Lets get going! Thanks for reading everyone!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Sheltered Chapter 23


Sasuke stood up after he finished with changing table and walked over to her.

"Let me see." She looked up at him and nodded, he could see she was getting worried, and she handed the baby to Sasuke gently and he quieted down almost immediately. All of the other people in the living room watched in amazement the little boy grabbed his hand. Sakura crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at the baby giggling. "He just wanted his uncle!"

Shizune turned her head sideways looking at the room "I think I liked the dresser over there," She pointed to the corner "What do you think Sak?" Sakura rested her cheek on her hand looking it over, she pursed her lips, "I liked it in the corner, it gives you more room and you can put the baby monitor on it." Sakura said, both men looked annoyed, all they'd done for the past two hours was move the room around, and now the women wanted it back to the original way.

"Would you two just stick with a set up!" Itachi called at them annoyed. Tsunade and Hinata had to leave because they had shifts and Hokage duty.

"I think this way is okay," Shizune said, Sakura walked out of the room and grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge giving them to the men they nodded in thanks. Shizune smiled over the room she walked toward Itachi slowly, and wrapped her arms around him leaning against him,

"Thanks you two." She smiled as Sasuke and then she walked over to Sakura

"And you too, Saki." Sakura hugged her back smiling "Of course Shi," Sakura said, and Shizune began crying, Itachi sighed walking over to her and he wrapped his arms around her

"I-I-I'm s-sorry I-I cant he-help i-it." Shizune stuttered, while Itachi soothed his girlfriend Sasuke picked up the baby and held him

There was a knock on the door and Sakura walked to it and answered. An anbu stood at the door,

"Lady Haruno," he bowed slightly, she nodded "For you, and this is for Captain Uchiha" The man handed her two scrolls,

"Which one?" Sakura asked

"Captain Sasuke Uchiha," The man answered "Also Lady Hokage asks that you sign this." He handed her a paper, it was for Sasuke's clearance she signed it and nodded to the man

"Thank you," she said politely and he jumped away, she shut the door and walked back to the room, she smiled at the couple embracing, and walked over to where Sasuke was holding the baby, she smiled up at him.

"I'm impressed Sasuke," Sakura said with humor in her voice "I never thought I'd see the great Sasuke Uchiha snuggling his nephew."

Sasuke looked down at her glaring,

"Just finished telling him how to get laid," Sasuke said with a smirk, she was so easy to annoy. She rolled her eyes glaring at him

"He'll grow up to be a gentleman unlike you!" Sakura said crossing her arms over her chest, she looked at the scroll in her hand. Shizune walked slowly to Sasuke, he noticed and walked towards her handing off the baby. She smiled up at him thanking him.

"We have a mission?" Sakura said to Sasuke handing him his scroll. They both read them over

Itachi looked at both of them, Sakura was blushing and Sasuke glared at the sheet

"What kind of mission?" Itachi asked smirking

"S-Seduction." Sakura said thrown off

.: Tsunade:.

Tsunade laughed manically, the only light shining in the room was her desk lamp as she downed another cup of sake. She was able to be so evil without Shizune and Sakura censoring her completely. Her evil mind really was a beautiful thing.

"Let's see if we can get them to do more than just screw like bunnies!" Tsunade rubbed her hands together, she knew Sasuke was very jealous and possessive and Tsunade knew when he saw the outfit Sakura used for seduction missions and the way Tsunade taught her to act. He'd be going after her faster than lightening. She also knew that Sakura was very cute and tiny and so protectable, it was easy.


She blushed as she read the scroll

"Seduction?" She thought blushing outwardly

.: Naruto :.

He groaned, a seduction mission, they were so boring!

.: Tsunade :.

Hey she could have a lot of fun with Shizune gone. Naruto and Hinata would be going in the opposite direction of Sakura and Sasuke and leaving 6 hours after, she smiled

2 new couples! She would send the other people she wanted out after that. She smiled evilly.

.: 3 hours later (Sakura):.

Sakura sighed as she packed her things for her mission, Sasuke had walked her home earlier.

She flopped on her bed, grabbing a stuffed animal Naruto had given her and pulling it close to her body

" I can't believe what happened last night," Sakura thought closing her eyes and groaning " I slept with him, we're not even dating. He doesn't even seem like he likes me. Maybe he just told me that so I would."

"Yeah dumbass, he asked you about 5 different times if you were sure if you wanted to sleep with him so he could get some quick ass." Her inner rolled her eyes at her

"I'll give him a week to prove that he actually cares about me." Sakura said to her inner

"He walks you home all the time and did you forget you actually cuddled last night? Sasuke Uchiha does not cuddle with his one night stands I can guarantee it."

"I guess," she thought, and then a little light bulb went off in her head " Naruto used to share an apartment with Sasuke maybe he can tell me if the women stayed the night!"

Sakura grabbed her cell quickly dialing Naruto's number

"Hey Saki! What's up!" Naruto called happily through the phone

"Hey Nar-kun! Hey can I ask a quick question?" Sakura asked as she smiled at Naruto's nickname for her

"Sure thing Sak!" Naruto said

"It's about Sasuke, he used to have women come to the apartment right?" Sakura asked

"You mean more than one at once? Or just in general?" He asked confused

"He had more than one woman over at a time?" She asked swallowing hard

"Yeah a couple of times, most if ever got to was 3 though. Why?" Naruto asked

"I-I just wanted to know if they stayed overnight with him." Sakura said hoping for it to be a no

"No not really, usually after everything was done they'd leave pretty pissed. Why though Saki?" Naruto asked still extremely confused

There was a knock on the door

"I'll tell you later kay? I gotta go! Mission. Love Ya!" she called to Naruto hanging up before he answered back.

Sakura hurried to the door,

"Who is it?" Sakura called before unlocking the door

"hn." She heard muffled and she unlocked the door opening it for him

"Why don't you use the peephole?" He asked curiously.

She was very nervous around him all of the sudden

"I- uhm. I'm too short for it." Sakura said turning around quickly and walking back to her room leaving the door opened for him to come in, he was confused as he watched her walk away from him quickly.

He closed the door behind him as he walked to the bedroom behind her, she was putting things into her pack quickly. He leaned on the door frame and he watched her walk to her bookshelf quickly grabbing 4 scrolls and tossing them on the bed, she brushed her hair out of her face.

"Why's she rushing?" He asked himself glancing at the clock "It's only 10:30."

He was torn from his thoughts as her phone began to ring on the bed. Sakura grabbed the phone flipping it open

"I cant talk right now! I'm going on a mission!" She hung up the phone quickly

She glanced at Sasuke who was looking at her emotionlessly.

"Who was that?" Sasuke asked, he wanted to know why she was acting so weird

"Naruto." She answered quickly as she looked through her bag realizing she didn't have any of her toiletries.

Sakura went to walk out of the room but was blocked by Sasuke, she looked up at him but wouldn't meet his eyes. He narrowed his eyes and grabbed her chin making her meet his eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" He said, his voice was forceful and suspicious, she blushed and tried to pull away

"Quit." He demanded to her and she stopped immediately

"Sasuke I-" She trailed off as he kept staring at her with eyes that said she'd better listen to him.

"What is wrong with you?" Sasuke asked again, in a low tone

"Nothing," She said pulling away again. He let her this time as she walked past him quickly grabbing all of her shampoos and such, she brushed her hair out of her face and walked back to her room. Sasuke still stood in the doorway, not taking his eyes off of her.

He let her walk past him and she didn't look at him. She put all of her stuff in the bag and she didn't have anything else to distract her. She felt him looming over her, her pulse thrummed. She was so nervous, she swallowed again. He put his hand on her back, it spanned her upper back. Sakura looked up at him. Trying to banish the blush from her cheeks.

He looked over her face, he could feel her heart beating quickly.

"Sakura" He said quietly she bit her lip "Is this about last night?" He asked, as he pulled her closer to him and looked down at her. She gave a small nod

"I-Did it mean something to you?" She asked softly, looking away, he sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind he leaned down and kissed her temple

"Yes," Sasuke answered her body loosened a bit and she smiled

"Good," She said softly, she put her hand on top of his "It meant a lot to me."

"I told you that yesterday," He said back, he wasn't sure why she was asking now, he'd spent the whole day with her and she hadn't acted like this. There was something else to it "Why're you asking now?"

Sasuke asked, she bit her lip. Debating one whether she shoulder answer him or not.

"I called Naruto a-and I asked if you typically had women stay over," Sasuke frowned he knew where this was going, and he knew she was going to ask as some point "And he told you about the amount of women I've been with."

Sakura nodded and laid her head against his chest "Are you mad at me?" she asked softly, he rolled his eyes and wondered who she dated before him that got mad that easily. Sasuke didn't answer he turned her around in his arms and she laid her head on his chest wrapping her arms around him also. He smoothed her hair. She assumed her wasn't angry with her if he was hugging her.

"I'm sorry," Sakura said softly, burying her face in his chest

"Don't apologize to me." He said back to her

Well hope you all liked! Thanks for reading!

