Sorry I haven't updated. Writer's block. But I'm back and it is now 3 years since I wrote this story. I love all the feedback from all of you. Thank you. I will start some new stories, not mostly from The Walking Dead but other stories involving something else. So look forward to them. Read the Author's note at the end of this chapter. With that being said, Here it is. Time to find out if Lori survives or dies of childbirth. Here's chapter 24. Enjoy!

Chapter 24: Killer Within

An unidentified person wearing prison garb brings in a gas can and a deer corpse, dragging it into the prison. The unidentified person then tosses rocks at a couple of walkers to obtain their attention. The walkers feast on the deer carcass that has been strategically spread out to lure the walkers towards the prison gate. The person then breaks open the prison gate, placing the deer's heart in front of it.

(Later that day)

The group than starts to fortify the prison, Rick has been ordering Carol to pull the bus a little bit more out.

"Okay now lets get the other cars in, we'll park them in the west entree of the yard." Rick said.

"Good it started to look like a big vacancy sign." Daryl said.

"After that we need to load up these corpses so we can burn them." Rick said.

"Wheres Glenn and Maggie? We could use their help." Carol said.

"Up in the guard tower." Daryl said.

"Guard Tower but they've been up there all night." Rick said.

"GLENN, MAGGIE!" Daryl yelled.

They see Glenn get out of the guard tower putting back his pants on.

"OH HEY GUYS." Glenn yelled back.

They all start to chuckle. Everyone gets back to work.

"Hey, Rick." T-Dog said.

Rick turns around and sees the other prisoners standing by the gate. Rick asks Daryl, Michael and T-Dog to come with him.

"That's close enough. We had an agreement." Rick said to the prisoners.

"Please, mister. We know that, we made a deal. But you gotta understand! We can't live in that place another minute, you follow me? All the bodies, people we knew! Blood, brains everywhere! There's ghosts!" Axel cried as Glenn and Maggie come towards Rick, Daryl, Michael, T-Dog and the prisoners.

"Why don't you move the bodies out?" Daryl asked.

"You should be burning them." T-Dog said.

"We tried, we did." Axel said.

"The fence is down on the far side of the prison. Every time we drag a body out, those things just line up. So throw out a body and we just run back inside." Oscar said.

"Look! We had nothing to do with Thomas and Andrew, nothing! You trying to prove a point? You proved it, bro! We'll do whatever it takes to be a part of your group, just, please, please, don't make us live in that place!" Axel said, desperately trying to convince the leader, Axel knew that trust wasn't easy to come by Rick.

"Our deal is not negotiable. You either live in your cell block, or you leave." Rick refused.

"I told you this was a waste of time. They ain't no different than the pricks who shot up our boys. You know how many friends' corpses we had to drag out this week? Just threw 'em out like… Those were good guys! Good guys who had our backs against the really bad dudes in the joint like Thomas and Andrew. Now, we've all made mistakes to get in here, chief, and I'm not gonna pretend to be a saint, but believe me… we paid our due. Enough that we would rather hit that road, than to go back into that shithole." Oscar said his piece. Rick looks behind to Daryl who shakes his head. He then looks at Michael and he shakes his head no.

Daryl lock the gates with Oscar and Axel in it.

"Come on, dude!" Axel grumbled. As he and Oscar stand there while the rest of the group debate about what to do next.

"Are you serious? You want them living in a cell next to you? They'll just be waiting for a chance to grab our weapons, you want to go back to sleeping with one eye open?" Rick asked T-Dog, who thought the prisoners should be trusted.

"I never stopped. Bring them into the fold. If we send them off packing, we might as well execute them ourselves." T-Dog told Rick.

"I don't know, Axel seems a little unstable." Glenn weighed in.

"After all we've been through? We fought so hard for all this, what if they decide to take it?" Carol thought.

"It's just been us for so long… They're strangers. I don't… it feels weird all of a sudden to have these other people around." Maggie crossed her arms.

"You brought us in." T-Dog said to her.

"Yeah, but you turned up with a shot boy in your arms, didn't give us a choice." Maggie replied.

"They can't even kill walkers!" Glenn argued.

"They're convicts, bottom line!" Carol said.

"Those two might actually have less blood on their hands than we do." T-Dog said.

"I get guys like this. Hell, I grew up with them. They're degenerates, but they ain't psychos. I could have been with them just as easy as I'm out here with you guys." Daryl weighed in. Rick usually looked to Daryl if he needed someone to back him up on a certain topic. They usually agreed with the same things.

"So you with me?" T-Dog asked Daryl.

"Hell no! Let 'em take their chances out on the road, just like we did!" Daryl shook his head.

"What I'm saying, Daryl…" T-Dog began but was cut off by Rick.

"When I was a rookie, I arrested this kid. Nineteen years old, wanted for stabbing his girlfriend. The kid blubbered like a baby during the interrogation, during the trial, suckered the jury. He was acquitted due to insufficient evidence, and in 2 weeks later shot another girl. We've been through too much. Our deal with them stands." Rick said, calling back to a case he worked on back before all this started. He couldn't picture working as a police officer if all of this ever stopped. He'd done to much... it wouldn't feel right.

Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, T-Dog, Michael and Carol are walking in the yard, still trying to organize life in the prison.

"Move the cars to the upper yards, I want them facing out, they'll be out of the way but ready to go if we need to bail," Rick said as he then looked to T-Dog. "We'll give the prisoners a week supply of food for the road."

"Might not last a week." Said T-Dog.

"Their choice." Rick replied.

"Did they really have one?" He questioned.

"Hey! Hey, whose blood would you rather have on your hands? Maggie's, Glenn's, or theirs?" Rick came up to him and asked him.

"Neither." T-Dog muttered, walking away.

The others are moving the cars to another place. Daryl takes his motorbike. Axel examines the internal parts.

"Twin cylinder, is that a Triumph?" Axel asked. Daryl picked up that he knew about motorcycles, maybe he was a mechanic or something.

"Don't even look at it." Daryl growled.

"Didn't want it bored out? Sounds like it could use a tune-up, I'm pretty handy with the grind! Heads are leakin'! I know my bikes!" Axel said, desperately trying to earn his keep somehow. Daryl ignores him, riding away.

"Man, will you just stop? Have some balls!" Oscar bellowed.

"I'm just saying." Axel said.

Meanwhile at Cell Block C, Carl is sitting on the stairs of the cell block, finishing to build crutches for Hershel. Lori along with Shane, Amy, Jacqui, Otis, Patrica, Sophia, Dale and Beth arrive. Beth and Carl exchange a smile.

"Alright!" Lori said, finally done with the crutches. Carl walks into the cell which holds Hershel and Beth. She offers them to Hershel, who immediately gets up and is helping onto the crutches by Beth and Lori, who walks in. The others nearby.

"Daddy, don't push yourself." Beth says. Hershel's eagerness to walk worried his daughter.

"What else am I going to do? I can't stand looking at the bottom of that bunk. Whoa! You know? I can go pretty steady." Hershel says, as he carefully walks on the crutches. At some points, he forgot that he had only one leg now.

Hershel stumbles, and Lori and Beth move to catch him, their hands on his shoulders. Tapping the crutches on the floor before taking a step, he says, "You know, I think I'm pretty steady."

"That's a good start. Want to take a rest?" Lori asked.

"Rest? Let's go for a little stroll." Hershel smiles.

In the prison courtyard, Hershel continues to try to walk with his one leg and crutches. Meanwhile, Glenn is handing the prisoners supplies for when they leave.

"There's enough food in there to last you guys a week. Cut you loose when we get back." Glenn said.

"Thank you, bro." Axel says, thankful for their hospitality. Even though - they were there first.

"Sit tight." Glenn said to the prisoners and he runs away.

"Thank you bro?" Oscar scoffs.

Carol gets into one of the cars and begins to drive it and do what Rick had said earlier.

The group is trying to clean and organize the surroundings of the prison in order to be more comfortable living there. Glenn, Michael, Rick and Daryl get out of the prison by a hole in the fence. Glenn sees a walker.

"Should I take her out?" Glenn asks.

"No. If that armory hadn't been picked clean, we could spare the ammo." Rick refuses.

" I'll start making runs, the sooner, the better." Daryl informs the three men.

"We'll throw as much wood as we can in the dog run." Rick nods.

"Won't the fire attract walkers? Maybe we should bury 'em." Glenn suggests.

"We're behind a fence. It's worth a one-time risk to get rid of the bodies for good. I don't want to be planting crops in walker-rotted soil." Rick shakes his head.

Meanwhile, at the courtyard of the prison, While the others are parking the cars, Beth, Carl, Sophia, Dale, Otis, Patrica, Jacqui, Shane, Amy and Lori are helping Hershel to take a walk in the courtyard.

"I got you here if you need it." Lori said.

"Just take your time on those steps." Beth tells him.

"You cleared all those bodies out? It's startin' to look like a place we could really live in." Hershel blurts out.

"Hey, you watch your step," Lori says, because Hershel isn't watching where he's walking. "The last thing we need is you falling."

"Looky here." Daryl says, pointing to Hershel. Glenn drops his wood and smiles, "He is one tough son of a bitch. Alright Hershel!" He yells. Daryl raises his finger to his mouth, "Shh.. Keep your cheers down." He points to a walker that caught attention to Glenn's cheers.

"Oh, man, can't we just have one good day?" Glenn sighs. Then Michael told Glenn he'll hold onto the keys and Glenn gives them him.

"You're doing great Daddy." Beth says, patting him on the back.

"Ready to race, Hershel?" Carl laughs.

"Give me another day, I'll take you on." Hershel chuckles. All the others see Hershel walking. Everybody can't help but smile. Suddenly, a herd of walkers appears behind Carl. He hears them and turns around.

"Walkers!" He alerts the rest.

Rick and the others see the walkers.

"Rick, I got the keys!" Michael shouts to Rick.

"Go Mikey! GO!" Rick said as he and Daryl quickly rush behind him to go around the fence. Glenn has to close the fence before running to the courtyard too.

Everyone else start shooting the Walkers. But there are too many. Hershel and Beth were trying to find some place safe from the walkers.

Beth and Hershel head towards the inside the prison. Beth opens the door. Hershel has trouble walking up the stairs, and then a walker grabs ahold of him.

"Daddy, behind you!" Beth alerts him. Hershel pushes the walker with one of his crutches. Glenn is done closing up the fence and starts running as fast as he can towards the courtyard.

Michael made it the entrance of the courtyard with Rick, Glenn and Daryl behind him trying to unlock the lock.

At the courtyard, the group is defending themselves against the many walkers.

T-Dog notice that the gate is open shooting a walker, and then he runs towards the gate while Carol follows him, but she is a bit far behind because of the walkers wandering around the prison.

Maggie opens one of the doors leading to the prison. She, Lori, Carl. Shane and Amy head inside

Those who stayed outside continued killing the Walkers.

Meanwhile in Cell block C

Maggie, Carl, Shane, Amy and Lori are walking inside the prison. They're about to go in their cell block, when another herd of walkers coming out of there. Shane and Amy took them with their melee weapons.

After they took out the Walkers, they head in cell block, to the cell that Rick and Lori sleep in to wait for the others.

Meanwhile outside

Michael managed to unlock the first gate door as he, Rick, Daryl and Glenn head in.

"Get out of my way!" Michael yells at the prisoners. Michael tries to open the gate. Daryl yells at him impatiently, "Come on! Come on!"

Back in the courtyard

T-Dog tries to close a gate to stop the walkers from coming in. A walker sneaks up behind him and was about to sink it's teeth into his shoulder, when it is shot in the head.

T-Dog looks at the Walker, then he saw who shot the Walker and it was Otis with his rifle.

Michael manages to open the gate. With Glenn, Rick and Daryl, he runs towards the courtyard.

"Hey, bro, what about us?" Axel asked as he Oscar follow them behind.

Rick, Michael, Daryl and Glenn make it to the main part they shoot the walkers that are in the area.

"What the hell just happened!?" Rick asked Beth.

"Walkers broke in." Beth said.

"Wheres Lori, Carl and the others?" Rick asked.

"They all ran to the cell block." Hershel said.

"Is everybody else out here?" Rick asked.

"Yeah." Beth said.

"Stay put." Rick said.

They all finish off the rest of the walkers.

"Those chains didn't break on their own, someone took an ax or cutters to them." Glenn said to Rick as he and Michael looks at the prisoners.

"You think they did it?" Glenn asked.

"Who else?"

Then suddenly an alarm sets off.

"What's that?" Glenn asked.

"You gotta be kiddin' me." Daryl groaned as the sound whaled on, screaming out as Rick called his name, beckoning his attention before working to shoot at the speakers that decorated different walls around the courtyard. So did Glenn too.

"How the hell can this be happening?" Rick spat at the prisoners.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. It has to be the backup generators." Oscar said.

"Well, how do you turn those on?" Rick asked.

"There's three that's connected to a diesel tank, okay? Each one controls a certain part of the prison." He explained. "The hacks shut 'em all off when the prison was overrun."

"Can someone open up the main gates electronically with full power?" Rick asked.

"I only worked in there a few days. I guess it might be possible." Oscar said.

Shane then came outside.

"Rick! Is Hershel out here?" He asked.

"He's over there." Rick told him pointing to where Hershel is at.

"Lori is going into labor." Shane said.

"All right, everyone! Cell block C. Now!" Rick told everyone, then looked towards the prisoners, "You two, come with us."

"Let's go!" Glenn said.

They all head into the cell block.

Inside the cell block

Shane leads Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Michael, Oscar and Axel up to the cell Lori is in.

Rick starts to go up the stairs. Michael follows him.

Rick see Lori laying on the bed in pain.

"Lori. Are you aright?" He asked.

"Rick. The baby's coming!" She said while in pain.

"Hershel's on the way. I'll be right back."

"Rick, where are you going?" She asked.

"I have to go find the generators." He said as he was about to leave, but Lori grabs his hand.

"No Rick! I need you here!" She pleaded.

"You have to stay here, Rick." Michael said.

"But Mikey, the generators..."

"I'll go find them. Lori needs you here." He said as Rick looks at Lori, then back to Michael.

"Ok." Rick said as Michael took out his Beretta.

"Here Rick. You're gonna need all the bullets." He said as Rick takes his Beretta. Rick then pulls out his Python.

"If I'm taking yours, take mine." Rick said as Michael takes it as Rick gave him some bullets for his Python. He puts the bullets in his pocket and holster the Python.

"Aright! We'll split up and look inside the tombs. Oscar, you're with me and Daryl. Axel, you go with Glenn and T-Dog. Whoever gets to the generators first, shut 'em down!" Michael said as they run towards the generator room.

Michael iead the way, Oscar occasionally speaking up if they make a wrong turn. They try to go down one hall, but before Oscar can object, they are forced back by walkers. Michael shoots a Walker with Rick's Python. They turn and go the other way, hurrying into the generator room. "Daryl, get the door," Michael said to Daryl.

Daryl pushes back against the door, Oscar joining him as Michael take a look around the room. He find the controls, but realize he have no idea what he's doing. "How do you shut these down?!"

"Go!" Daryl barks to Oscar. "I got it!"

Oscar flips the switch, and Michael start back towards the other controls. Out of nowhere, Andrew appears, swinging an axe with a yell. Michael jump back with a cry of surprise, and Oscar runs to help, but jumps away when Andrew takes a swing at him. He pins Michael against one of the generators, but he push back against the axe, then shove him against the wall. He hits Michael with the end, and he stumble back, but draw Rick's gun. He kicks it out of his hands, and he scramble after it. Andrew tackles him to the ground as Michael try to reach it, but he pulls him away from it.

Andrew scrambles off, trying to reach his axe before Michael reach for Rick's gun. Michael turns as an empty diesel barrel goes flying, hitting him in the head. He wince slightly. That had to hurt. Michael look back for Rick's gun, but it's at Oscar's feet, and the former prisoner grabs it. Michael straighten, holding out a hand, as he aims it at him. Behind him, Andrew gets to his feet. To Oscar, he pleads, "Shoot him. We can take back this prison." Oscar hesitates, and Andrew exclaims, "What're you waiting for? Do it! It's our house! Shoot him!"

Oscar shifts his aim and fires. Andrew's body drops to the ground behind Michael. Around the corner, he see Daryl approaching, hands and knife raised in a fighting stance. Oscar lowers the Colt Python, turning it around so the handle faces Michael. He steps forward, holding it out towards him . he take it, giving him a nod. He's one of them. He then flipped the switches and the alarms are shut off.

"Let's go." He said as he, Daryl and Oscar leave the generator room and head back to the others.

Axel and Glenn meet up with Michael, Daryl, and Oscar in the tombs, both groups' weapons raised. They lower them when they see it's each other, and turn towards the sound of walkers. They round the corner, Michael fires at the two walkers.

"Let's head back to the others, then we'll check the tombs for any Walkers that are wandering in here." Michael told the guys as they head back to the cell block.

Back towards the cell block

As they got to the cell door, they stopped for a minute as they hear a baby crying. The baby's here, but is Lori? Michael was wondering. He then went towards where Lori's cell is at while the others follow behind him. Dale saw them.

"Hey guys. Make way. The godfather's coming." He told everyone as they move out of Michael's way to meet his godchild.

Michael got closer and closer until he is there. Shame and Amy moved aside and Michael saw... Rick, Carl, Patricia, Hershel and Lori, looking ok and holding her newborn child. They see Michael standing outside the cell.

"Hey Mikey. Come meet your goddaughter." Lori said to him. It's a girl. Michael walks to towards them.

He kneels to see his goddaughter. She is wide awake and looks up at Michael.

"Hey there precious. I'm your godfather, Mikey. Welcome to our family, little one." Michael cooing to his goddaughter grips his finger. Everyone looks on. Even though there is still danger, with the birth of the baby has gave them sign that there is still hope for them to survive in this new world.

Well, there you have it folks! Lori lives! Here are the poll results, 4 voted that Lori lives, 0 votes for she dies. Thank you to those that voted. I really appreciate it. Now for the Author's note. This story will be on hiatus for awhile, I don't know how long, but will return. Be patient please. In the beginning of this chapter, I said I will start some new stories, I will, but I want to know from you, the readers of fanfiction which story should I start first. So I will post a new poll of the stories and will tell you what they are about in my profile. Let those you know who read these types of stories from that set of stories. From movies, tv shows. You name it. 2 of my stories are saga one. I let you guys know which are the sagas. The story with the most votes by midnight August 20, I will start first. So please! Read and Review as always! And May The Force Be With You!