Author's Note: Another update yay! (My sincere apologies can be found in my story "Capes" =) ) I'm considering turning one or two of these into a stand alone story, or one really long one shot. Leaning towards "Love Somebody" or "Payphone". But might consider "We Found Love" but it could be a touchy subject. Let me know what you would want to see more of!

Disclaimer: These songs belong to the artists who made them.

"Oh, What a Beautiful Morning." –Oklahoma

Waking up and finding her on the porch, cup of coffee, swinging in those slippers she loves, is one of his favorite mornings.

"Sins of My Youth"-Neon Trees

He wonders what she'll think of him, they've only spoken through text, and when she learns of it all…he's not sure.

"Poor Unfortunate Souls"-The Little Mermaid

She's spent a lot of time around Sue. And while actions and words, show her as this monstrous thing with tentacles, when it's all erased and she reflects on high school, Sue may have actually left an impression.

Because before her, she didn't have it in her to really put her foot down. Stand up for herself and the dreams she always believed were possible.

So, while she'll never say it out loud, Sue was important.

"You Don't Know Me"-Michael Buble version

It shines even more when she walks, catching the lights above and elevating what already makes her, her. One small hand shake and suddenly he can't stop looking. And he could go over, ask her for just a dance. Three minutes. His hand on her waist, her eyes dancing with nerves. And then, like stories we write about, they'll fall into that slowly falling kind of love and everything will be right.

But he's a coward.

So he keeps watching her, as she dances with the luckiest guy in the room.

"Love Somebody"-Maroon 5

Her last breakup was brutal. He threw words, she threw them back. And when he walked out (she told him to leave), she swore her status would stay single.

Until she met him.

It was Quinn's birthday party and he was Puck's best friend (who she had never heard of). He spilled beer on her dress and she tripped into his arms. They ended up in a quiet corner of the kitchen, talking.

She leaves that night never handing him her phone number. But that was okay, she was staying single.

Two months later and she wants to replay that night. Her dress still smelled like cheap beer, and it somehow leaves her longing.

She wears it for Puck's birthday, the dress. He's there and he makes a joke about it.

He calls her the next day.

"We Found Love"-Rihanna

Kurt cares. At least that's what he tells himself as he's sitting in this metal chair, a circle of people around him. It's not that he doesn't know he has a problem, he knows it. And everything has been building for months, maybe years.

But that doesn't mean he has to feel comfortable here. Sharing feelings is what led to this whole thing.

So he pretends to listen, paying more attention to a loose string on his jacket. Until he hears her voice.

"My name is Rachel Berry, and I'm an alcoholic."

Something in him opens up, and he feels lighter. Maybe this could help.

"Payphone"-Maroon 5

Of course there would be a payphone in this town. Convenient as his cell phone is now at the bottom of a river.

He really thought they were it. Forever and always and all that shit. High school sweethearts. Maybe they were too cliché.

They were on this camping trip, she begged to come along. Two hours on a hike and he finds them in the tent.

He digs the small amount of change in his pockets, dials the number of the person that matters most.

She picks up on the first ring.

"Hey Rachel."