This story is no longer on hiatus! I will soon be updating with a new chapter and the revamps of all previous chapters. Just so you know, the prologue and chapter one has just been revamped so feel free to reread them. See below for more details and information that might clear up your confusion with the characters actions.

(copied from the new revamped prologue)
Now, onto a short note that I have realized that I really do need to address about this novel.

As She Withers is a story that deals with a multitude of mental illnesses and disorders. So, lots of strong trigger warnings and quite a bit of dark content. Everything is well researched, as best as a teenage girl who loves psychology can do I suppose. There will be times when you may question a character's actions or their development. All will be revealed in due time, I promise.

Also, I am updating this note as of 2/12/15 which means that this story is no longer on hiatus. I am currently revamping all chapters, and have the next two written. (For reference, this prologue I have already revamped and updated, along with chapter one!)

My plan is to update with all revamped chapters and the new chapter by the end of February. Each revamped chapter, for reference is about double (some maaaaybe triple) the length. Thank you so much for your support, and if you are a new reader please do enjoy! ^^