disbelief as he heard Sydney say to his brother "nice to see you, glad you could make it."

Noticing the displeasure on Nigel's face and how devastated he was, she felt rather guilty inside and slightly worried that her plan might not work out if Nigel didn't calm down!

"Nige, I didn't mean to upset you…look I'll explain everything when we get to the hotel; you can have a nice shower, something to eat, then you'll feel much better" she said, hoping he wouldn't immediately insist on having his return ticket!

"I can't think why you need him along! He knows nothing about pirates' gold!" Nigel said, brushing his fingers through his hair and noticing how insulted his brother looked.

"As I said….I'll explain later" Sydney said, giving Nigel an apologetic look.

"Oh alright, alright, he's here now!" Nigel said not wishing to give his brother the satisfaction of seeing him have an argument with Sydney, which he knew he'd probably lose.

Preston took hold of Sydney's bag and offered to take his brother's too but Nigel, giving him an evil look, just yanked it back and followed them to the car.

A couple of hours later, after they'd freshened up and Nigel felt a little less irritated, having received Sydney's gifts, they were all sat around the dinner table in their luxurious hotel; the Copacabana Palace. Sydney was secretly paying for this, although Nigel, still believing it was a 'real' hunt, thought that Paul Avery was; he certainly couldn't afford it himself, even if his brother could.

Preston couldn't wait to hear about the hunt, although all Nigel wanted to know was why his brother was there, especially when Sydney knew how badly his brother behaved when they'd last seen each other.

Realising it was now or never, Sydney decided to come clean and explained everything, causing Nigel and Preston to sit there staring at each other with their arms folded, giving each other a look that said 'this is all your fault!'

PLEASE REVIEW – All we fanfiction writers live for a few kind words of encouragement, no matter how long the story has been on this site….. honestly! Please take a moment to review this and perhaps tick one of the other boxes.

In the next chapter read what happens to Nigel in the hotel bar and why he needs to be rescued! Plus Preston and Nigel discuss their past.