5 Minutes left
Robin and Kid flash had 5 minutes left to live. They were scared. No petrified. As long as the world was safe they would do it because that meant no more deaths. Their world had already been destroyed on the inside the entire league and their best friends were dead. Robin looked at the speedsters emerald green eyes. They were filled with fear and so much emotion. Robin didn't want to see his best friend die he had already seen his parents death. Why, oh why did god want him to see his loved ones die. A painful death. How horrible would his fate be? No ones life could be as bad as his and if it is worse than his. What would be worth living for?
4 minutes left.
Robin and Kid flash continued to run around this mother ship they only had 4 minutes to live they might as well have a good time together. Kid flash looked over to robin, why did humans run so slow? He picked up robin and continued to run. That's all he ever did run. Run from his problems. He might as well run with his best friend. They ran back to the core to see so many of the aliens. Now he would be with his friends. Kid flash would be with Barry and iris. Robin would be with Batman and his parents. They would be with all their friends again. That would be nice. To be happy and to be care free like he was before this. Then it would defiantly be nice.
3 minutes left
The aliens finally spotted the boys and they started to aim there death beams. Wally continued to run with the boy wonder in his arms. Nothing was going to stop him from leaving Robin. Wally ran and ran until he fell. Fell to the ground. Robin rolled out his arms and he was hanging of a ledge. He was holding on, his life was on the line. It really wouldn't matter if he fell he would be dead in a matter of minutes. None of this would really matter ever again after today. They would cease to exist. Would anyone care about them? Would anyone miss them? Would anyone know that Young Justice did this and no the justice league? That they were the heroes of today.
2 Minutes left
Wally got up as quite as he could. He ran to the younger boy and tried to pull him up. He nearly got him up until. Bang. One of the aliens did the death ray at Wally's back. Robin saw his crystal green eyes glisten with fear. Until he was no more. Robin Began to panic his best friend no brother had just been killed before his very eyes. Tears fell behind his mask. His life was now worthless. No more people he can love no more people he can have as a best friend. His body left horrible and his heart was tearing apart painfully. So much pain that it could split a whole in the universe. So much death in just one day. All people needed was hope but Robin lost hope when all his loved ones died.
1 minute left
He was still hanging for his life. He looked down at the ground it was so far down if he fell he would be sure to die. He closed his baby blue eyes behind the mask he was trembling with fear this was really it. His last moments of life. Robin let go of the ledge and started to fall. His life started to flash before his eyes. Him with his parents, becoming Bruce Wayne's ward. Started out as Robin, meeting Roy and Wally. Starting the team and then all their deaths. He hit the ground and the last thing he heard was his bones. Snap. Like his parents bones when they fell more snaps and so many screams and gasps. Then all he saw was black.
His eyes snapped open. His body jolted up and he had tears streaming down his pale face. He looked around to see all of his friends and Batman. He realised it was all fake. Why would Batman no his father do that to him? Megan was crying her heart out. She was in so much pain. Like him. Artemis didn't know what was going on she looked at everyone and he eyes landed on Megan. She moved so quickly over to Megan that speed could make a speedster jealous. She wrapped her arms around the Martian and started to whisper calming words to her. Her tone was soft and calm. Kaldur looked at all his team mates and he saw so much depression with all of them. It broke his heart to see them all so Brocken. Kaldur looked down at the ground he didn't want to make eye contact with his team. Superboy sat there so many thoughts ran through his head. Wally's eyes had fear in them. Robin didn't want nothing more than to run over to Wally and hold him close but his mind was messed. Really messed.
Batman looked at Robin with sorrow in his eyes. Robin cried harder than ever before. He wanted to stop so badly but the tears kept falling down and down until they hit the ground. Batman walked up to the small boy and put his big hands on the small but firm shoulders. Batman wanted to hug the boy wonder and hold him close and tell him everything was going to be ok and he was so sorry. But the cape crusader couldn't do that he was supposed to be dark and mysterious. He could do nothing to help his son. After what felt like forever Wally got up and pulled Robin into a strong and loving hug. Batman and Martian Manhunter went into the middle of the room and Batman said "We are sorry for putting you through that without your permission." He looked over at Robin and continued speaking "You will not be doing any missions until you recover." With that they both left the room and the traumatised children.