Summary: Being a demon and becoming one are two different things. Finding a demon inside of him, Harry discovers in death that he has become one. The Haakai are the most powerful, the most dangerous. A 21 year old Tom Riddle, who has just began his reign of terror has dabbled into the art of Summoning- unleashing Arturo, the demon of magic, and Harry himself.

Warnings: AU, Demons, Magic, Lord Voldemort, OOC, slight Amnesia, Dark magic, 'There is no good or evil.' Philosophy, possible eventual slash (yaoi)

Pairings: Possible/Eventual Lord Voldemort (i.e. 21 year old TMR)/ Arturo (Harry Potter)

P.S. Okay, here we go, sorry it's so late, god it's almost been a year! What is wrong with me! Gahh, I hate writers block! I hate it! I hate it! Ugh. Please don't kill me guys, I know it's been forever and that I'm a horrible person, but I really didn't have the muse for the last half of this chapter until tonight (this morning really, it's like 4:00 AM over here), but I knew that if I didn't sit down and write it that my muse would have run away and hidden. Again. Its been a really long time so I thought I'd post this chapter tonight, enjoy.

The chapter titles seem to just keep getting longer… Anyways, this title comes from Breaking Benjamin's 'I Will Not Bow', again. I thought it fitting, so there you go.

Oh, and if you guys have any questions, want to pester me about what I'm reading, writing or even doing, I'm on tumblr under the user name: ciel-leon.

World on Fire

Written By: -Ciel Leon-

Chapter IX- Show Me Where Forever Dies

Arturo absolutely adored his little demons, there was no question about it, but sometimes, sometimes he just needed to escape. Sometimes he just needed to get out of Number 12 and take a long walk around the muggle neighborhood, breathe in the evening air, and allow himself to sink his senses into the depth of magic that rolled up and down the street from the various amount of hidden Wizarding homes and shops.

The demon went on his walks fairly often, enough to where they had become routine and if he didn't get his bi-weekly adventure out of the house, Arturo would find himself becoming oddly moody. In retrospect, his inability to sleep may have been part of the problem, hence why his walks occurred late into the night until the first rays of dawn erupted across the sky.

It wasn't rare for the demon to even catch sight of some questionable acts performed by muggle and Magical folk alike, but it was rare for him to actually stop to observe the innate stupidity that followed the majority of the human race like a plague.

Sometimes, he really wished he had been able to stay with his summoner longer than he had been able to- Arturo had come to believe that his wizard had been one of the most brilliant minds of the human race, but the wizards' sanity had degraded so quickly Arturo hadn't been able to find out.

It was on one of his walks that he encountered a heavily injured dark wizard futilely attempting to fend off a gang of muggles without magic.

The dark coloring of the man's hair contrasted sharply with his pale, blood stained skin, and the man's eyes- so much like those set into the faces of his twins- lit something within the demons being- something hot yet cold, that set his whole being quivering with something-like anger (an emotion he had not felt since his summoning).

The blast of pure magic that blew the muggles into the walls of the alley was an unconscious action due to Arturo's new-found anger, causing his magic to become slightly unstable in response to his emotions.

The demon knew he was too late to save the man's life, it was evident in the amount of blood staining the cement of the alleyway, yet, Arturo hadn't wanted the man to spend his last moments being beaten by muggles in the middle of a dingy alley when he could prevent such a painful passing.

Smoothly gliding to the form of the dying wizard, Arturo carefully laid a hand upon the man's forehead, watching the man's eyes attentively as they widened in brief recognition.

"Demon." The man breathily spoke, struggling to keep his eyes open and falling into a fit of coughing due to the chest wound he had clearly obtained from one of the foolish muggle's knives.

"I-I have failed to- to- do anything of- of worth- i-in m-my life-time, please,- for your kindness- t-take my body- m-may it serve you an-and your-your pur-pose…"

Arturo stiffened slightly, before kneeling down in order to watch the swirling mass of the wizard's magic as it suddenly latched itself onto him, and before he could make a sound, Arturo found his surroundings shifting and blurring into a cyclone of colors and then, everything stilled as he found himself on his back staring upwards towards the brightening sky.


The demon carefully picked himself of the ground, finding his body sore for some inexplicable reason and on top of that, there was this warm, heavy pulsating feeling coming from the left side of his chest. It was almost painful and he could hear a slightly irregular rhythm that seemed to correspond with the pulsating thing within his left breast. After several minutes of contemplation, he found he was unable to determine what sort of human aliment had claimed him (whatever it was, this… thing did not fit into any of the symptoms his twins had displayed when they had been ill.).

Blinking, Arturo shook his head, only to freeze upon noticing several things at once.

Dark brown- almost black hair danced around the edge of his vision, he could feel the slightly child wind brushing against his face, parts of his body felt overly stiff an unwieldy, and his movements seemed slightly inhibited by something.

Hesitantly, Arturo turned his gaze downwards.

Wizarding clothing, shoes, and the dark pavement of the alleyway.

Arturo swayed slightly at the implications, the overwhelming feeling of muscle contractions, blood roaring in his ears, the slight breeze he could feel upon his skin, and the smell of the city nearly overwhelmed him.

This was what he had been missing?

The demon staggered slightly in order to reach the alley wall for support, carefully attempting to reach forward with his magic for aid only to find that the ball of warmth in the center of his chest reacted slightly quicker than the magic saturating the air as it spread through his veins with some sort of eerie determination.

A quiet sound of surprise escaped him as he suddenly found that the bone-deep ache he had found himself waking to eased, some of it disappearing altogether, allowing him to stand without feeling as though he would fall any second.

With a deep breath, Arturo staggered forwards and began his journey back home.

It would be a long and tiring walk, and the greeting he would receive would be… unpleasant at best.

What ensues as soon as he walks in the door of Grimuald Place seems to be the re-enactment of a vicious mother bear protecting her cubs and an equally, if not more furious father bear launching itself at Arturo in attempt to maul him.

Walburga is screeching spells and there are paintings, vases and plaster practically attempting to bury both Arturo and Orion as the two males roll across the floor in a tangle of limbs.

Orion isn't even attempting to cast any magic, his wand lays abandoned on the sitting room table and he's using all of the muscle and energy in his body to break bone. It doesn't seem to matter whether its fist, foot or teeth that he's using to get at any piece of flesh that this intruder reveals.

Arturo is overwhelmed. He's attempting to keep Orion from doing a lot of damage, but at the same time something, a vase he will remember later on, had managed to collide with his head near the beginning of the brawl taking place in on the living room carpet. His body, just acquired a few hours ago is strange and almost alien, restrictive in ways his semi-invisible and semi-intangible form hadn't previously been and more fragile by far. However, Arturo is struggling between ache originating from his temple, the seemingly insurmountable weight of Orion's furious form on top of him and the agony wracking his new body from the wounds that Orion had already managed to inflict.

A particularly strong punch to the jaw causes Arturo's head to snap backwards and the back of his skull collides with the floor harshly enough that the magic within his body reacts violently, crashing forward in the form of a shock-wave that sends Orion half-way across the room and knocks Walburga, and the two children behind her to the floor.

Arturo is left on the floor of the living room trying to push air into unfamiliar lungs as he attempts to focus his gaze on the ceiling while barely managing to ignore the black lingering on the edges of his vision.

His chest heaves with the amount of effort necessary for him to remain conscious and he distantly hears the thunder of running footsteps coming from the stairway even as a shout of "Father!" rings through the air.

It's the last thing he hears before he finally loses consciousness.

Rodolphus comes skidding into the living room, dressed in his pajamas, Rabastan nearly colliding into him as he struggles to find his footing.

Orion, his wife, and their sons are picking themselves of the floor, even as the twins immediately focus on the form of the stranger lying unconscious in the middle of the room.

The twins are beside the still form in an instant, carefully cataloging injuries as Orion limps over with a confused expression.

"Father?" He asks incredulously. Rabastan is the one who turns away from the prone figure long enough to glare at the head of the Black household.

"Seriously! Couldn't you guys tell? It's fathers' magic!" With a furious huff, Rabastan turns to look at his brother, whose eyes dart towards the kitchen, and not a moment later Rabastan has breezed past their adopted mother and into the kitchen. A minute passes before Rabastan returns with a potions kit, the contents of which contains a wide variety of potions, each vial meticulously labeled and carefully stored.

It takes the rest of the Black family several minutes to react before Walburga is hurriedly urging Sirius and Regulus out of the room and towards the stairs while Orion goes for his wand, guilt and determination in equal measure written across his face even as he gently pushes Rodolphus aside and begins casting healing spells.

Rabastan gets off of the floor not long afterwards, having force-fed Arturo the last of the few potions he'd known his father would need.

"Well, what a wonderful birthday present this is." Rodolphus remarks drily even as his twin releases an irritated huff before smacking him in the back of the head.