Sherlock doesn't return until the wee small hours of the morning. I am still up when he attempts to sneak in, prepared to stay awake for as long as it takes.

"I thought you'd be asleep," he comments lightly, the way you'd talk about the weather.

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay," I reply in the same tone, "didn't want to get a call from Mycroft at 3am."

He chuckles at that, and I let out a shaky breath.

'Look, John, about earlier…"

"No. No need to explain. I overstepped the mark and I'm sorry and it won't happen again and," I take a deep breath, "I can move out, if you want."

He takes a step towards me, a sly spark in his eyes.

"I was going to say that I felt we had something to finish, but if you'd rather we forgot about it…"

"No!" I blurt out before I can get my brain in gear, and I wince as I realise how outright needy I sound. Nice one, John. But Sherlock only leaps forward and captures my lips with his own. Heaven itself couldn't taste this good. I stifle a breathy moan as a perfect hand reaches round my waist, one finger tracing the gap between my jumper and trousers. I push harder against his mouth. This is awkward and messy and definitely not practiced, but somehow that just makes it all the sweeter. Like we're discovering something new together.

We emerge a few minutes later, gasping for air.

"People will talk," he teases, moving his lips down my jaw line.

"People do little else," I shoot back.

He pulls back and I see all his shirt buttons are undone. When did that happen?

"You did that," he grins, deduction spot on as always. I roll my eyes.

And then we both burst out laughing, the tension between us finally broken. We're not perfect, not by a long shot, and I don't think we ever will be. There are a lot of broken pieces to pick up after the mess Moriarty made. But we have each other. So that's okay.

We've found each other again.

So here it is! The end of this fic!

*sheds a loving tear* I feel like I've been writing this forever (it's been a few months) and that it didn't end up being very long, or very good. But I also feel it's come to a natural end. And while I would love to write a smutty chapter based on Sherlock's UTTERLY SEXY kiss with Molly in The Empty Hearse it's not really my thing :P

So thank you all for reading this, if you liked it, check out some of my other fics! Being Holmesexual I'm rather proud of (especially that kick ass title!) so yeah, go read! :)

Love you all,

iamthedaisyqueen xxxxx