"I'm so glad we changed our minds," Gin said, falling back onto the bed in the suite she'd claimed with Draco and Blaise. The adults, and most of them used that term loosely, had given up on trying to separate the group into different bedrooms, they just insisted on contraceptive potions all around. Lily and James were particularly vocal about it, refusing to be grandparents when they were still learning how to be parents to teenagers.

Harry had been fabulously red during that conversation, but Gin had grown up with six older brothers. She didn't blush easily.

"Me too. The Sanctuary Wing is a step up from the dungeons, at least because we don't need to worry about being slaughtered in our beds. But..."

"But it's still not that big," Blaise added, interrupting Draco, who had just fallen back on Gin's left. The darker haired of the two males claimed her right and slid his hand into hers.

"Exactly. And I know the teachers have to rotate out, they can't all be gone at the same time. Leaving the Goat Lover in charge with no one to protect the students would be dangerous," Gin said, her nose wrinkling as she frowned. "At least Poppy was able to get someone from St. Mungos to cover."

"She definitely deserves a break," Draco agreed. "Plus, if she didn't come, she wouldn't have let the Longbottoms, and there was no way Neville would leave his parents. Not when they were starting to show some improvement."

"Which would've defeated the whole purpose of the Alliance getting the hell out of Hogwarts," Blaise added. "We all need some sunshine, or at least a change of scenery. And Venice offers enough shopping to even please the mothers."

Gin laughed at that one. She wasn't sure there was any such thing as enough shopping to please Narcissa or Victorine. But still.

Harry opened the door the elf showed him to and looked confused when it was occupied. "Pansy? Sorry, the elf..."

"Did exactly what I suggested," Pansy said with a satisfied smirk. She was perched on the bench at the foot of the bed, one trouser-clad leg crossed across her knee. "Look, this isn't the normal, Slytherin way of things, but I thought I'd try things your way for a change. I think we can agree that we're intrigued by this, " she gestured between the two of them, "whatever this is, yes?" When he nodded, she continued, "So this gives us the room to do that. Yeah, you might get teased a bit, but..." She let her words trail off, watching his expression as he thought through what she was saying.

His eyes brightened and he stepped further into the room. "Well, since most of those who might tease are either sharing with my mum or my sister, and that includes Sirius cause Hermione might as well be another sister, I think we'll be safe enough from too much teasing."

"That's a good point," Pansy said with a smirk. "Almost makes you wonder if I planned it that way."

"Didn't you? I might confess myself disappointed if not," Harry managed with a grin. "Wasting all that Slytherin cunning and all."

"And what would you know bout Slytherin cunning, Harry?" Pansy teased, leaning back while he brought his bag into the room and parked it on the desk to the side.

"Considering the Hat wanted to put me there, more than you might think," he admitted. "Not that many people know that, well, aside from Mum and Dad anyway. And they just found out recently. I was afraid Dad might hate me if he knew I'd nearly been a 'slimy snake' and all."

"So how did you avoid the dungeons?"

"Asked the Hat for anything else. I'd not had a good experience when I first met Malfoy, in Madam Malkins. He reminded me of my cousin, Dudley. And Dudley is a spoiled bully who spent his days beating up ten year olds in the park this past summer. And it's not a big step up from his normal past times either. His favorite game used to be 'Harry Hunting' until he couldn't catch me anymore. Anyway. Malfoy's second impression, on the train, wasn't so hot either."

Pansy nodded. "I can see that. He was still in Mini-Lucius mode then. Trying to impress people and make a name for himself. He's done better since he stopped relying on Lucius' money."

"You mean since he took away Lucius' money and started being who he always should've been. The son of Narcissa Black who just happens to have the power and money of the Malfoys."

"You are catching on to this pureblood thing. We'll get you whipped into shape yet," Pansy said, leaning closer to where Harry'd sat on the bench next to her. Her fingers walked up the buttons of his school shirt and she grinned as he twitched nervously. She tapped one finger against his lip and pulled back. "But for now... We should see if we can find the others. Or catch them doing something that could be useful information for later."

He laughed as she tugged him to his feet and out of the room, off to explore the rest of the house.