Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy VIII and I also don't own the song "Just a Girl" by No Doubt.

Author's Note: Hey everybody! I'm back with my new fic "Rhapsody." This is an AU Squinoa and as usual, thoughts will be in italics. This fic has to do a lot with music, since Rinoa is a singer, but you'll see how her music plays a big role as the story goes on. I just started High School and I'm really liking it so far. Hopefully, I won't get a lot of homework, so that I'll have more time to write this. For now, expect updates on the weekends (including Friday). Alright, on with the story.


Chapter 1- Just a Girl

"Rinoa, are you okay?" Quistis asked her friend.

Rinoa turned around from her place at the window. "I'm fine, Quistis."

"You're thinking about Seifer again, aren't you? Rinoa, you need to forget about him. He wanted to cause you this pain." Quistis sighed. "I told you he was trouble from the beginning."

"Quistis, please don't lecture me. I wasn't even thinking about Seifer. I'm over him." Rinoa forced a smile.

"Rinoa, I know you better than that. You're still blaming yourself for the breakup. He cheated on you, Rinoa! Don't do this to yourself."

Rinoa sighed. "You're right, Quistis. It's just so hard, you know? We used to have some really good times, but that seems like it was decades ago... He just changed so much! He became so controlling and he wouldn't let me out of his sight. I knew that we were growing apart, but when I caught him with that other girl..."

"You're too good for him, anyway. You're out of the relationship now and it's time to move on." Quistis patted her on the shoulder.

"Yeah...thank you, Quistis. I don't know what I'd do without you." She smiled then, a real genuine smile. "I wrote a new song. I'm thinking of performing it tomorrow night."

"That's great! Do you want to go practice it now? I can go get Selphie if you want. You know how she never misses an opportunity to make some noise."

"Yeah, I'd like that." She paused. "Thanks again, Quistis. It's great to know that I have a friend like you."

"You're very welcome. Now, are you going to come and show us that new song of yours?"

"You go on and get Selphie. I'll meet you downstairs in a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay. See you in a few!" Quistis waved and exited the room.

You're right, Quistis. I need to get over Seifer, and I intend to do just that...


"Yes, Ms. Rinoa Heartilly and her band will be playing here tomorrow night." The owner of the Star club told the man on the phone. "I'll have you know that the Star Club will serve as Ms. Heartilly's headquarters for the next few months. Her and her band are actually living upstairs."

"What time will Rinoa be playing?" The man asked.

"She's scheduled to perform her new song at eight-thirty tomorrow night. Will you be attending the show, Sir?" The owner asked.

"Yes. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Might I make a suggestion, Sir? You should definitely get here early. Ms. Heartilly is becoming quite popular these days. In fact, we are expecting a very big crowd. You might want to reserve a seat."

"Thanks for the heads up. You know, I think I will reserve a seat after all."

"Alright. May I have your name, Sir?"

"Almasy, Seifer Almasy."

"Thank you, Mr. Almasy. I guess that I'll be seeing you tomorrow, then."

"Oh, you bet."


"Selphie, can you make the volume of the drums a tad bit higher?" Rinoa asked the next morning during practice. "This is supposed to be a rebellious song."

"Rebellious? Hmm...wonder who she could ever be talking about in the song!" Quistis exclaimed. "Rinoa, didn't you tell me that you were going to get over him?"
"Yes, I did tell you that, and I am getting over him." Rinoa replied.

"Then why the harsh lyrics?" Selphie asked from her place behind the drums.

"Well, nobody ever said that I couldn't lash out at him. Plus, I know for a fact that he's going to be at the club tonight. Tim told me that he even reserved a seat."

"Tim knows that you just broke up with Seifer two weeks ago! Why would he let Seifer reserve a seat?" Quistis asked incredulously.

"It's more business for him." Rinoa shrugged. "Who cares, anyway? I just wanna see the look on his face when he hears this song!"

"Tee-hee, pay back time! I like this, Rin!" Selphie exclaimed.

"Well I don't." Quistis frowned. "Are you sure that this is what you want to do, Rinoa? This song is pretty harsh."

"That's the point." Rinoa told her. "I've never been more sure of anything, Quistis. All you have to do is play the hell outta that guitar. You're not gonna back out, are you?"

"Of course not, Rinoa, but I still don't like it."

"Don't worry about it. Tonight, we're going to rock the house!"


"I can't believe I let you guys talk me into this." Squall Leonhart grumbled.

"Aw, come on Squall! It's just a club! It's not like it's going to bite or anything." Zell joked.

"Whatever." Squall sighed. The last thing he wanted was to go to some club to see some new singer.

"Lighten up, Squall." Irvine said. "Besides, I hear that this new singer is pretty cute." He winked.

Squall put his hand to his head. "Is that all you ever think about, Irvine?"

"Well, that and guns, of course." He smirked.

Squall just shook his head. "Whatever. If you really insist that we go in, then let's go. I don't want to stand out here all night."

"That's the spirit!" Zell exclaimed.

"How do I get myself talked into these things?" Squall grumbled as Irvine and Zell led the way into the club.

The Star was packed. People were standing up against the wall and each table was full, except for one in the back corner.

"Let's grab that table!" Irvine exclaimed.

Once they had settled in, Squall took in his surroundings. He noticed that the club was mostly occupied by men. I guess that other people think like Irvine...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I please have your attention?" A middle-aged man asked from the stage on the opposite side of the room. "Now is what you have all been waiting for. May I introduce to you first, Ms. Selphie Tilmitt, on drums." A short girl with shining green eyes and a short 'bob hair style took her place behind the drums. "And next, playing guitar, Ms. Quistis Trepe." A tall blonde woman with clear blue eyes took the stage, guitar in hand. "And of course, the lead singer, Ms. Rinoa Heartilly, here to perform her new song, 'Just A Girl'! Give it up for Rinoa!"

The crowd started whistling and clapping wildly and Rinoa took the stage. The crowd was awed by her raven black hair, and her wide, chocolate eyes. She was dressed in black leather pants and a blue tank top. Squall had to admit that she was very attractive.

"This song is called 'Just A Girl'." Rinoa told the audience. "It's about how my ex-boyfriend treated me. And it goes like this:

Take this pink ribbon off my eyes

I'm exposed

And it's no big surprise

Don't you think I know

Exactly where I stand

This world is forcing me

To hold your hand

'Cause I'm just a girl, little ol' me

Don't let me out of your sight

I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite

So don't let me have any rights

Oh...I've had it up to here!

Rinoa glared at Seifer and he turned away.

The moment that I step outside

So many reasons

For me to run and hide

I can't do the little things

I hold so dear

'Cause it's all those little things

That I fear

'Cause I'm just a girl,

I'd rather not be

'Cause they won't let me drive

Late at night

I'm just a girl,

Guess I'm some kind of freak

'Cause they all sit and stare

With their eyes

I'm just a girl,

Take a good look at me

Just your typical prototype

Oh...I've had it up to here!

Oh...am I making myself clear?

Rinoa scanned the audience. Everyone in the club was dancing to the music. Everyone, that is, except for a man in the corner. His head was bent, so she couldn't see his face. Brushing it off, she continued with her song.

I'm just a girl

I'm just a girl in the world...

That's all that you'll let me be!

I'm just a girl, living in captivity

Your rule of thumb

Makes me worry some

I'm just a girl, what's my destiny?

What I've succumbed to

Is making me numb

I'm just a girl, my apologies

What I've become is so burdensome

I'm just a girl, lucky me

Twiddle-dum there's no comparison

Oh...I've had it up to!

Oh...I've had it up to!

Oh...I've had it up to here.

The crowd started applauding wildly and Rinoa smiled. "Thanks you guys!" She said as she bowed. When she looked up, she met the cold gaze of the man that had been sitting in the corner. His eyes bore into her soul. They were the most amazing shade of blue...ice cold. Rinoa found herself brought out of her trance as she was shoved roughly to the floor.

Author's Note: That's it for chapter one! I hope you all liked it and please review to tell me what you think!