Summary: They thought they had defeated him. They thought they had gotten rid of him. They thought they were finally at peace. But you can't outrun the devil, no matter how fast you go...Diego has finally gotten what he's always wanted- a body. So how are Leo, Don and Mikey supposed to kill Diego now, when he is possessing their brother?
Disclaimer: I do not own TMNT. Only my oc.
Author's notes: Here it is; the final instalment! The fate of the turtles will be decided here. Will the ending be good, or will it be bad? Will Diego be sent back to Hell, or will he remain with the turtles? All these questions and more will be answered.
Before we start our last roller coaster ride, I would like to thank everyone who has read, reviewed, and followed this series. Your encouragement means a lot to me and fuels me on to write the next chapter as quickly as possible! I do hope you all like this last story- it certainly has been an adventure to write! If you have any thoughts/questions review or PM me, and I will be happy to answer (unless it's wanting to know a spoiler, then you will have to wait!)
So, make yourselves comfortable, maybe have a warm beverage beside you or something cute and fluffy to cuddle while you read.
And, oh yeah, you may also want to leave the lights on...
Drag Me Down
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
Chapter One
Donatello sighed and pushed himself away from his computer.
For the past two weeks he had been staring non-stop at his computer screen. He hadn't gotten much sleep either, taping away at his keyboard late into the night, the glow from his computer the only light illuminating his otherwise dark room. He had searched through hundreds and hundreds of pages about demons, and Hell and demonic possession. He made notes on anything he thought was useful, going through five complete notepads in the course of the two weeks.
Don leaned back in his chair and rubbed his tired eyes. He had found nothing that was in the least bit helpful, and now that the effects of his sixth cup of coffee were starting to wear off, Donnie was just about to give up.
He shook his head and mentally berated himself for the thought. He couldn't give up, no matter how hard and frustrating it was. Raphael was still alive, trapped somewhere within his own body, or worse, trapped in Hell. Don had to figure out a way to save his brother, even if he had to scroll through every page on demonic lore ever created and posted on the World Wide Web.
No matter how hard he had searched, Don couldn't find his old book on fabled lore. He remembered reading something about demons in it a long time ago, and had practically torn his room apart in search for it, but couldn't find the ancient tome of a book anywhere.
Rubbing his aching temples, Donnie thought back to the night where their lives changed in an instant.
Finding the roll of gauze in his medicine bag, Donnie held the white bandage up in triumph, turning around to face his wounded brother to wrap up his bloodied leg. The gauze fell out of his hand when he saw a pair of black, emotionless eyes staring back at him.
With a startled gasp, Don fell backwards, scattering his bag of medical supplies across the floor of the van.
"Donnie, what's the matter?" Leo asked, turning around to see what was going on.
At that same moment, Raphael lunged at his brothers, sai poised and ready for the kill. If it hadn't been for Leo's ninja-honed reflexes, he would have been dead. Grunting from the force of the impact, Leo just managed to deflect the sharp glittering tip of the sai with his katanna. One of the other prongs grazed his arm, causing scarlet drops to fall down his arm.
Raphael leapt to his feet, seemingly uninjured despite the gaping wound in his thigh. With a hiss he leapt back at his brothers with inhuman speed. Leo deflected the deadly weapon once more, straining under his brother's strength.
"Raph, what are you doing?" Mikey cried in fear and surprise, whipping out his nun-chucks and twirling them uncertainly.
Raphael turned around slowly to face Michelangelo, a sinister smile curling his lips as sadistic mirth gleamed in his obsidian eyes. "Sorry, Raphie isn't here at the moment. Want me to leave him a message?"
"Diego!" Don cried with understanding, his brown eyes wide with disbelief. "But...but how?"
"I told you I needed a body, now I have one," Diego smiled with a foreign face.
"Guys, what the hell is happening back there?" Casey yelled, trying to keep the van on the road and under control.
Diego's eyes flashed with something sinister. "Ok brothers, let's play..."
Don shook his head, trying to dispel the unwanted memory. They had managed to knock Diego to the ground and tied up his hands and feet. Casey nearly crashed the van, and Mikey nearly lost an eye from the struggle.
Their worst fears had come true. Diego was possessing Raphael.
Slowly, Don reluctantly got to his feet, stretching his tired and cramped muscles. He needed to go and check on Raphael.
When they had brought him back to the lair, they had put him in the dojo and locked the door. A few hours later, Diego broke free and tried to kill them again. Now Diego was strapped down on one of Don's old medical gurneys in the middle of the living room. This way he was in plain sight all of the time, and they could all take turns keeping a watch on him.
Diego may be possessing Raphael's body, but it was still their brother strapped to a gurney, so they had tried to make him as comfortable as possible. The straps were tight, but not tight enough to cut off circulation or dig into sensitive flesh. Don had also placed a pillow under Raphael's head.
It made Don sick to his stomach every time he came to check on Raph, and seeing him bound to his own gurney. But it was the only way to keep him contained, at least until they figured out a way to get rid of Diego once and for all.
"Hey bro," Diego said when he saw Don appear. "Mind undoing these straps a little? They're awful tight."
""I'm not falling for your tricks again, Diego," Don said, trying to stifle the shiver that ran down his spine. "The straps are fine."
"So, found anything to get rid of me yet?" Diego asked with a smirk, his bottomless black eyes staring back at Don from his brother's face.
"Shut up," Don growled, setting his medical supply down on the trolley next to the gurney.
Raphael's wounds were still visible from the attack at the farmhouse. Don had stitched his leg wound up when they had strapped Diego to the gurney. It had been a long and arduous process and Don still didn't know if his muscles, tendons and nerves had been damaged. Diego had been able to walk on Raphael's injured leg, but he was a demon after all. Donatello doubted he even felt any pain that was inflicted upon Raphael. If Diego wasn't possessing Raphael, Don believed that Raphael would have died from the injury.
He had given him a blood transfusion, though he didn't know if that had helped at all. He didn't even know where Raphael was. His body was here, but...Don didn't know if Raphael's spirit was gone or if he were trapped inside his own body, or worse, was trapped in Hell.
He didn't like to think about it.
Don gently unrolled the bandages around his brother's thigh to inspect the wound. It was healing rather nicely, though Don knew it would leave an ugly scar. There were no signs of infection, and the skin had healed nicely. He should be able to remove the stitches in another day or two.
"What's it like, seeing your brother like this?" Diego asked with a smirk. "Does it make you sad? Does it make you wish that you tried that little bit harder to stop me?"
"Shut up," Don growled, feeling anger start to boil in his blood, like a volcano getting ready to erupt.
"Does it hurt to know that this is all your fault? Raphie's gone now, and there's nothing you can do about it."
"I said shut up!" Don yelled, leaping to his feet, his hands balled at his sides, shaking with anger.
"Looks like you could use some sleep, Donnie," Diego said, mock concern clouding his face. "You look awful tired."
Don pushed back the rage he felt build up inside of him. Diego was just trying to goad him. He wanted to make Don mad; he wanted to see what he would do. It was his sick amusement.
Packing up his medical things, Don quickly left the room, keeping his eyes trained on the ground.
"Oh, and Donnie," Diego spoke up, making Don pause in the doorway.
Diego smiled. "Raph says hi, by the way."
Author's notes 2: Poor Donnie, having to go through that. I would love to hear what you dear readers have thought of the first chapter. Your reviews and comments would be greatly appreciated :)
More to come soon,