Continuation of the story for Back to the Future. Today was The Avengers. I went with the fact that our time traveler guys are like superheroes.

Arthur's been acting a little strange since that almost-tragic robbery. He's stopped trying to off himself (as much), at least. I watched him wander around his kitchen, supposedly making tea, but he wasn't really doing anything. I groaned, dropping my head into my hands.

"Are you alright...?" he asked, and I looked up to see him watching me.

"I should be asking you that, you know. So. Are you alright?" I asked, giving him a dead serious kind of expression. He glanced away, fiddling with his shirt.

"I'm fine..." he said after a long pause. "Just a little shocked, to be honest. I didn't think you were that devoted to your mission..." he mumbled, trailing off.

"I'm not. I mean, yeah, the mission's important, but... I see now that you need someone to revive your faith in life. So that's what I'll do," I said uncertainly. 'Where the hell was I going with that?' I asked myself. He was staring at me with a strange expression before his eyes misted over and he turned away. "Arthur?" I called, tilting my head a little in concern.

"I-I'm fine, Alfred. Just some dust..." he mumbled, wiping his eyes and giving me a tiny – fake – smile. I stood, walking over to stand in front of him. He shrank away from me, most likely from my height – though I can't be sure on that.

"That's the oldest excuse there is, Arthur. Why are you crying...?" I whispered the question, and he looked up at me with those big, green eyes, and I just... I just couldn't stop myself... I leaned in, pressing my lips against his petal soft ones and he kissed back eagerly, wrapping his arms around my neck as my own went around his waist. "I'm devoted because I realized how wonderful you really are..." I whispered against his lips. He let out a sob, burying his face into my chest. "Arthur...?" I whispered, running my fingers through his hair in a way I hoped was soothing.

"I-I don't want you to complete your mission... I don't want you to leave me... You're the first person to ever care for me... Even if it was unwillingly at first..." he mumbled, sniffling. I tightened my grip on him.

"I have a sort of confession... I... I wasn't supposed to tell you about the mission... I was just supposed to save you and make sure you were safe and leave... But I told you and I might get punished, but... It was worth it..." I mumbled, and he pulled away to look at me. He started crying harder. "Wha- H-hey! Why are you crying even more now?" I stuttered, feeling a little panicked.

"You risk so much for me... You said I was worth it back then but I don't think I am... I can't possibly be worth it..." he said, rubbing his eyes and sniffling. I cupped his cheek with my hand and pressed our foreheads together.

"I would do anything for you, Arthur..." I mumbled, and he blushed darkly, standing on his tip toes and whispering something in my ear. I nodded. "I did say anything, right...?"

- well that escalated quickly, didn't it? -

- also Point of View change oops -

I awoke with a recognizable soreness in my rear and an empty place next to me in my bed. I sat up quickly, ignoring the pain, and looked around. "A... Alfred...?" I whimpered, but then I realized that this wasn't my bed. Where am I? Who's bed am I in? I felt my heart speed up as I looked around the room. It had posters of constellations and other space related things. "Alfred..." I whimpered again, feeling tears prick my eyes as I curled up, feeling helpless. I cried softly, not knowing where I was or where Alfred was or what I should do. I wasn't even sure what time it was. It was dark, but that's all I knew. The sound of a door opening got my attention. I gasped at the person who walked in.

"Hey..." Alfred whispered, sitting next to me and kissing my head. "How are you feeling...?"

"A... A little sore... Where am I...?" I asked, and he smiled.

"You're in my room. Remember how I said that I could be punished for telling you...?" I nodded. "Well, instead, they decided I should live with you. They also apparently realized something else..." I gave him a look to tell him to continue. "They decided that our members would be much more useful if they weren't miserable. Meaning that if a member fell in love with someone from the past, they went and brought that person from the past here. Know what that means?" I shook my head and he grinned. "It means you can stay with me forever. Here. In the future. I love you, Arthur," he said, kissing me.

"I-I love you, too, Alfred..." I stuttered, feeling a fresh wave of tears come on. Though this time, they were tears of joy.

842 words and a bad ending. Oh well. I feel that sleep aid my mom forced me to take kicking in, so see ya.