Next chapter. Was finished a long time ago and thought I'd posted it but guess not.

Read and enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Note: Regarding the title. I know snake's don't have dens (or do they) but Snake den sounds better than Snake Hole. -just saying.

Chapter 11: Into the Snake's Den

Itachi remembered the first time he'd met the man that Sasuke so casually referred to as the "snake-man" it was an accurate description to say the least. A vile crime lord who had secretly held control of the streets years before Itachi had been around and whom, Itachi suspected, would hold the town for many more to come. For one the man boasted a crew of ridiculously loyal followers, and while many were followers from fear, the core group, those were followers by pure illogical, inexplicable devotion. Itachi pitied that lot, serving, so faithfully, a monster that would stab them in the back out of shear fancy. God forbid he actually would benefit from it. He'd sell them out faster than they could blink.

But while his hold on the town had not changed in these years, his tastes and preferences had. They'd gotten more extravagant and moreā€¦ vile, throughout the years. Orochimaru was a man with money, lust, and power. A potent mix. But as for extravagant, well, Orochimaru was definitely that too, and Itachi had always disliked a gaudy show. He therefore disliked Orochimaru immensely. His holdings were well known places of debauchery of all sorts, and Itachi did mean all sorts.

The front being a bar was almost convincing when outside but as he ascended the steps behind his brother he felt his nose curl in disgust. Orochimaru had far too much money to smoke pot or cigarettes like the average bloke. No he had to get the hard and heavy drugs. While the snake himself didn't use, several members of his inner circle did and all of his whores were hard core addicts to at least two or three of the bad ones. Except most of the whores were past the point of smoking, if the track marks were anything to go by.

Sasuke paused at the top of the steps. His hand hovering over the thick oaken door in a fist.

Noticing the hesitation Itachi felt a smart comment pop into his mind, but he resisted the urge. See he had self-control. "You don't have to do this," he whispered instead, Itachi followed up the last few steps and placed his hand on Sasuke's shoulder, flinching at the boys flinch.

Dark eyes matching his own swiveled to meet his and there was a coldness there that hadn't been there before. "Yes. I do." was all the younger Uchiha said before knocking twice, solidly on the door.

And then they were in. No password no id check and although the bartender had doubtlessly notified the people upstairs the moment the black sedan had even pulled up, Sasuke still noted the lack of caution and took note. For future reference of course. He also, however, took note of all muscle men that lurked within the room. Orochimaru had gotten more lackeys in their time apart.

Entering into the room, Sasuke was reminded that, like Itachi, he too didn't have much preference for ornate and gaudy, and that meant that this room was absolutely painful to his eyes. "His room is up another floor, but we have to pass through here first." Itachi informed his younger brother. Both brothers felt their lips form a small frown. It was going to be an unpleasant meeting due to a difference in decorative tastes alone.

"It's meant to resemble a Middle Eastern Brothel, Little Brother." Itachi continued helpfully as both Uchiha brothers took in the scenery. Linen and lace layered themselves on every available surface. Gilded panels flashed from the walls, painted ladies lounged on the pillows that covered the floor. It was like a step back in time and Sasuke was not impressed. The women barely glanced up to see the newcomer, they were the way that Orochimaru preferred all his whores, too drugged to properly move. The women reclined on the pillows with no eye to modesty, the shear clothing did little to hide the spread legs beneath.

"These whores!" Sasuke spat with feeling and Itachi looked surprised, "Don't they know it's not good for them here?" The words that had seemed so cruel at first were actually spoken out of compassion for these women. Too high to care about any of the dangers they were facing by spreading their legs deep within the snake's pits.

Itachi shook his head leading his brother further into the den of debauchery, "No. They don't. Not until it's too late. No whore in their right mind would ever willingly come to Orochimaru with all the creep-shit stories that are floating around. These girls are tricked into service. Pimps proclaim they have nothing to do with Oro, damn lying bastards. By the time the heroin wears off. Well little brother, I guess that's the thing is that after he gets them, the heroin never really wears off."

"Not letting them come down from the high? He's killing them." The words are whispered with horror.

Itachi could only agree. Orochimaru's whores never lasted long.

That's why he had a steady supply.

They quickly reached the end of the "brothel" and continued up another set of stairs.

"So brother," Sasuke inquired conversationally, "bar's on the first floor. Brothel's on the second, the snake-bastard's on the third. But I saw outside, this building had four floors. So what's on the fourth?"

Itachi turned green at the thought, but wasn't so kind as to tell his younger brother, the next words he said were, "We're here. Are you ready?" Now it was Sasuke's turn to be silent.