Summary: Being a demon and becoming one are two different things. Finding a demon inside of him, Harry discovers in death that he has become one. The Haakai are the most powerful, the most dangerous. A 21 year old Tom Riddle, who has just began his reign of terror has dabbled into the art of Summoning- unleashing Arturo, the demon of magic, and Harry himself.

Warnings: AU, Demons, Magic, Lord Voldemort, OOC, slight Amnesia, Dark magic, 'There is no good or evil.' Philosophy, possible eventual slash (yaoi)

Pairings: Possible/Eventual Lord Voldemort (i.e. 21 year old TMR)/ Asturo (Harry Potter)

P.S.: Everyone paying attention? Good, I'll only write this once, the Warnings and Pairings are written for a reason, hit the back button if you don't like them, don't complain about them not being in the summary posted in the archive, that's a summary not a 'warnings'. The back button exists for a reason. Flamers will be ignored or discredited. This is an AU it contains references to demons. Religion is not mentioned or critiqued, Arturo was picked from a random 'name generator' and isn't the name of an actual demon as far as I know.

Sorry for the rant, but it had to be said for those who tend to ruin fics for the rest of us. I hope you all enjoy, chapter 2 should be posted shortly.

Curse these plot bunnies.

World on Fire

Written By: -Ciel Leon-

Chapter I – Rattle My Bones

Harry had always believed he had a demon inside of him.

It began with his aunt, who happened to call him 'demon' more often than anything, even 'Heathen', or 'Boy'.

Of course, when he was around nine, he realized several things, the notion of death never scared him, and instead it happened to spark a sliver of excitement.

During the war, Harry rarely felt the sorrow many others did when they lost a loved one, a family member, Harry felt an all-consuming rage.

After the war, Hermione forced Harry to see a shrink, one Dr. Mal-Ross who happened to listen to what Harry's left-over 'family' had to say rather than Harry himself, and thought Harry was suffering from PSTD.

After a rouge Death Eater attempted to assassinate him in his own home, Harry knew for sure that Mal-Ross was incorrect. It was hard to deny his excitement when it came to a battle when Harry could starkly remember the thrill, blood rushing in his ears, senses shrieking, body shifting in a whirlwind of movement, spells flying through the air in beams of light that left scorch marks on walls and furniture alike, until Harry found himself launching through the air at his opponent.

No one ever found the body.

That was why Harry wasn't the least bit surprised when he found a creature lurking within his mind.

It was a shapeless mass of shifting black shadow.

There were no distinguishing features, no eyes or mouth, arms or legs, whatever it was just drifted among Harry's thoughts and memories, twisting slightly to avoid touching the golden streams that interweaved amongst each other despite being anchored to the confines of Harry's mind.

Harry carefully began to weave his own thoughts to encircle the being, capturing it within the molten strands.

Surprising enough, the creature didn't struggle, instead reaching out to gently touch the strands with a wayward limb of smoke.

The feeling was one of dark euphoria- enticing in a way that Harry had never felt before, and it was in that moment that Harry realized what the being was.

Some type of demon.

Harry retreated into Grimauld Place's library, using Kretcher in order to stay healthy.

He delved into all sorts of books, Dark magic, Black magic, Rituals, Summoning, and even the Mystics- a branch of magic dead and forbidden for so long it was only legend despite the knowledge of otherworldly beings it contained.

It was in a thick tome that was falling apart due to age despite the many charms laced around its delicate frame that Harry found the scant description of the creature roaming within the depths of his mind.

It was called a Haakai, the most powerful of all types of demons.

While shocking, Harry didn't find the knowledge of his prisoner horrifying.

To Harry, the creature just was.

It existed, yet wasn't doing any harm despite its nature and unconventional living arrangements.

Regardless of the whole situation, Harry found himself wondering if the demons presence was what kept him alive in the first place.

Something told him he had hit the nail on the head.

The Haakai never interacted with Harry, even after the wizard released it from the threads of his mind and let it continue to roam, in fact, the last time Harry had seen the demon, it was mending the torn strands of thought that had remained damaged after Snapes Legilimancy 'lessons' from Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts.

So Harry let the creature be, it was doing more good than harm despite its normal nature.

It would be when he was dying that Harry would realize the true nature of the Haakai's existence and purpose.

Harry didn't die peacefully.

He didn't even die heroically.

Harry James Potter, age 26, single, wizard, 'Master of Death', 'The-Boy-Who-Lived', and 'The-Man-Who-Won', was kidnapped and then accidently murdered by a group unknown assailants.

The details of his death weren't important to Harry, he didn't even mind when he found himself back at King's Cross.

No, what he had a problem was finding that he wasn't human.

Not in the physical sense at least, in the moral sense- well okay, some of his morals were slightly twisted and some had dropped off his radar completely.

What could he say? He was as human as anyone else.

Not so much anymore but that was beside the point.

After what seemed like hours, Harry's view of King's Cross began to blur and warp, almost as though it was being sucked into a black hole, leaving Harry in an everlasting darkness that his wraith-like form melded into.

There was nothing but darkness, no sound, nothing to feel or taste let alone see and time once again took over.

At first Harry attempted to keep track of time, counting seconds then minutes, only reaching what was around three hours before losing count and patience.

He then attempted to walk through the wall of black surrounding him, tried to find some light- a way out.

All to no avail.

Thoughts began to flutter through his mind, some clear, others not. Sometimes Harry thought he knew where the stray thoughts came from other time, he knew he had no recollection.

'Living in a cage only makes an animal-'

'A never-ending darkness-'

'The abyss-'

'Madness lives there-'

'Azkaban- '

'Hell on Earth'


'What is Hell?-'


'It's all here, in your head-'

'He himself does not become a monster-'

In the depth of the darkness, he became nameless, without purpose and with scant memories of who he once was, feeling only a burning desire to be free.

Then, suddenly, He wasn't within the darkness anymore.