Author's Note: I really couldn't help it. This is the first fandom I have been involved in where de-aging could actually be explained…through magic. And it makes sense…because there is real magic in Storybrooke! This story has been on my mind a long time. I began it last summer. Then when I heard Charming's mom would appear, I stopped to see what would happen. Began again, after Lady of the Lake (sad that Ruth died, that took away an interesting plot point I was developing) then stopped again when I heard Charming's real name was going to be revealed. Went back, changed Charming's name to David, wrote some more.

If you have read any of my other stories, you'll notice I have an interest in the Enchanted Forest childhood. This story is going to explore that much further. I have done research into Medieval children's lives, because it is somewhat similar (despite magic and the power women have in the EF and minus the strong Christian element in Medieval times). Compared to contemporary American parenting, it could be considered brutal. In that particular time, it was not. I wanted to compare the differences in Emma's somewhat atypical American upbringing, and her parents EF childhood. I also thought de-aging Snow and David would give Emma a chance to know her parents. In the stories where Emma is de-aged, Snow and David get to learn more about her and her childhood (and I love those stories, I really do). But they want to know more about her childhood, they already love her more then anything. I figure this way, Emma will see parts of herself in her parents, and have a better understanding of them. She may be able to reach a level of forgiveness that will allow her love them without fear or reservations.

Lastly, I have been going back and forth about Regina for two years now. The TWoP forum has been great for dissecting the character and having discussions. I will make this clear. I think Regina is a murderer and a rapist. She physically killed some, and ordered the death of others. She caused Emma's separation from her parents, which for anyone who has know the family of a kidnapped or missing child, is an endless hurt. She convinced Henry he was crazy, and did it in the name of love. She has not earned redemption yet. Her redemption for all that she did has not even barely begun. That being said, I would enjoy seeing Regina being redeemed. As this is not real life (where I would see her locked away forever), it would be a fascinating journey. Miss Cam's story Made all the Difference has shown the redemption story can be realistic and amazing. I also think Regina does love Henry, in her own way. She is his mother, as Emma is his mother. I don't think there has been nearly enough focus on the fact that she is also Snow's mother. The time-line is convoluted but I think we can say that she acted as Snow's mother as much, or nearly as much as Queen Eva. How she acted, or fulfilled this duty is questionable. I think it adds to the story, and Snow's character, if we imagine Regina as a sometimes loving, sometimes cruel mother. It would explain Snow's inability to condemn Regina. Like Regina and Cora, Regina and Snow's relationship is complicated. I want to explore that further.

So, after that ridiculously long Author's Note, if you are still interested…Read on!

Ch. 1: Magic Sucks

"I hate magic," said Emma. "I mean I really, really hate magic," she barely restrained herself from kicking the desk.

Red looked at her sympathetically "I know."

"I don't think you do," said Emma. "Magic keeps screwing with my life."

"I don't know?" said Ruby. "Really?" She gave Emma a significant look.

"Right, sorry," said Emma "but…" She swallowed the rest of what she wanted to say. The truth was, magic complicated her life in a way that would have her checked into a psych ward in any other place on the planet. Case in point. She was looking at two miniature versions of her parents.

"Well," said Red after a moment. "They are pretty cute."

"Yeah," Emma said, disgruntled. They were cute. But cute was not helpful right now. They didn't know who she was. They didn't seem to know each other. She sighed and let her head drop in her hands.

Ruby looked over at the children, who were seated on a bench near one of the cells. They looked about ten, maybe eleven. Snow's hair was overrun with curls that cascaded down her back, her hands neatly folded in her lap, back straight. David's hair was a little longer than usual but it was a bright blonde. He swung his legs nervously as he picked at the collar of his shirt. They weren't wearing the clothes they had on that morning. Red recognized the clothing as being from the Enchanted Forest. Of course, this led to the question: was it Snow and David, miniaturized back into children? Or had Snow and David the children been transported from the Enchanted Forest, and adults shipped back to the Enchanted Forest? She sighed and turned to Emma. "What happened?" she asked again.

Emma's voice was muffled in her arms. "We were in the woods. Snow and David were ahead of me. I was checking the trail near the river. I heard a banging sound and saw a bright flash of something green. When I ran towards it…I found them," she waved her hand a little, "Like this".

When she had seen Snow cringing at the sound of the airplane and their wide-eyed response to her gun, she realized that not only were they children, but they had no memories of this world.

Getting them back to Sheriff station taken a great deal of coaxing...and hand-holding.

"I'll go to Granny's," suggested Red, putting on her coat. "Get them some food."

"Food?" questioned Emma helplessly, "How's that going to help anything? Is it magic food?"

"Everyone does better on a full stomach," Red said firmly. "I'll be back in like- ten minutes, okay?"

Emma considered begging her to stay but decided Ruby was probably right. Food certainly couldn't hurt anyway. "Alright. Grilled Cheese for me, please."

Red rolled her eyes, "As if I didn't know." She walked out the door, giving the children a reassuring glance as she left.

As the door swung shut, the children gave Emma identical, anxious looks. Emma dropped her head back in her hands, wondering what to do, wondering who to ask for help. The Blue Fairy? Rumpelstiltskin? She was a little afraid to let anyone know what happened. Henry might be a good start, even if she felt badly for relying so much on an eleven year old. Some minutes had gone by when she heard one of the children lightly clearing their throat, and raised her eyes once again.

"Sheriff?" It was the boy. It was David.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Are you going to find my mother?"

She searched his face. The blue eyes and the frown furrowing his face were achingly familiar.

Emma sighed, "I…I don't know kid," she said honestly.

Her words seemed to echo in the small space. They were all silent another few minutes when David spoke again.

"Then I need to go back to the forest. My mother says that when I am lost, I need to stay in one place. That way…she will find me." His tone was resolute and his eyes held utter faith..

Emma felt a pain in her chest at the familiar words. He was so sure of his mother's rescue.

Snow looked between them, then addressed Emma. "My parents will be searching for me as well. Please, please sheriff. Let us go to them," her green eyes were pleading.

Emma had the fleeting thought of how good her parents would be at soothing these children, reassuring them, knowing the right words to say to them. She needed her parents. For this, and for so many other things. It was like being an orphan all over again. She opened her mouth to reply.

Red chose that moment to re-enter the station. The smell of the food caused all of them to turn and look at her. Red smiled easily. "Alright everyone, let's eat."

Both children hung back nervously, but Emma actually heard David's stomach rumble. None of them had eaten since breakfast, and that was nearly seven hours ago. "We need to eat," Emma made her voice firm and authorative. "Then we can talk about what to do next."

Red unpacked the food and paper plates. Emma noticed that except for her sandwich, the food was very plain. Chicken, vegetables, and water to drink.

Snow walked over to the table, and glanced up at Red. A smile crept over her face. "The food looks quite good. Thank you."

Red lay a fond hand on the child's head. "No problem, kiddo."

Snow frowned slightly. "What is this kiddo you speak of?"

Emma felt a laugh bubble up, the first after this whole situation had begun. Red gave her a grin in return. "It's a nickname. A small-name," she corrected herself. "It's meant as an endearment."

"I see," Snow's smile returned as she seated herself at the table.

Emma walked over to the bench, and crouched down until she was face-to-face with David. She gentled her voice. "Don't you want to eat David? I know you must be hungry."

"I'm able to work, to pay for my meal," he said steadily. "Cleaning, whatever you wish."

"You don't need to pay for anything David."

David's mouth firmed. "My mother and I don't accept alms-givings."

Emma looked at Red. "We consider you our friends, David. That's the spirit the food is offered," Red said.

The speech was so formal, it was making Emma uncomfortable. "C'mon kid," she coaxed. "I'm so hungry I could eat Chimera, but believe me, this is a lot better."

David's smile, although only slowly appearing, was as brilliant as Snow's. "Thank you." He came closer to the table, and glanced hesitatingly at Snow and Red. Snow reached out to grasp his hand. "Please sit by me David," Snow requested shyly.

David's eyes lit up and he eagerly complied. Clearly he was already smitten. Emma felt slightly relieved. It was good that some things hadn't changed.

The dinner conversation was stilted. Red did most of the talking. Emma was impressed that she switched so easily from contemporary American to what she privately called "Enchanted Forest-ese". The children in return seemed overwhelmed, but they did eat.

As the meal began drawing to a close, Emma realized she had a problem. It was too early to go home, she wanted to try and figure out what had happened. But she didn't know how she was going to answer her parents' earlier questions. Before her mind could latch on and really worry at the problem, Henry burst into the sheriff's station.

"Mom!" he yelled. "Mom I heard…" he stopped and stared at Snow and David, who gazed wide-eyed at him. "Holy cr-…," he started. He looked at Emma. "It's true!? That's Gramma and Grampa?"

Emma got up from the table to quickly that she knocked her plate over. Swiftly she hustled Henry out the door. "Shhh," she hissed fiercely. "They don't know who…wait, how did you know?"

He looked completely stunned. He blinked several times before he seemed to hear her. "Grumpy told me," he said simply.

"Who told Grumpy? Does anyone else know?" Emma shook his sleeve slightly.

He shrugged. "I dunno. He just told me and I ran here as fast as I could." He looked at he anxiously. "Do they know where they are, who we are?"

Emma closed her eyes and shook her head, unable to see the disappointment she knew she would face. She felt her son's arms wrap around her and she hugged him tightly. She took a deep breath, then spoke. "I really need your help Henry. We need to take care of them. I need to turn them back to themselves. I need…" her voice broke a little.

Henry hugged her more tightly. "I'll help mom," he promised. "Just tell me what you want me to do."

"Okay…okay," she took some breaths. She needed to toughen up. "If you could play with them…distract them a little bit, that would be great. They're really scared right now, and I need to be able to get things done without -"

"I can do that Mom," Henry interrupted. "That's easy. We'll find something to play."

Emma squeezed his hand, as they walked back into the main room. Snow and David looked up when they entered.

"Well, kids," Emma said. "I think we can –"

They were interrupted by the sound of clicking heels. Emma's eyes met Red's only a second before a familiar form filled the doorway.

"I hear there's a little problem."

"Mother!" said Snow delightedly. She looked at Emma, the smile lighting her face rivaling the sun. "You found my mother!" She ran over to Regina Mills and threw her arms around her.

Emma stood in stunned horror, unable to move. "Oh sh-"