So I just wanna put a warning here. This is probably not suitable for everyone, there will be violence and guns and just all that nasty stuff that some people might not be okay with. But hey, if this site is cool with borderline hardcore pornography, I just can't see how gun violence and gang referencing will offend too many people...

If you don't mind any of that however, please do read on.

"I got shot. I always knew I'd be shot. Gunned down in another one of those bloodthirsty brawls we used to have with rival gangs. We'd get too trigger happy sometimes and just go start some shit just for fun. Now that I think about it, what was the point of it all? The glory, the power? There's no glory or power when you're hiding behind a gun. Nah, it makes you feel big though. Makes you feel like you're the king of the world, when in reality, you're just a weak little boy playing with his dad's toys."

"Why though? Why you? All the crime wasn't just caused by you? You were a part of a movement. Yeah, you were one of the big guys, but there was others doing that stuff too.."

"Somebody was trying to do me some harm because I had a lot of enemies, you know? But I didn't think it was gonna happen at that particular moment. And like hell did I expect it to be members of my own gang."

"You're safe now. Don't fret, okay? We got you, nobody's gonna get through this door."

"It's not over. It'll never be over. I can't run, and I'm not going to. You know as well as I do that it doesn't stop til the casket drop."

Gingka hung his head as he clasped his hands together in deep thought. He sat beside Kyoya who was lying in a bed, his torso and upper right arm bandaged. They were in Madoka's B Pitt, and really, Kyoya should have been in hospital. But he couldn't go there, The police were looking for him and checking himself into hospital would just be like handing himself over. So Madoka had tended to his wounds.

He'd stumbled in two nights before, bleeding and half way to death's doorstep. Madoka had told him over and over again that he had to get out of that gang before something like this happened, but he always replied with the same thing. "It's just not that easy," he would say.

Gingka later found out why it wasn't easy. Kyoya was one of the three main bosses of the gang that prowled the streets of the western side of Japan. He had it all, and he called the shots. For a while back there, Gingka worried that all the power had gone to his head, which it might have. But when a particular member of the gang, Nile, confronted the main boss and said he was done with the gang life, the boss had stood Nile up against the wall and told him to say his prayers.

Kyoya had apparently grown close to Nile, which Kyoya said was rare in a gang. He said that you bonded with the other members over crime and death, but you never could really trust any of them. But Kyoya took Nile under his own wing, and when he saw Nile up against a wall with a 45 pointed right between his eyes, he'd jumped in front of him.

The boss was furious. He called Kyoya a traitor, weak, a wash up. They argued, and when the boss pulled the gun on Kyoya, Kyoya didn't hesitate to shoot before he was shot.

So, the boss was dead. The other members saw that as proof enough that Kyoya was no longer one of them. Kyoya and Nile ran as they were chased by no less than about fifteen men, all heavily armed and bloodlusting. Kyoya got shot once in the arm, but he kept on running and pushing Nile ahead through the dark alleyways of the city streets. Eventually, they caught up with him again and delivered three shots to his torso. Kyoya must have had someone looking after him somewhere, because all of his vital organs were apared.

Nile pulled his hero along, as Kyoya was growing weaker as each drop of blood poured out of his wounds. Nile told Gingka that they hid behind a dumpster until they could no longer hear the savage war cries of the gang, and then they made their way to the B Pitt.

"Gingka, you alright?" asked Kyoya from the bed. His blue sapphire eyes analyzing the redhead's facial expressions.

"I'm fine. I'm not the one with four extra holes in my body."

Kyoya smirked, amused by Gingka's joke. Then he relaxed his muscles and sank deeper into the bed. "Hey, I'm gonna get some rest."

"Okay," Gingka said as he got up to leave the bedroom. He took one last look at Kyoya before he flicked off the light, flooding Kyoya with darkness.

As Gingka went down stairs, he could hear two voices talking in the living room. He stood in place, unseen by the owners of those voices and listened.

"I just feel so bad, Madoka. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted out, I didn't know Kyoya was going to do that."

"This is nobody's fault, Nile. There was no way you could have known. Kyoya is alive, and how long could we go on saying that if he were still with the West Side Pride?"

"Nile was silent, before his voice dropped to a whisper as he said, "They won't stop here, Madoka. I don't know what to do now, they'll come for us. And we're outnumbered by dozens. It's just me and him against the whole gang."

Gingka walked out from his unseen place and joined the two in the living room. "Then we'll just have to change that."

"What?" asked Nile

"Don't get me wrong, I've got no experience when it comes to armed combat. But what I do have is spirit. And I'm not about to sit around and watch you both become hunted animals without having any input."

"What do you mean?" Now Madoka was starting to get puzzled.

Gingka's eyes widened at Madoka. "Yes, you! You're fantastic with mechanics. How different can mechanics be to firearms and weapons?"

She looked at him blankly, unable to believe his idiocy as he compared mechanics to weaponry, but then she realized what he was getting at. And for some strange reason, she didn't feel too different to Gingka.

"I'll do it…"

Nile jumped off the couch, "You'll do what? One of you has to tell me what's going on here."

Gingka walked up to Nile and stood in front of him. "You're not going to run, because you're not outnumbered anymore. We'll fight with you."

Nile shook his head, "No, no, no, no NO! I can't let you, I won't let you."

"You don't have a choice anymore."

"We're still outnumbered. It's useless."

"Wrong," began Madoka. "Everyone will want to be a part of this, trust me. Masamune, Tsubasa, Benkei, Demure. The list goes on."

"I can't let you… I can't risk anymore of you getting hurt. You don't understand! It's not just a stupid feud going on here. They want to watch us bleed, man! And Kyoya, he's in no shape to do this. He's too weak right now."

"Who are you calling weak?" A voice came from the stairs. Kyoya stood there, totally recovered and ready.

"Kyoya!" all three of them yelled.

"Don't waist time. Call the others and tell them to get over here, but not all together. Let them come one by one, we can't risk West Side Pride knowing something's up, because knowing them, they'll be watching. Madoka, you're gonna make us something to use for self defence, right?"

"Right," she said as she hurried over to her work bench.

Ginka went to the phone and started dialing numbers like a mad man.

Nile approached Kyoya with his mouth hanging open. "But, Kyoya… Look what they did to you. You of all people. You practically founded the gang, yet they don't bat an eyelid when it come's to hitting you up."

"You're right, that's why retaliation is a must."

"You're starting a war."

Kyoya bounced came down the last two steps, a bounce in his movements and a hint of insanity in his eyes. He was excited as he grabbed Nile's shoulder and led him to the living room.

"Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal."