A/N: I don't own Samurai Champloo Characters.

Fuu heard someone was looking for a room mate since their last one moved away she was glad Shino told her about them and was relieved that she knew the person but she was about to be shocked when knocked on the door and seen the person who opened it was a guy. Fuu had no luck with men since she was 15 years old when her mother died they put her in foster care each one was horrible. She was staring at a guy that had pale skin, glasses and jet black hair pulled back in low ponytail.

" am Fuu Sato and my friend Shino told me your looking for a room mate" She said nervously.

"Hmm come on in Shino told me about you" as he showed her in.

"To be honest she didn't tell me you were a guy" She said.

"Hmm I guess she forgot to mention that but I am Jin by the way and the other room mate Mugen he should be here soon so make yourself comfortable" he said as he walked away to get some papers.

As was waiting she looked around the living room had a flat screen tv, a sound system, a ps3, coffee table was oak, the carpet was light blue, the walls where white, the couch was blac/ leather and the chair same thing. Just the Mugen came in and seen Fuu " Who the hell are you?" He asked.

Before she could answer Jin said "She is here for the room."

Mugen glared at them sat down in the black chair while Jin sat next to Fuu "we will need to ask you some questions before we show you around." Jin said

"Oh okay" Fuu said smiling nervously with her hands folded in her lap.

"Well do you have a job?" Mugen asked

"Yes I do I work at Club 21 I work as a waitress and bartender" She replied.

"Really so you can get me and fish face in" he said grinning.

Fuu and Jin rolled their eyes at what he said and Jin went on and asked "How old are you?"

"I am 18 how old are you guys? Fuu asked smiling.

"Well I am 23 and Mugen is 20." Jin replied

"How long did you know Shino?" Jin asked

"I have known Shino since I was 15 years old she helped me out a lot after my mom passed away." Fuu said sadly.

"Well rent is $600 and it is due in two weeks, laundry is downstairs their is arrows pointing the way to it, also we are spliting the rent in 3." Jin said as he got up to show Fuu around.

"This is the kitchen also we all split the groceries." Jin said as Fuu looked at the kitchen it was a little bit big than she expected seening a white fridge, black stove , a sinke and a small kitchen table.

"This is the bathroom." Fuu looked in the bathroom pretty much have its typical bathroom.

"This is my room." Fuu peered in seeing that it was clean, blue bed white carpet, white walls, brown dresser.

"This is Mugen's room." Fuu seen that it was mess as she scrunched up her face clothes are every where, dressers were open with clothes sticking out, posters on the walls of girls in the nude, and sword hanging on his wall also his bed was red blankets.

"This will be your room." Jin said.

"Fuu looked at it seeing that teh carpet was white, the walls white, a window and a closet.

"So when can I move in?" Fuu asked

"Today you can." Jin replied

"Well I am gonna have to call a movers truck." Fuu said as she was about to call from her cell Jin grabbed it sayin that Mugen can us his truck to help move her stuff.

Mugen growled as Jin told him the will be helping Fuu move her stuff while Fuu signed the papers.

Fuu drove her volvo while Jin and Mugen were following behind her in Mugen's truck.

As they go there Jin and Mugen put her dresser, nigh stand and bed in the truck sayin they would be going so they can put the bed together. Fuu nodded and started to pack after she texed Shino that she was moving today. Fuu was glad that she was moving out of her foster parnets house. Shino came over to help her pack.

"So what do you think of Jin and Mugen?" Shino asked

"Well Jin is nice seems like he is quiet but Mugen is an asshole" Fuu said

Shino smiled and agreed with her and asked her about the apartment.

"Oh it is great I love it." Fuu said grinning.

"That is good"

"How did you meet them?" Fuu asked curiously

"Well I met Jin in college in psych class we started chating and became friends then he introduced me to Mugen, I don't know much about him though." Shino said

"So are you dating Jin?" Fuu asked grining

Shino shook her head no but was blushing when Fuu asked.

"Oh my god you like him don't you? She asked smiling

"Yeah but I am scared to ask if he feels the same way." Shino relplied as they put Fuu's last box in the car. Fuu didn't have a lot of stuff to pack just books, clothes, her lap top, lamp, photo books, curtains, blankets and bed sheets and pillows and her jewelery and shoes.

Mugen and Jin

"So what is the deal with her does she have a record? Mugen asked as they put the bed toether as they got done putting the dresser and night stand up in her new room.

"Her mother died when she was 15 and her dad we don't know what happen to him he wasn't in her life only there till she was 3 years old. But it is a myster about her family" Jin said

"So what she was adopted then?" Mugen asked as they were about done.

"No she has been in foster care since she was 15 but some were not treating her right so bounced back from foster homes till she was 17." Jin said.

When the got done Fuu arrived and had to knock on the door since she didn't have her key yet. Jin opened it and realized that she didn't have a key yet saying he will be going to the land lord to get the extra key for her when he left she was alone with Mugen.

"Can you help me get my other things from my car?" She asked.

"Nope you can" He said grinning plopping on the couch.

"Jerk." She mumbled as started to put boxes in her room when she got her suticase of clothes a boy came up to her and asked if she was new here.

"Yeah I am my name is Fuu what's yours?" Fuu asked as she shut the trunk.

"My name is Shinsuke maybe I will see you around" He smiled as he walk away. Fuu smiled as she went up to her new apartment.

Mugen looked at and asked "What you smiling about?"

"Oh nothing"as she went to her room to unpack. Jin knocked on her door as she was almost done unpacking and handed her key to the apartment and left. When she finally got done she looked around seeing her jewelery box was on her dresser, lamp and alarm clock on the night stand, clothes are hanged up, her books stacked up on the floor by the night stand and the photos where under her twin sized bed. The bedding was ping with flowers on them pillowes were pink and white. Also he shoes at the bottom of her closet.

She sate down couch at the other end of Mugen while Jin sat in the chair watching some tv. "Well I want to thank you guys for everything." Fuu said smiling

"You are welcome." Jin said while Mugen grunted.

Fuu went into the kitchen and opened the fridge and seen that all there was beer, a piece of cheese, and an apple. She shut the fridge and opened the cupboards but only found only dishes and then she open the last cupboard and found nothing. You got to be kidding me there is nothing here how do they survive with no food in here.

Fuu plopped down the couch and said "I am going grocery shopping tomorrow okay."

Jin just nodded as Mugen fell asleep on the couch a couple of hours later Fuu went to her bed thinking tomorrow morning about shopping for food, then going to work at night she is glad she that it was summer so she will be making lots of money this summer until she goes college. She was excited to go to college in the fall.