Things aren't always what they appear

Sometimes I think life just picks a certain person to pick on the moment they enter, screaming, into the world. But hey, I'm sure some people have it worse than me.

My pink hair whipped across my face and I semi-growled at the pain it inflicted. The merciless, cold wind bit through the winter coat I had on, right through my school uniform, to the pale skin underneath. Oh, and yes, my pink hair is indeed NATURAL. Just in case you were wondering. As to what I am doing on this god-forsaken cold windy day? I am on my way to Leaf High, properly nicknamed for the amount of pot-heads that attend.

I am 15 years old, going into my sophomore year of high school. I am at the top of my class; I have friends, and a seemingly perfect life. I suppose it would look perfect to the untrained, unknowing eyes. No one would care to look closer at the seemingly perfect canvas only to discover the cracks and poor creativity underneath.

I live with my parents, if you call it living. Mom is too busy with work to ever be there and my father is a straight up whore. I care for my mother knowing she really does try and care, where my father is as dead to me as a turtle is on the highway. We all know when we see a poor turtle trying to cross a busy street, what will happen inevitably in the end. Sad but true.

Crap, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Sakura Haruno. Yes, hardy har har, because my hair is pink and I'm named after a cherry blossom tree. Remember earlier when I mentioned a lack of creativity? Anyways, it just so happens this is the day that my life changes. It's the day I met HIM.

'Ah, fuck! I'm gonna be late!' I thought to myself. Really I needed to stop breaking alarm clocks in my sleep. I hurried across the frozen wasteland of a school yard and into the building. I could just hear my best friend Ino now, shes going to give me hell for being late. Yelling at me because I wasn't here early to see the elusive mystery new kid that was going to be introduced today. I pulled my bag closer to me to cut down on wind resistance as I flew down the halls. I burst, rather ungracefully into the room, just to bump into something really solid and fall on my ass.

"What the hell…" I muttered, rubbing my forehead before gazing upward. My jaded eyes widened as I took in the lean figure in front of me. He was at least a head or two taller then me, but I had always been on the petite side, though he still looked pretty damn intimidating. Dressed in faded blue jeans, a dark grey t-shirt that hung on his frame perfectly, teasingly showing glimpses of the toned chest and abs just beneath. My eyes wandered, almost feeling like I was stuck in slow motion, up to his face. Pale skin, then I saw thin but very tempting lips, my eyes went higher to see an aristocratic nose, and black midnight hair. What froze me was the dark abyss of his eyes, annoyance now flickering deep within them. They were black holes of nothingness, swallowing up my mind and leaving me paralyzed.

"-kura! Haruno, 'ey!" I was snapped out of it, thankfully, by my teacher Mr. Hatake. The class was dotted with giggles and chuckles and I blushed with embarrassment before quickly getting up and dusting myself off. I kept my gaze away from the boy, afraid of a recurrence of events.

"Late again Ms. Haruno…well im glad you decided to show up, we were just getting ready to introduce Mr. Uchiha here. Care to take a seat?' said Mr. Hatake lazily. Mr. Hatake was a good teacher and everyone loved him, but that didn't mean he didn't take teaching seriously, well, most of the time anyways. Whenever there wasn't a new Icha Icha book out he was serious. I grabbed my bag and walked down the rows squeaking out a soft "H-Hai" as I sat next to Ino. I chose to ignore the glare she was giving me and favored, instead, to brave a glance at the new kid who was looking uninterestedly out the window.

"Introduce yourself, son." Said Kakashi as she opened a new book. Obviously this was not going to be a serious teaching day. Or week for that matter.

I was again shocked when I heard a seductive, velvety, tenor emerge from the boy I had bumped into. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha." I heard several of the girls squeal, including Ino. I rolled my eyes. Fangirls, the lot of them. But damn, that voice was sexy!

Hello everyone, this is my first story that I have been brave enough to post. ^.^ I am open to any criticisms or ideas, just please let it be constructive criticism. :)

Review please!