
One shot set after Dark side of the moon 112. Spoilers if you haven't read or kept up with the manga. I own nothing

He wasn't sure why he was alive; he should've been the one still in the hospital bed not Maka or Crona. Soul had told Kid and Spirit everything and had cleared Crona off of the kill list. His daughter had saved the girl, her best friend, and in return she had been so selfless and saved them all. This girl who had never know a parents love, was so giving and caring herself; it truly gave him hope for this world. He fiddled with the ring on her right ring finger, the ring her had given his little Maka. The ring he had bought in the hopes that his daughter might one day wear.

~*~ Flash Back ~*~

Kid was in the death room, and just had finished speaking with Excalibur. He had called for all the death scythes to meet. "In light of the events on the moon and Crona's role in saving us all and Medusa's downfall." He paused, a deep melancholy on his face. "I knew what she had been through, what that woman, no… that monster had done to her; had made her do. I should've tried harder, but this is the best I can do for her. Her name is hereby removed from the list, though she will have to remain in Death City till we can be sure she's stable." They were all dismissed shortly after. "Spirit, can I talk to you a moment?" "Yeah, what is it that you need?" "I need to ask you a favor…"

~*~ Flash Back End ~*~

'Please help her see that Medusa's sick form of 'love' isn't the love of a parent for their child.' He held Crona's hand in left and Maka's in his right. The love he had for Maka was unconditional, he would always care for her and do his best for her, but Crona… she had never had anyone. He would do his best to give the neglected and abused the love and guidance she needed and deserved. Crona stirred in her sleep, gradually blinking her eyes open. "Well, Good morning sleepy head." He said with his kindest smile. "M-Maka's Papa..? What am I? A-am I … dead?" She said hesitantly, trying to sit up only to fall back with a hiss. He chuckled and smoothed the hair off of her forehead and left his hand on her cheek. "How are you feeling , Crona?" He asked concerned and she seemed to be on the verge of tears. "H-How can y-you b-be s-so k-ki-kind to me after all that I've done?!" She rolled over away from him and curled into herself, sobbing. He got out the chair and sat onto the bed pulling her into his lap and holding her like the child she never got to be. "Once upon a time there was a little angel born to an evil and wicked witch whose heart was as cold and hard as stone. She poisoned the girl's heart as much as she could, but it never worked because she was such a kind and caring girl in her heart of hearts." She calmed in his arms and snuggled closer, and he started petting her hair. "Then when she was on the verge of losing hope she met her fairy god-sent sister, who was sent to show the fallen angel the kindness she deserved." He looked down and was going to continue but realized her eyes held too many questions. "I heard from Soul what happened, what you did to save everyone, of the courage my daughter gave you." She looked shocked at his kind smile.

"Maka and I want to show you what a real family is like, that is if you'll have us?" She sobbed and buried her face in his shoulder, letting out years of hurt and misery. Spirit just held her rubbing small circles on her back, for one so strong; she was still a little girl. "So what do you say, Crona? Be a part of our little family?" She looked up at him with big eyes then at Maka's sleeping form. "Maka…. Nee-san." She blinked at the sleeping girl a few more times and then looked back up at Spirit. "Then I would call you… Papa?" She said slowly. Spirit almost had a complete squee moment, but managed to reign in to only sparkly eyes. "Yes, darling little Crona-chan, I will be your Papa!" As if sensing her father's excitement, Maka blinked her eyes open to look over to see him holding his hand out to her, Crona already in his arms like she had been held when she was a child. She carefully got of the bed and joined Crona in their Papa's arms. "Nee-chan." Crona whispered and snuggled up to Maka, who wrapped her arms around her. "Crona… imouto." Spirit pulled them close, watching his little girls rest. Finally they could have a normal life, no kishin, a dawning era of peace with the witches, and most importantly they could give Crona a proper family and all the love she deserved. And for the first time since the divorce, Spirit wasn't worried about losing Maka or his newly adopted Crona, his little family was finally complete.

=3 D'aww the fluff factor, it gives the heart a chubby. Thinking about writing a follow up where Spirit goes all Papa Bear, we'll see though. Hope you enjoyed it and any constructive criticism appreciated, thank you.

~ Faun