Jake and the Neverland Pirates


Sofia the First


When a Princess loves a Pirate

Authors note: Hello again and welcome to another round of Jake and the Neverland Pirates. This one though is different for it will start off in Enchancia and work its way to Neverland. It is a tale about a crossover and two different individuals that somehow fall for one another. Like most love stories there are complications and road blocks but there is also plenty of fun along the way. Much like my previous jatnp stories there are original songs in here by me, I am not a lyricist or anything but I try my best.

Chapter one: A royal kidnapping

Princess Sofia walked through the kingdom halls with a song on her lips and budding hope in her heart. It was her hope that she would one day be a great Princess, kind and generous to her subjects and ready to lead with open arms. She was still young but she figured she was on the right track with her mentors guiding her diligently and kindly day in and day out. It was a lot to take in at first and she admitted she was not ready for the tiara and step siblings to boot. Still everything fell into place and now she lived in a kingdom with a loving and attentive father and siblings that while on their best could be a tad bratty, they showed they were there for her at the end of the day.

Wearing her nightgown she felt a cold wind stir her auburn hair about her shoulders and she held herself. "Brr, it sure is cold. I better head to bed before I'm caught."

Her step father, King Roland the second advised her to never leave her quarters at night. She just figured it was a nice enough night and to pass up on seeing the stars looking so lovely, well, it wasn't like she was going to spend the night camping or anything. No one had noticed her disappearance yet, but, she knew her new step sister Amber might tell on her just to see the look on her face.

"Sometimes I wish I could just leave the kingdom…only for a day though. I appreciate all my new father has done for my mom and myself, but, being out in the countryside without too many eyes on me, now that would be a great adventure. If only for a day though…nothing too long to make father worry so."

Sofia heaved a sigh as she held the amulet around her neck. She was never without it and it had powers that allowed her to talk to animals. When the amulet began to light up she let out a tiny cry of surprise before seeing a friendly bird landing before her.

"Princess Sofia…thank goodness I found you. I am the Royal messenger bird, and I have been flying myself tired looking for you. Your father has been to your room…and you weren't in your bed. Normally I deliver messages across great distances, but, I thought it best to give you a heads up that the guards will coming this way soon."

"Oh drat, I suppose Amber did tell on me after all. Still I can't hold it against her, we are still working on the whole sister confidential like thing. Tell me little bird, do you have a name?"

"Why yes I do, the name is Frederic. It is a pleasure to meet you Princess Sofia." The bird bowed and swooped its feather above its head.

"Hee hee…Sofia will do nicely. If guards are coming this way, which way would you advice Frederic? Surely you have navigated these halls aplenty to get to your destination."

Frederic scratched his chin with his talons and looked around the darkened halls. "Well…there is said to be a secret chamber that lies to the west of here, but, it is blocked by a heavy statue-."

"Alright…then I will try that way. Thanks Frederic." Sofia curtsied as she fled off in that direction. She heard the heavy flapping of wings and looked over her shoulder with her big blue eyes to see he had followed.

"Princ…I mean Sofia, this heavy statue is too much for you alone. There are other ways to your chamber, no need to-."

Sofia smiled as she stopped a little before the statue. "Leave it to me Frederic…it maybe big, and heavy at that, but every statue is moveable." Even if by someone my size, she thought as she stared at it. It seemed quite large and menacing, but, she noticed an inscription that read:

Sing what matters close to the heart

And the way shall open up

"Please reconsider Sofia, this will only lead to your eventual capture…er…detainment till the King finds you." Frederic begged but found Sofia taking a breath.

"Frederic…I do not need strength alone to open the path before me, rather the use of my skills my mother taught me at a young age. And I think I got the perfect tune too:

I am a little insecure

Of the challenges I face

But I hold my head up high

And I know what just what to do

I sing a song

From the bottom of my heart

I listen to the song

That is always on my lips

Someday I will be true

And I know that when I do

Nothing will block my way

On the day that I am brave

Sofia stopped singing as she looked at the statue. It did not move and she felt crestfallen, but, that is when she heard footsteps heading her way. "Oh no…I will be caught for sure now."

"Head off to your room Sofia, I will delay them long enough for you to be safe in your bed when you father shows again." Frederic nodded his head as he flew off in that direction.

"Thank you Frederic." Sofia heads off and makes her way to her room. Sliding under the covers she lays her head down just as the double doors part open to reveal her father.

"Sofia…already for bed are we?" King Roland strode in and wore a soft smile on his face. His kind features made him a loveable king and one who would listen to most anyone's problem or case. He was a tall and dashing man with short brown hair and eyes that twinkled with sincerity.

"Yes father…I was just going over tomorrow's lessons," she met his gaze and then broke. "Ok, I was out staring at the stars and lost track of time."

"I figured as much. Amber was quick to tell on you, but, I too found myself stargazing on this fine night. I do wish though you would not go venturing off by yourself though…it is not safe for a Princess to wonder around in the night."

"I'm sorry Father…to cause you to worry so on my end." Sofia hated lying and it just ate her up inside and all.

Heaving a sigh he walks over to take a seat on the edge of her bed, his voice hardly holds a trace of anger at all. "Sofia, I have complete faith you will someday make a fine and true Queen, loyal to her subjects and kind to her kingdom. However until that day please make sure you stay in your bed at your given bedtime, other wise you will be too tired for those lessons you studied for."

"I will not break curfew again father," Sophia smiled.

"I know you won't…night." He kisses her head before heading off to join his wife in their room. He couldn't help shake this feeling of dread running through his bones, but, he figured it was nothing.

"Coast is clear Capn'," Smee says from the shadows. Coming out he noticed the fast talking bird had steered the guards in the other direction.

"That was a close one Smee…had that bird not steered those nosey guards off we would be found out for sure. Plus…that girl opened the way for us…a fortuitous event I myself couldn't have planned."

Yes, Smee thought, I concur Captain. We were stuck for hours in that cramped hall trying to think of a song but nothing would work not even Jake's song he sings with his friends. This girl has a very kind voice, and something tells me she would not harm a fly.

"Onward Smee…we must capture ourselves someone of royal blood now." Hook crept forward and motioned for Smee to follow.

"Begging your pardon Capn', but, why are we here again?" Smee found it odd to be in this world they knew nothing about.

"Must I explain myself twice Mr. Smee? Very well…when our trail of Pan went cold it dawned on me that if we captured someone precious to him, surely he would come to rescue her. Sadly we were led astray and ended up here, likely due to Pan's interfering. So then me thinks if we capture someone royal, we can hold them hostage for a large ransom and surely this will spark Pan's fancy of adventure and fun."

"I see, but Capn', why the ransom then? Just holding someone hostage is enough to get Peter Pan to come and rescue-."

"There lies the beauty of the plan Mr. Smee, for you see, should Pan not show the royal blood will surely fetch a price for which we will collect on. It is not cheap these days keeping a Pirate ship in fit condition." Hook smiled as he saw what he presumed to be the royal chambers.

"How will you know if who you are kidnapping will be of royal blood?" Smee found this place too big for his taste and the clothing looked like it didn't come in his size.

"Princess Sofia…we shall capture her. Apparently she is dearly beloved in this kingdom, for the guards spoke of her like she was their own daughter, quite protective to the letter in fact."

Smee stopped as the Captain stopped. They stood before a large door and as Hook pressed inside he saw his hook motion for him to follow. Once inside Smee found himself looking at a fair skinned girl with wavy auburn hair and an amulet around her neck. "Is that her sir?"

"I can't be certain Mr. Smee, just grab some of her clothing and I will place the bag over her. We must do this quickly for-."

Sofia stirred as she suddenly found herself staring up into the eyes of a red hatted man and one who seemed big. "Um…who are you?"

"You will find out soon enough dear." Hook threw the bag over her and hauled it over his back. "Time to go Smee." Hook headed out with Smee following close behind.

"Help! Someone help me…I'm being kidnapped!" Sofia struggled but only was bounced around for her struggles. Tears welled in her eyes at her helplessness and yet a small part of her was thrilled to be leaving, no, these are bad men who probably don't have good prospects, I wish father were here.

"Unhand my daughter this instance!" King Roland the second was upon the two with his sword drawn.

"Blast it Smee…can't any of our plans go unhindered for once?"

"Not likely sir," Smee said.

"That was a rhetorical, oh forget it, take the girl Smee and get to the ship." Hook drew out his sword and waved it before him. "It has been a while since I fought a worthy opponent."

"Guards don't let that man out of your sights." King Roland instructed. He took a step back and eyed his opponent. "What do you want with my daughter?"

"In good time all will be revealed, however, till that time I do not need to answer you." Hook stepped forward and met his blade.

"You're a pirate…aren't you? If it is money you want name your price, I will pay a fortune for the return of my daughter-."

"This is not how it works, you will get the price after my escape. I swear you rich folk take the fun out of kidnappings." Hook clashed with him trying to force his way through, but, the King seemed quite able in fencing.

"I will stop you here…if I must." He hadn't shed any blood in his time as King, but, to get back his daughter he would put his life on the line.

"Forgive my rudeness but I don't care." Hook and the King once again clashed and the two circled each other with intense stares at the other. Hook was taking the offense, as much as humanly possible, his blade quick and eager.

The King held up an impenetrable defense, his attacks efficient and well timed. No stroke went unattended to, and his eyes were like fire. Of course things were tiring on his end as he realized he hadn't fenced in a long while, due to politics and parties and no real need for the sword those days. Faltering in his swing he found the tip of the blade from his opponent under his chin. His gaze did not flinch as he held his opponent's steadfast gaze.

"If I had you dead who would pay the ransom? I shall spare your life, but do not think it nice of me, I only wish for the ransom to be paid by the King." Hook ran off and clung onto a rope ladder thrown to his aide.

"Why didn't you stop him?" The King questioned.

"Look and see for yourself," one of the guards noted.

The King looked up and indeed understood then. Right above him was a Pirate Ship…but it was flying in the sky. Seeing Sofia looking back at him he felt his eyes shimmer as the Pirate Ship vanished out of sight, disappearing into a star he could never reach. She was gone.

Authors note: Captain Hook and his first mate Smee have kidnapped Sofia and left the kingdom in disarray over this. Things look dire now and in the next chapter we go to Neverland for a crossover event. Do not worry for we will see Enchancia again, for now onwards and hope you enjoy this tale.