Wowee! I was overwhelmed with the feedback on this. It was only supposed to be writer's block relief, but I think I'm going to try to turn it into something, just because you guys inspired me to do it that much! Thank you!

Masamune was in a terrible mood. He sat at Madoka's bench with his arms folded across his chest, leaning back on the stool against the bench. Nestled under his arm was his gun, courtesy of Ryuga.

He could hear Ginga's snoring coming from the next room, and he grumbled at the sound of it.

He was in such a particularly bitter mood simply because he was the only one awake while the other's slept. They were taking hourly turns at keeping guard. The B-Pit had become their HQ, and after Kyoya's turn at keeping watch, he had kicked Masamune awake and told him to get to work.

As his head bobbed up and down, he tried his hardest to stay awake. But boy, was he tired. Dead tired. 'I might just rest my eyes for a while,' he thought, closing his eyelids momentarily with all the best intentions of refraining from sleep.

It had only felt like he'd blunk, but shortly after, he was woken with a start as something grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the floor.

"What, hey?" Masamune's reflexes automatically caused him to point his weapon at whoever had attacked him. Until he saw the face of Kyoya, then he let the gun fall to his side as he sat sprawled on the tiled floor.

"Man, what was that for?"

Kyoya's face was furious. His beautiful eyes, deep as the ocean and as mysterious as the city of Atlantis itself, were blazing with untamed anger.

"You idiot!" Kyoya screamed as he kicked Masamune again. "Idiot!"

Masamune jumped to his feet, fists tightly clenched in front of him. "Who do you think you are, when did you even wake up?!"

"When did you fall asleep!?" Kyoya spat back.

At this, Masamune relaxed due to the confusion that had just been laid upon him. "What?"

"You fell asleep!"

"No I didn't! I was just resting my eyes and… and…"

"Idiot!" Kyoya yelled again. Then he launched himself at the smaller boy. Both of them went tumbling to the ground in a fit of struggling and screaming.

Demure and Tsubasa, who had been standing back watching the whole fiasco, ran to the two fighters and pulled them apart, Tsubasa taking Kyoya and Demure taking Masamune.

Tsubasa tried to speak above them, "Stop it, this isn't going to help! We have bigger things to worry about at the moment."

Masamune went to protest again, before Ryuga walked into the room, clicking and loading his 9mm. His expression was blank, yet it frightened Masamune much more than Kyoya's mad face did. Ryuga looked like he was ready to murder.

In fact, he was ready to murder.

"One of them was here.." Ryuga trailed off, almost as if in a trance.

"We've established that already," shot Kyoya who was still being held by the upper arms in Tsubasa surprisingly strong grip.

"They were here, and I missed my chance."

Again, the gang was distracted by Ginga's mournful calls in the streets...

Outside, Hikaru stood next to the window Masamune had broken earlier that night when he'd dropped the pistol Ryuga had thrown him. She looked to the middle of the street where she saw Ginga on his knees. He crumbled there, yelling at the top of his lungs.

"You maggots! Bring her back, bring her back! Cowards… cowards… Show yourselves!" Each depressed call that left the redhead's lips was broken in sobs. He pounded the tar with his fist.

Nile stood behind him no less that a meter away. He wasn't really sure what he should do. He approached Ginga and laid a hand on his shoulder only to be nudged away as Ginga kept screaming.

"Ginga! We'll get her back, don't worry," Nile tried to say.

"What if they've hurt her!? I-I should've been there to protect her."

Nile didn't reply, unsure of how to answer his broken friend. Slowly, Ginga got to his feet and turned to Nile, wiping tears away from his cheek with his wrist. He stared into Nile's eyes with those big, golden orbs of his. Nile had always admired Ginga's eyes, in the way someone might admire a painting. Because when he looked at them, he saw every ounce of Ginga's spirit and pride all wrapped up in two bright spheres. Yet tonight, those eyes looked different. As the liquid flowed from their corners, Nile saw pain. Real, raw pain. And it hurt him.


"What if they've hurt her?" Ginga repeated as his words drifted off into the night.

Hikaru walked back inside feeling numb with worry and shock. She looked around at the faces of her friends, each twisted in a different sort of emotion.

Masamune who had been released from Demure's grip pushed himself up against the wall, grabbed his hair in his fingers and exhaled in disbelief. "I didn't mean to," he whispered.

Kyoya walked around the building without purpose, just touching about. Occasionally he'd stop to mutter a curse. "Okay, okay. We need to work something out. We need to."

"Well go over there. We'll take Madoka back," said Hikaru. "They came in and kidnapped her through our window, we'll do the same."

Tsubasa spoke up. "It's not that simple. They've taken her so that we'll do just that. That's what they want, they'll be waiting with an ambush."

Demure nodded. He stood next to Masamune staring at him sympathetically. Demure felt Masamune's guilt as if it were his own.

Ryuga hadn't moved from where he stood earlier. Still, he stared off into nothingness as he muttered, 'Then that's what we'll give them. An ambush."

"But Ryuga," spoke Demure. "They'll be everywhere. They'll swarm us and surround us like a pack of lions on a gizele!"

"Good. Then they can't escape us."