(Mai's POV)

I'm happy that Naru found his brother body….. But why, why do I keep crying. I really don't want him to go. Please if there is a thing called god please let him stay, I can't lose another person who I love, even though he doesn't love me please just let him stay. I know he won't remember what happened that night, the night I felt like I was really loved for the first time since my parent's death. But he won't remember, I mean we were both drunk that night anyway. I thought while looking at the airplane leaving the station.


Today all the members of SPR except for one were gathered in the office today. As everyone was crowding inn Naru just stared impatiently out the window in his office now covered in a layer of dust. The office that once was filled with smiles and the smell of tea was now filled with gloomy faces and the smell of mildew. While Naru walked out of the office to see the old SPR member the only noise that was made was the door creaking. No Bou-san and Ayako acting like children, no John trying to calm them, and no smell of Mai's tea, just silence. By the time Naru got out of his office the SPR member were sipping Lin's tea and talking among them self's.

(Naru POV)

As I stepped out of my office, the all of old SPR members went quite. The monk and the priestess had anger in their eyes while the priest and the medium had guilt ringing in their eyes but all I could think was where Mai was.

"Hello Davis-san it's nice to see you again" John-san walking across the room to shake my hand

"Where's Mai?" glaring at both Bou-san and Ayako. As I glared Boa-san looked away ashamed but Ayako looked me right in the eyes with pure hate.

Ayako stood up and pointed at me as she said "You are the biggest most arrogant selfish pig eyed idiot in the world. You want to know where Mai is I'll tell you! I don't know! We looked everywhere we even tried contacting you but no you were too busy playing ignoring us when we need your help the most!"

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Naru said with his unemotional mask slipping off. (AN:I know its OC sorry)

"You want to know what happened well here's the story. The day you left and left her with only an email Mai always cried, hardly ate and did not move for a month. When we weren't there to force feed or try to encourage her to walk or do something she would only sit there like a doll sitting in a case that has never been opened. You broke her heart Naru but that's not the worse part after the three weeks have gone and we went to check on her yshe was gone. Her and all her belongs were gone. All she left was a note saying thanks, good-bye and I'll be back when I'm ready and we haven't seen her since" She was now in tears and there was no way to stop the water works.

John only sighs and stands up "The thing about haven't seen them since is a lie" Everyone including me looks at him like he is crazy.

Before I could say anything John is on the ground clutching his stomach. "Damn you John! You we have been trying to find her and you've known all along where she's been! We have been looking for her for 5 years" Bou-san was about to kick him in the stomach when John spoke again."

"I promised Mai and them that I would keep her secret! Mai told me not to tell anyone even though she's been suffering a lot more then all of us put together! What would you do if your best friend had a secret and you promised to keep it even though it would affect not only her life but also another person's life also?" John yelled with tears in his eyes. "It's your fault she's was in pain it's all his fault" Screaming and pointing at me "Do you know how hard it is to keep this from all of you. I'm sorry Mai but I can't keep this secret anymore thanks to Naru." As John calmed down I was still in shock and wondered why it was my fault.