Not So Happy Birthday
By Jake Denton ([email protected])

Summary: On Owen's Birthday, everyone tries to make him smile for once. Can they do it?

Warning: Contains adult themes. Rated PG-13.

"Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you..."

Standing in front of a large cake, ice cream, and gift covered table in the conservatory; Owen was having his birthday today.

Surrounded by the Xanatos family, the gargoyles, and Elisa Maza all around him singing him the birthday song, a party hat attached to his head, Owen only remained stone-faced as always, not smiling or showing any emotions as usual.

"Happy birthday dear Owen...happy birthday to yooouuu..."

Breaking off the song, their voices fading, everyone suddenly noticed that he was not smiling.

He just stood there staring straight ahead. Owen's expression looked like the gargoyles did at the daytime. He didn't even blink. Basically, if he got any more rigid, he'd be dead.

"Owen?" Xanatos asked, snapping his fingers in his face.

"Yes, Mr. Xanatos?"

"Chin up. You're having a birthday party. You're surrounded by friends."

"If you will pardon me, Mr. Xanatos. I have not found birthdays much to be amused about."

Looking at Elisa, Fox smiled knowingly, and pulled her husband away from their servant.

Grinning, unable to contain herself, Elisa stepped in front of the steely-faced man, grabbed her shirt, her hand grasping the bottom of the black T-shirt, lifting it up...

And flashed him, her beautiful breasts larger then life being shoved into his face.

Owen blinked quickly, forcing down the arousal he had felt just now down below his stomach.

He didn't smile however.

Elisa looked disappointed. She looked at Fox and they both shrugged.

Taking the cue, Xanatos put his hand on Owen's shoulder and spun him around.
"Hey Owen, old friend, how do you feel about an added Two-Thousand to your weekly pay?"

Owen nodded but didn't smile. "That sounds genuinely interesting, Mr. Xanatos."

Frustrated, David Xanatos looked at his wife helplessly. "I tried."

Growling, Goliath stepped forward and, grabbing Owen by the collar smacked his face a few times. "Smile, damn it! Smile!"

Instead of smiling, Owen only frowned.

Growling, Goliath moved away from him and rejoined his clan.

Feeling like giving up, Xanatos had a sudden inspiration and pulled a remote control, pointing it at the far wall behind his expressionless servant, and pressed a button.

Owen flinched, startled, as Lord Oberon suddenly appeared before him.

"Puck, Lady Titania and I need you. I lift your banishment from Avalon."

Owen looked at his employer.

David Xanatos and everyone else held their breaths, waiting for his reaction.

Owen lifted an eyebrow.

The gargoyles and Elisa sweatdropped.

Instead of smiling, Owen frowned.

"Noble attempt, sir, but it was futile."

Groaning, giving up, frustrated, the gargoyles, the Xanatoses, and Elisa left the room, leaving Owen standing alone. Watching as everyone disappeared from the room.

Then, when everyone was gone, he smiled.

The End.

Short fic. I know. Pointless, but I wanted to know exactly what would make Owen smile. So I wrote this to find out. Even I didn't know what would do the trick. I had no real ideas of how it would end. I just kept writing until it was over. I didn't even read it. Do you like it? Then tell me so at

[email protected]

Until my next story shows up, take care!

King Cobra3.