I do not own anything that deals with Sonic and his team. This is my version of what I think Sonic X should be going like. I'm not going to spoil any of it just for the surprise. I hope you enjoy it. Also I did add some more things to this chapter since I found this chapter just a little short to my taste so now it has over 6,000 words which makes me happy. I have another chapter that's shorter, but I can't think of anything to extend that one so. I hope you enjoy the rewrite. I will not be changing my A/N at the end of the story though.

It was a peaceful night for Big the Cat. He was holding onto his fishing rod with the line already cast out into the lake and was leaning against a tree with his head leaning forward asleep, but his big purple ears go up when he hears a siren go off during the night. He opens his eyes and turns his head to the tower that had lights turning on everywhere on Eggman's base.

Sonic the Hedgehog, fastest animal and hedgehog ever known, is running through the forest to the base and smirks when he hears the alarms go off. 'This is going to be fun.' He picked his speed up a bit when he saw Eggman's defenses coming into view. He sees the front robots and keeps the smirk on his face before running in another direction to start avoiding getting shot at by the robots. He keeps his pace and runs across the field parallel to the base. When he notices the rockets going into the air he turns sharply and takes off towards the base again.

The rockets flew into the air, came back around, and went right towards Sonic. Sonic dodged each rocket with little effort and never changed his speed as smoke started to cover up the area for Sonic to not be noticed by the robots in front of the gate. Sonic's smirk never faltered when he came out of the smoke for the robots to see him. He jumps onto one of the small robots that was shooting at him then onto another one before going over the gate of Eggman's base. 'Where are the big toys Eggman? This better not be everything you got for me to handle.' He thought happily. He chuckled a bit when the alarm went off again which activated the big robot to wake up to 'destroy' him. He runs up to a wall and skids to a stop when he saw two robots come up before taking off in another direction. He starts running on a slanted part of the base when a robot came out from behind a wall behind him.

The robot chased after him on the outside part of the base. He ran into an opening he saw in the base and kept on running while keeping a short notice on the robot chasing after him that came inside. He sees a robot crash through the wall in front of him and ran through a small hole that appeared on his left. He came back outside and accidentally activated a trap that had Eggman's face on it when one of the robots smash through the wall. The trap sprung Sonic up into the air which made him yell in surprise which made one of the robots swing it's arm back. The robot swung forward and hit Sonic with its robotic hand which made Sonic fly away from the base even more.

"Sonic!" Tails, the two tailed fox, yelled while driving the Tornado into the area of the base with Amy Rose, a pink hedgehog, in the passenger's seat. He drove it through the base a little low while the robots started to shoot at the plane. He flew through the base and tried to dodge the lasers being shot at the Tornado. Unfortunately the plane was hit three times when it started to catch on fire.

Amy looked down at the side of the plane a couple seconds after hearing the explosion on the plane. "Tails, the plane is on fire." She told him before looking up at him. "What are we going to do?"

"We're going to save Sonic." He said with no fear showing on his face at all. He moved the plane closer to Sonic's location in the air and fired a rocket towards his best friend. The rocket broke apart showing the power ring, and the ring fell towards the ground right at Sonic's location.

'Thanks Tails. I needed this.' Sonic caught the ring before landing on the ground and took off towards the base full of more energy than when he started just a couple minutes earlier. He flew at Sonic speed while spinning around with his trademark smirk on his face. He went through every small robot outside the gate at the base which blew them up immediately when he came out. He kept on going and rammed right into one of the big robots which made it slide back into another big robot behind it. He broke through their armor and kept on going. A robot thought it stopped Sonic when it's hand landed right on Sonic, but Sonic spun right through the hand a second later and ran right up to the top of the tower of the base breaking one of the lights on his way in.

"Hang on Amy!" Tails told Amy while trying to land the plane.

The plane landed on the ground but kept on going towards a rock which made Amy scream, "We're gonna crash!"

"I know!" Tails said right back with fear covering his face. Knuckles the Echidna, guardian of the master emerald, destroyed the rock with his knuckles and got on the rock when Tails and Amy flew by the area. He kept his eyes on the two to see if they were alright. They turned their head at Knuckles which made Tails gasp in surprise. "Knuckles!"

"Hm." Knuckles said before turning his gaze to the base where Sonic was battling the robots.

"What's the matter with him?" Amy asked getting a little upset with Knuckles.

Knuckles watched as explosions happened after another and said, "Overkill, just like always."

Meanwhile in another part of the forest Sally Acorn, Sonic's childhood friend, was watching the battle through her binoculars while her friends Bunnie, a bunny partly roboticized, and Rotor, a purple walrus, were standing behind her watching the explosions happen one after another. "I am so glad we left Antoine back at home." Rotor muttered happily as they watched through the clearing as they arrived as soon as they heard the alarm.

"Ah agree." Bunnie said without taking her eyes off the light show. "Ah don't like it when he screams and shakes in fear."

Rotor mumbled, "But, you're his girlfriend."

"Does that seem to matter to meh right now?" Bunnie asked a little annoyed. "Ah didn't want him to come for good reasons."

Sally, who was not paying attention to what the others were saying, watched when Sonic went inside and whispered, "Be careful Sonic."

Rotor looked at Sally with a small frown on his face and sighed, 'This was her idea.' He put his hand on Sally's shoulder and said, "This is Sonic we're talking about Sally. He'll be fine."

"It doesn't stop me from worrying about him." She whispered which made Rotor sigh.

'No, but you've been worrying about him since the day he left to stop Eggman from attacking other parts of the world.' He thought sadly. He looked at her while she just watched the explosions happen. 'You haven't been completely yourself since he left. Bunnie and I know that you miss him Sally. This trip should do you some good.'

"Dr. Eggman, the facility is in 100% lock down." Decoe, a tall yellow robot, told Dr. Eggman.

"Why does that cursed Sonic always get in my way?" Dr. Eggman, a mad genius at science and robotics, asked angrily.

"He doesn't get in your way Dr. Eggman." Cream, a young bunny, told Dr. Eggman which made him turn his head to the clear cage that was holding her and Cheese, a chao that is Cream's best friend. "Sonic just tries to stop you from doing all the bad things you like to do."

"Chao chao." Cheese said worryingly.

"Well is that so." Eggman said turning himself around with the red chaos emerald in his right hand for her to see. "Well, he is too late to stop me this time. Once I install the last chaos emerald into my energy amplifier will be invincible."

"You can't do that!" Cream said while holding Cheese close by.

"Chao, chao, chao!" Cheese said.

"That's right. Sonic won't let you get away with this." Cream told Eggman confidently while Rouge the bat, woman who loves pretty things, watched with amusement.

Eggman started laughing. "You're wrong Creamy Dreamy." He laughs some more then said, "He can't stop...HEH!" An explosion with the door happens right behind him which made him turn around to see Sonic's usual trademark smirk on his face.

"Sonic!" Cream yelled happily to see her friend.

"Sonic..." Eggman started with shock before turning his face from shock to a smirk, "too late." He installs the red chaos emerald into and presses a few buttons before pulling out a button that was meant to be pressed while being held in his hand. "You never stop me now Sonic." He starts laughing menacingly for a little bit then said, "All I have to do is to push this little button."

"Yeah, if you can push it before I grab it." Sonic said back which made Eggman's evil smile become a worried frown.

Eggman's frown became an evil smile when he saw one of his robot appear behind Sonic. "Why don't you give it a try." Sonic took off with the smirk never leaving his face while the robot starts shooting repeatedly at him.

"I'm going in." Sally said before putting her binoculars away in her bag.

"What?!" Rotor and Bunnie yelled in surprise.

"Are yah crazy Sally-girl?" Bunnie asked her best friend.

"I have a feeling that something bad is about to happen guys, and I need to get there to make sure it doesn't happen." She told them.

"We'll come with you." Rotor said not wanting her to go alone.

Sally puts her hands up and says, "No, I need you guys to stay back and see if Tails needs help since his plane might have crashed earlier."

"Be careful Sally girl. Sugar-hog hasn't seen us for a couple years now, and yah don't know wha Eggman has up his sleeve." Bunnie told her.

"I will be." Sally took off through the forest to the base while Rotor and Bunnie ran off to the place where they saw Tails' plane fly down at. She ran through the forest out to the open field and nodded when she saw none of the robots outside were functioning. 'This will be a good time to set up some explosives while I'm at it.' She thought. 'Unfortunately, I forgot to bring them since I wasn't planning on attacking Robotnik the night my friends and I decide to come pay Sonic and Tails a visit. I really have bad timing.'

'Yah just want to be in the action Sally-girl.' Bunnie thought when a smirk appeared on her face. 'Ah know yah missed it.' She continued running with Rotor not too far behind.

Sonic ran across the wall of the room with the robot shooting after him repeatedly. Rouge got behind a small part of the wall near the window to avoid getting hit by the lasers while Eggman was giving commands to the robot to shoot Sonic down. Sonic landed in front of Eggman with a smirk on his face which made Eggman panic. "AH, no hold your fire!" He yelled at the robot before ducking while Sonic jumped out of the way. The robot fired some lasers which hit the glass on the machine Eggman was going to start up. He got back up after the firing stop and pressed the button. "Ha! Here we go!" He turned around and saw sparks flying from it. "Huh? What have you done?" He asked the robot. Everyone in the room watched in shock as the core started to brighten up the room.

Sally skidded to a stop when she saw light coming out of the tower which made her frown. "This cannot be good." She muttered without planning on moving from her spot when the light starts coming towards her.

Bunnie and Rotor stop running towards Tails and the others when they saw the light as well. They gasp in surprise and don't end up moving from their spot when the light starts coming towards them. "Well, I guess this is it then." Rotor muttered disappointingly.

"Don't say that." Bunnie muttered before they disappeared in the light.

"What is that?" Amy asked curiously while watching it from her spot on the destroyed rock.

Knuckles watched with his arms crossed and answered a few seconds later. "It used to be chaos control." They watched as the light came towards and covered them with it. Big the cat had turned back to his fishing but turned his head again when the bright light had enveloped him just a couple seconds later. The light covered up most of the area and those who were near the area and transported everyone closest to Eggman's base to another world.

Sally Acorn groaned and woke up unaware of her surroundings. She started to hear beeping of car horns nearby but wasn't able to see what was around her yet. She shook her head and started to see a bunch of lights around her which made everything become clear. She recognized that she was in an alleyway and decided to find out where she was while the beeping noises kept on going. She stuck her head out of the alleyway and saw all the buildings and cars in the city which made her gasp in surprise. "I don't think I'm near Eggman's base anymore." She heard the car horns blaring off again then saw some people standing around staring at something that was nearby. She slipped through the crowd and saw Sonic standing there looking at the police officers confused.

She heard people gasp behind her and turned her head slowly. She noticed them staring at her with surprised looks and started to walk away from them slowly towards Sonic's direction. She started to hear them mutter to themselves or each other and didn't notice the police officer creeping up behind her which Sonic did notice. Sonic ran past the officers picked up Sally then ran off down the street with Sally in his arms. Sally felt everything going so fast before she realized what happened. She looked up at Sonic with a concerned look on her face. "Sonic?"

Sonic glanced down at her and smirked, "How's it going Sal? It's sure a big surprise to see you here."

"I was planning on meeting you and Tails today with Rotor and Bunnie, but you were busy with Robotnik." She answered before looking around. "Do you have any idea where we are?" She asked him.

Sonic jumped onto the hood of a police car that he came up to and looked around with Sally doing the same in his arms. "I don't know how we got her Sal, but we need to get out of here fast." Sally nodded and let him jump and run away from the police car where two shocked police men were staring at their leaving forms.

"They were in pursuit, and the animals got away?" The helicopter pilot asked shocked. "Can't those guys even catch a hedgehog?"

The other cop next to the pilot saw Sonic and Sally on the road and said, "There they are."

The light of the helicopter landed on Sally and Sonic which made Sally look up at the helicopter with her eyes squinting a bit. "Sonic, we're being chased by some sort of flying machine."

Sonic nodded, "Good to know, but it seems that there is something blocking my way to run up ahead." Sally got the message and put her arms around Sonic's neck to hold on. Sonic chuckled, "Does this remind you of the good old days?"

Sally chuckled, "It would if we knew what we are running from." They both chuckle at the line before Sonic jumped over the road block. Sonic landed on the other side of the road block and took off with Sally smiling in his arms. 'This is definitely like the old days.' She thought happily

"You said Rotor and Bunnie were with you." Sonic stated which made Sally snap out of her thoughts and nod in agreement. "Any chance good old Ant came along?"

"We left him behind for good reasons." They both snicker at the comment she just made and were unaware of the Speed Team that were coming towards them. "Anyway, what was Eggman up to just before we ended up here?"

"Eggman had gotten his hands on the sixth chaos emerald and captured Cream and Cheese in the process." Sonic started. "Tails, Amy, and I decided to attack Eggman's base, save Cream and Cheese, and get the chaos emeralds back from Eggman. We nearly won until that bright light happened."

Sally nodded and asked, "How did it happen?"

Sonic smiled nervously, "I got to the room where Cream and Cheese, and the chaos emeralds were at when a robot that I missed came up behind me. I ran from the bot and heard Eggman rant on about it shooting me whatever it casts." Sonic started to feel a couple sweat drops coming down his back at this part of the story. "I decided to stop right in front of Eggman which frightened him. We dodged the lasers begin shot, but the lasers hit the machine. Eggman got up and pressed the button to start the machine, and the rest is history."

Sally sighed at what she was told and felt Sonic stop on the road. Sonic let Sally get out of his arms and looked at the city with her right next to him. "Whoa." Sally whispered in surprise. "It looks beautiful."

Sonic nodded in agreement. "It seems we traveled through space, but did we travel through time as well?" He wondered out loud.

"Doesn't look like it, but I can't be one to tell right now." Sally answered. She grabbed NICOLE from her holster off her boot and opened up the machine. "NICOLE, can you get the analysis on where we are?"

"Let me see Sally." NICOLE said before scanning the area by connecting to…She couldn't connect to anything. "I'm sorry Sally, but it seems the technology here on this planet is not as advance as the technology from our planet. I'm unable to find out where we are? I also can't detect anyone of our friends as well right now."

'Are the others even here?' They both thought sadly.

"Thanks NICOLE." Sally closed NICOLE and looked at Sonic. "This is not good. We need to know if the others are even here."

Sonic let his sadness go and said, "You worry too much Sal. We'll find them. I know we will." Sally nodded and followed Sonic out to the middle of the road when they heard a noise. They turn their heads to the five squad cars coming towards them.

Sam, the chief of the speed team, got out of his car and waved his hand at them. "Hey there, you guys are a hard duo to keep up with." Sonic decides to ignore the man and turns half way around when Sam says, "Hey hold on." He took off his helmet and the face mask. "We don't get such fast company very often. In fact I'm glad you showed up."

"That's no surprise." Sally muttered while crossing her arms.

Sam just continued on without hearing the comment that Sally just said. "This place is way too peaceful." Sonic and Sally stare at Sam with curious expressions. "Over the last twelve months I only made one arrest. Some joker got it into his head that he was a hot shot driver. Had his own formula 1 car and everything."

"This is getting us nowhere." Sally muttered with annoyance dripping from her mouth. 'This guy is starting to sound like Sonic only stupider and even fuller of himself.' She thought before blowing her hair away from her eye.

"I guess he thought he would give me a run for my money, but it was all over in a minute. It took me longer than that to suit up." Sonic turned his body back around with his hands on his hips with his usual trademark smirk. Sally glanced at Sonic and let out a small chuckle. Sam chuckled at their reactions. "He never had a chance. Of course it's our own fault. This town's dull mainly because of us. You see we're the high speed pursuit unit-the S Team-, and I'm the leader of the team." Sally narrows her eyebrows a bit while taking a couple steps closer to Sonic. "They call me the highway star. So even if you think you're the fastest things around." Sam narrowed his eyes at them. "Think again." The two gasp in surprise which made Sonic pick Sally up then take off with the four squad cars following them. 'Run fast hedgehog. I want to the one that catches you guys.'

Sonic ran down the freeway with Sally holding onto him and glanced behind him. "The S Team huh? The S must stand for slow motion." He said jokingly before picking up more speed with his eyes back in front of him.

"This isn't time for jokes Sonic." Sally reminded him. "These guys want to catch us for some reason, but I don't seem to know completely why yet."

"If you ask me I think it's because we arrived on this planet out of nowhere, and no one has an idea of who we are right now which makes us outsiders of this planet." Sonic stated while trying to keep Sally from getting angry with him. 'I'm glad that I just thought that up. I do not want to face an angry Sally right now.'

Sally sighed in agreement. "You have a point there." She looked back and saw the squad cars catching up. "It looks like those things are picking up speed Sonic."

Sonic kept his eyes on the squad cars after Sally's statement and said, "Hold on tight Sal. I'm going to have a little fun with these guys." Sally nodded as the four squad cars finally caught up to them. "Well, well, well it's starting to look like the rush hour." He said confidently as the four squad cars pulled up and surrounded them. "Oh no, how will I ever escape?" He asked sarcastically. Sally groaned at his joke while he chuckled then disappeared from the spot.

"Where is he?" The front guy asked while looking around on the left side while driving. Sonic tapped the window on the right side which made the driver turn his head to the duo. They wink at the man before Sonic took off again. Then the man looked through the front window only for Sonic and Sally to look down at the man from the top of the car. "Hey you, this is dangerous. It's irresponsible. What happens if kids start trying this?"

Sally sweat dropped, "You can't be srious."

Sonic looked up and said, "Kids don't use Formula 1 race cars to chase down hedgehogs." Sally rolled her eyes at Sonic's statement while Sonic jumped off the car and took off at a faster speed. "I'm gonna have some more fun with these guys."

"It better not be anything too stupid Sonic." Sally told him.

"Don't worry. I'm just going to show myself off by running backwards."

'One of these days Sonic you will get caught because of stupid stunts like these.' Sally thought sadly. She chuckled, 'Who am I kidding? He does this because he knows what to do. I need to stop worrying so much.'

"Trust me on this Sal. You're going to enjoy this." Sonic turned around and smirked when the men in the squad cars looked up to see the pair smirk at them.

"What the...? How can...? It's playing with us." One of the men said.

"Where'd these things come from?" Another man asked in surprise.

"Chief, you got to do something." The first man told him.

Sam drove his car a few yards behind his team and said to himself, "Play time is now over." He turned the conversation over to the team. "Attention all units. Open the center line!" The four squad cars move apart for Sam to come through them in the center. "I didn't think I have to do this, but I have no choice." He starts getting a little frustrated at what Sonic was doing and narrows his eyes at Sonic. "I will not have anyone faster than me on my highway." He move his hand down on a handle and turns it to activate the super nitro on his car. His car starts picking up speed and goes past his squad which makes Sonic and Sally look at the guy in shock.

Sonic moves out of the way and smirks, "Well, it's about time they brought out the big guns. Sally, you'll need to hold onto me real tight this time. I'm going Sonic speed." Sally raps her arms around him tightly but keeps her eyes on the road ahead of them while Sonic prepares himself. "Let's do this."

Sam laughed to himself in victory. "The only way he can beat me now if that he goes Super Sonic!" He smirks under his mask in victory then turns his eyes to his left where Sonic caught up to him. His eyes widen when he hears a boom and exclaims, "A sonic boom! He's moving faster than the speed of sound!"

"Chief, you're running out of road!" One of his men told him which made him gasp in surprise. He activated his parachutes on the back of his car and slammed on the brakes immediately while Sonic kept on going down the road.

Sonic looked behind him and Sally and chuckled. "Sonic!"

"Huh?" Sonic turns his attention to the front and says, "Well, this is going to be a little interesting, but you better not let go Sal." Sonic ran off the road and flew by some wind turbines which made the turbines go faster making the city brighter as they flew over it. They looked down at the city in amazement while Sonic thought of the person he just raced. 'At least I have someone to play with.' He smirked at the thought. "This place doesn't seem so bad."

"Yeah, it looks kind of beautiful from up here." Sally said in agreement while they held onto each other. "Why did you even consider doing something like that anyway?"

Sonic shrugged, "Figured it could have been interesting."

Sally sighed and shook her head. "You haven't changed a bit."

Sonic chuckled, "I could say the same for you." They kept their gazes out on the city until they noticed they were landing close to the ground. Sonic looked down at where they would land and smiled nervously, "Oh no, this isn't good."

Sally looked at the pool and chuckled, "Relax Sonic. You got me here to get you out."

"That doesn't mean I want to land in the pool. I want to avoid it at all costs." Sonic told her while trying to see if he could avoid getting in the pool which made Sally roll her eyes. "This is bad." They fall down into the pool which makes a big splash from it.

Chris Thorndyke, a normal twelve yr. old boy, heard the splash and woke up from his sleep. He got out of bed, turned his desk light on and looked outside the window by moving his curtain a bit. He saw Sonic and Sally in the pool and ran out of his room to go help them. 'I'm gonna help those guys.'

Sally just stood on the bottom of the pool with her arms crossed while watching Sonic trying to run to the ladder on the other side of the pool. Sonic kept on trying to run there then gave up when he noticed that he didn't move a bit which made Sally sigh inwardly. She grabbed his hand and swam up to the top of the pool with him following when someone jumped into the pool to help them get out which surprised them. Chris reached his hand out to help which Sally offered and smiled when Chris started to pull them up to the surface. The three got back on the surface next to the pool. Sonic and Sally started to cough out water while Chris just watched them get their breathing back to normal. "That was close. Are you guys ok?" He asked while rubbing their backs to make sure they're fine.

"Uh, yeah." Sonic said with his eyes closed. He opened them a bit and looked at Chris. "Thanks a lot."

Chris looked at Sonic in surprise while Sally got back on her feet wiping the water off of her arms. "I didn't know you can talk." Chris said with a surprised look on his face.

"We can do a lot of things." Sally told him while shaking the water out of her fur.

"Wow, this is awesome. That you guys can talk I mean." Chris said trying to not have them think something else. "My name's Christopher. Do you guys have names?"

Sonic smirked, "Yeah, we have names. My name is Sonic the Hedgehog, and this is Sally Acorn." He pointed at Sally who had stopped trying to get the water out of her fur.

"It's nice to meet you guys." Chris said getting back onto his feet. "You guys might want some towels to dry off huh?"

Sally smiled, "That might be nice. Thank you." She sat back down and took off her boots while Chris ran back into the house to grab some towels. "Nice kid. I'm glad he came to help." Sally said which made Sonic turn his attention to her.

"You ok?" He asked curiously.

Sally sighed, "We're on another planet Sonic, and we don't know where our friends are. "NICOLE couldn't even find their heat signatures."

He moved himself next to her and smiled, "Relax Sal. We'll find them. I know we will. Plus, it's night time around here as well. Well then we better dry off and get some sleep for when we begin our search tomorrow."

Sally smiled sincerely at Sonic then hugged him. "Thank you Sonic."

Sonic blushed a little and returned the hug. "No problem."

They let go of each other and looked at Chris who was running back towards them with towels for them. Sonic and Sally got up on their feet when Chris got to them and gave them their towels. "Here you guys go."

"Thanks Chris." Sonic replied while rubbing towel over his wet quills.

After drying themselves off the best they could, Sonic and Sally followed Chris into his room quietly while holding their shoes in their hands. 'Been a while since my shoes got wet on the inside. I hate taking these things off, but I'll make an exception for this.' Sonic thought sadly.

Chris opened the door to the porch and said, "You guys can put you wet clothes out on my back porch to dry during the night."

They nod and put Sonic's shoes and Sally's boots down on the back porch from Chris's room. Sonic turned around and went back inside while Sally removed her blue vest leaving the two guys by themselves in the room. "Hey Chris, thanks for letting us stay the night while Sally and I try to figure out what happened."

Chris blinked then rubbed the back of his neck with a smile on his face. "You're welcome Sonic, but you guys didn't tell me what had happened yet."

"We'll tell you tomorrow." Sonic assured him. "Right now we need to get some sleep since it's late, and well…let's just say tomorrow is going to start becoming interesting."

"Sonic's right about that." Sally said walking into the room. "The only question is where we'll be sleeping tonight."

Chris smiled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck some more. "Well, I would offer you my bed, but I don't want someone to walk into the room and see a squirrel in my bed."

"I'm a chipmunk." Sally told Chris which made his eyes widen at his mistake. Sally put her hand up before could speak. "Relax Chris. You're young so I understand that you can make that mistake. Sonic doesn't have an excuse when he says that I'm a squirrel." She looked at Sonic with a look that made him smile and shrug nervously. "Anyway, I see where you are going with this Chris. So we'll just sleep outside to make sure we're not seen."

"Do you guys want a blanket to sleep on at least so it's not so rough for you guys?" Chris asked moving his hand away from his neck back down to his side.

Sonic chuckled, "Sally will probably need one, but I'll just sleep in one of the trees or on the roof." Chris frowned at that. Sonic put his hand up for Chris to relax. "I'll be fine. I do it all the time."

Sally sighed, "We'll talk about things tomorrow Chris." She reassured him. "Sonic and I will sleep up on the roof and will be fine without a blanket. Plus, you might want to get back to bed before someone wakes up and comes to the room."

Chris sighed, "Ok, goodnight Sonic, Sally." He walked over to his bed while Sonic and Sally walked out onto the back porch.

Sonic closed the door behind him and picked Sally up. He jumped onto the roof and put Sally down onto her feet while Chris got back into bed. Sonic and Sally lied down on the roof and looked up at the stars with small frowns on their faces. Sonic put his hand on Sally's hand and said, "We'll find them Sal, and we'll find a way to get back home."

"How long do you think that will take? We don't know if Tails will survive out there on his own." She asked him without taking her eyes off of the stars in the sky.

"That's a good question, and you don't have to worry about him. You can trust me on that." Sonic answered. "Let's figure everything out tomorrow Sally. We'll need all the energy we can get for tomorrow."

Sally sighed then smiled, "Ok Sonic." She closed her eyes and fell asleep leaving Sonic to his thoughts.

Sonic looked at her then at the sky. 'Let's hope that we're not the only people here.' He thought before closing his eyes and falling into a peaceful slumber for the night. Both of them held onto each other's hand not wanting to let go of what they hope is not a dream.

Sam looked at the town with a glare and muttered, "I'll fine you Hedgehog, and when I do I want a rematch in a real race this time, and I will be victorious." He turned around and walked back to his car with his hate showing over his face. "You can count on it."

Ok, do you guys love it or hate it? I would actually like to know what you guys think of this first chapter. Should I continue with the story or just leave it with just this chapter? I would like some input on this. The only other question I have deals with Bunnie. Should I have in the next chapter or the one after that if I continue this story? That's all I have to say about this anyway. Plus, give me your input of what I should have add to this story if you want. I don't know all the characters from the comics though. So if you want me to add someone like Fiona Fox or Snively for extra I might just have the person in there at random times. Snively might actually be a main character anyway, but I'm not sure right now. R&R.