Chapter eight: Groudon's heart
"We did it!" America said as he panted. "We made it over Mt. Horn!"
"We made it to the base camp." China said. "Maybe we aren't late after all aru."
The base camp was... Well, it was hard to tell what the base camp was, as the fog from the lake was covering most of it. What he could see was Team Tomato and Team Axis, plus the nations that tagged along with them, were already there. That, and England was glaring at them.
"Hey everybody!" America said cheerfully, either because he didn't notice the glare or he just didn't care. "We're here!"
"You all are late! Everyone else arrived here sometime ago!" England told them angerly and China slapped America over the head, saying something akin to 'I told you so!'. "Go set up your equipment. Hurry. Now that everyone is here, we can get in with the briefing."
Everyone started to walk off, including America and China, but the blond stopped when he noticed Canada was still standing there.
"Hm?" America looked back at his teammate, who had a far off look. "What's up Canada?"
"..." Canada was silent. What was this weird sensation? He didn't know why he was feeling this way... Wait a second! He knew this place! Has he been here before? Maybe. Does it have something to do with him? Before he lost his memory?
"Come on!" England's yelling broke Canada out of his thoughts and he realized that America was staring at him and he had just been standing there. "We haven't got all day!"
"Let's move it Canada!" America said, smiling and tugging on his arm, though Canada could see he was worried. Soon, they joined everyone else at the briefing. Team Axis stood the closest to them, Team Tomato was off in their own little area, close enough to hear England, Korea, China, and Norway were scattered between the three teams and Team Skull was off the the side.
"Attention please." England began. "It appears everyone has arrived at our base camp safe and sound. We shall now proceed to the exploration of Fogbound Lake!" England pointed to the path behind him. "As you can see, we are in a densely forested area. Somewhere within this forest, Fogbound Lake is supposedly concealed... But so far, that is noting but a rumor. Exploration teams of all ranks have mounted many a challenge, but so far the lake remains a mystery."
"Hey." Romano said, turning their attention to them. "So is it really there or what?! This Fogbound Lake?!"
"Silly Roma~!" Spain said beside the Italian. "You'll wreck the dream if you say something like that~!"
"Yeah!" Korea yelled. "Don't spoil things now da~ze!"
"Sheesh... Calm down..." Romano grumbled.
"May I say something?" France said, again turning their attention to him. "While we were traveling, I heard about a certain legend..."
"A legend?" England asked him, too curious to be rude to the Frenchman.
"Oui. A legend about Fogbound Lake." France answered. "According to the legend, Fogbound Lake is home to a pokemon named Uxie. The Pokemon is said to be exceedingly rare. Uxie is said to lock eyes with others and wipe their memories clean."
What?! Wipe their memories clean?! Canada looked at France in shock, not that anyone noticed from where he was standing.
"That is why," France continued, not noticing Canada's shock. "Even if travelers were to happen upon Fogbound Lake... Uxie would wipe their memories clean... Thereby stopping the travelers from telling anybody. That is how Uxie protects the lake."
"Ve... That's kinda scary..." Italy whispered, scooting closer to Germany.
"What'll I do if my memory gets wiped clean?!" Korea yelled, right in China's ear. China glared.
"I don't think you have much to worry about. You don't really have much up there aru."
Korea pouted.
"Ahem." England called for their attention back. "You should realize that places of this sort can be expected to have a folktale or legend attached to it. it doesn't matter anyway, our guild can overcome many obstacles."
"Ja!" Germany said.
"That is how our guild has earned the reputation of being first class." China said.
"Hahaha!" Rome stepped up, just as cheerful as he always is. "Don't worry, everything will be knock knock good good! Let's try our best!"
England looked at the Guildmaster for a moment before looking back to everyone else in front of him. "Let's move on with our plan. The Guildmaster and I shall remain here to gather intelligence from our teams in the field. You are to go off in teams to explore this forest. Be aware that this forest is enshrouded in a deep fog. Once you enter, visibility is severely restricted. We think that Fogbound Lake has defied discovery because of this fog. Perhaps there is a way of lifting this fog. So we are searching for two things, Fogbound Lake, and a way to lift this fog. If you accomplish either thing, return to the base camp and tell me or the Guildmaster. That is all. Let's give it our best, as always!"
Everyone cheered.
"Let's try our best!" Italy said.
"It would be nice if we made a discovery or two..." Japan said.
"We'll find the lake, I'm sure of it!" France said determined, his Chimecho looking the same way beside his head.
"Lakes originated in Korea da~ze!" Korea shouted.
"Japan, do you think Fogbound Lake is underground?" China asked suddenly. Japan blinked and shrugged.
"Maybe... Are you going to check?"
"... Yes." China said simply before his Dugtrio made a hole big enough for China to jump in.
"Come on, tomato bastard!" Romano yelled, dragging Spain away by his ear. "We can't afford to dawdle!"
"Romano is right." Germany said. "We need to hurry."
Everyone but England, Rome, Team Skull, and Team New World left. Turkey chuckled and started to walk into the forest as well.
"Well, then, we should go too, hmm, boys?"
Greece and Egypt walked after him and all three of them soon disappeared in the dense fog. America turned to Canada.
"We've got to go, Canada." He said. "We need to hurry."
Canada was silent, looking at the forest. He knew this place... According to the legend, the Pokemon Uxie can wipe clean the memories of others. Are those two things really just a coincidence? Maybe he came here before he lost his memory. Then maybe he met Uxie... and he wiped his memory clean. Could that have happened?
"Hey Canada!" America's loud voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked at his teammate. "Why do you keep drifting off like that? It's not like you." Canada just shrugged. "Let's get our supplies together and go into the forest, quick!"
Canada blinked and focused on America. He needed to stop doing that. He could get lost in thought later. "Right." He nodded and they started to walk down the path.
"Ok, Foggy Forest or Forest Path?" America asked.
"...Foggy Forest." Canada answered. "That is where we need to explore, right?"
"Right." America smiled. "Foggy Forest it is then!"
America started walking and Canada following for a few steps before stopping again. Maybe the keys to unlocking his memory are here... He may find some answers if Fogbound Lake can be found...
"Huh? What's this?" America asked him from a little ways ahead. Canada didn't think he noticed he wasn't being followed anymore. Canada ran to catch up before he did realize. America was looking at some kind of ruby. "It looks like some kind of stone, I guess."
"It's kinda pretty... Like a gem." Canada commented.
America picked up the ruby and held it in his hand. He laughed and smiled at Canada as he turned it over it over in his hands.
"Hey! This stone feels warm!" America said. "It's like heat is coming from inside the stone. It's weird." He held it up to look at it more closely. "It doesn't seem to be lava. What could it be? It might be rare..." America put the stone in his pocket. "I'll keep it."
He smiled at Canada. "Let's go!" And he started running.
"H-hey! Wait up!" Canada said, running after him.
"Awesome..." America breathed. "Look at all of the waterfalls coming down!"
Canada could only nod. It was amazing. It was a grassland but with water coming out of nowhere and forming waterfalls. Even in the fog, it was still a sight.
"But..." America frowned and looked at him. "Where are we? Is this the deepest part of the forest?" He looked around for a moment before frowning even more. "The fog is so thick I can't see which way to go..."
"Oi! Mi Amigos!"
America and Canada looked over in surprise of the voice. "Oh, look! It's Spain!" America said.
"And Romano." Canada added. The two ran over to the brunets. Spain smiled.
"Hola!" He said happily. "Did you find any clues?"
"No." America shook his head. "Nothing yet."
"What about you, Romano? Spain?" Canada asked.
"We don't have any either." Romano grumbled.
"But... There is something here that's kind of interesting." Spain said.
"Interesting?" America asked.
"Ya. Take a look for yourselves." Spain said, showing them what he meant.
It was a big statue of some kind of Pokemon. It was stuck in the ground at an angle and America and Canada could just stare. America snapped out of it first.
"Wh-what is this?!" America asked to everyone in general.
"We don't know." Romano said. "It seems to be a statue of a pokemon but even you idiots can figure that out."
"But what kind of Pokemon is it?" Canada asked.
"I've never seen a Pokemon like that before." Spain commented.
America walked up to the statue and began to look around. After a moment, he called out from the side of the statue.
"Huh? Is this an inscription here?" America asked to the air. Canada ran over, with Team Tomato following. "It's in footprint runes. Let me see if I can read this correctly..." America was quiet as he stared at the plaque. "'Reignite the life that burned within Groudon...'" He read. "'Then the sky shall blaze with the sun's heat... The path to treasure shall be revived.'"
"... Revived?" Romano asked looking at the plaque for a second before smacking America on the head. "It says revealed, you idiot! 'The path to treasure shall be REVEALED'"
"'The path to treasure'?" Canada asked. "Thats incredible!"
"Could it mean the treasure at Fogbound Lake?!" America exclaimed. "'The path to treasure shall be revealed'... Could that mean the secret to finding Fogbound Lake is hidden right here?!"
"Y-you think so?" Spain asked. "Now that's a mystery we've got to solve!"
"'Reignite the life that burned within Groudon...' What could that mean?" Canada asked. "Is Groudon the statue?"
"So what are supposed to what, ignite the life that was in a statue?!" Romano said angrily. "How are we going to do that?!"
"Umm..." America thought before turning to Canada. "Wait a second! Touch this statue Canada! Maybe you'll see something!"
Canada looked at America. Yes, he was thinking that too. If it meant finding the path to Fogbound Lake... If it meant to finding the key to his past... If the answers were held by this statue... He nodded and America smiled.
"Great! You're going to do it!"
Canada walked over to the statue and touched it.
"Getting anything, Canada?" America asked.
The flashing started. It's coming... The dizziness hit and more flashing... His vision went black and the flash of light flew across his vision.
"That's it! It's here! This is so awesome!"
His vision went back to normal in an instant. What was that? Whose voice was that? His vision started flashing again. It was happening second time in a row? So soon after the first one? His vision went black again and the flash of light flew by again.
"I see! Place the Drought Stone in Groudon's Heart. That lifts the fog! Awesomely done! Good job Birdie!"
His vision went back to normal and he took his hand off the statue. What did he just pick up on? That was different from what he has gotten before. This time he only heard a voice... And he didn't know who voice that was. That voice... Whose voice was that? He didn't even get a sense of what the voice really sounds like... But it still bugs him for some reason...
"Are you all right, Canada?" America's worried voice came from behind him. "Did you see something?"
Canada glanced at him before turning back to the statue. What had that voice said? "Place the Drought Stone in Groudon's heart," then it said... "That lifts the fog!" But what stone?... Wait a second! Is it that ruby that America found?
Canada walked quickly over to the front of the statue and looked closely. There! There was a small hole in the statue's chest.
"Did you figure something out, Canada?" America asked.
"Yeah..." Canada said slowly. "Let me see that stone you found at the camp."
"Huh? Ya ok." America blinked and tossed the stone to him. "Why?"
Canada didn't answer but put the stone into the statue's chest.
"What are you- whoa!" America yelled as the statue's eyes began to glow red and the ground began to shake. "Watch out! Everyone, get back!"
The two teams ran away as fast as they could and the statue glowed in a bright light. They covered their eyes because it was so bright. When the light cleared, they blinked the sunlight that got in their eyes. Wait... Sunlight?
"The fog is gone!" Spain said.
"The sky is clear, the sunlight is harsh but the sky is clear!" Romano said in awe.
America looked around before looking up and gulping. "Whoa... Guys..." Canada and Team Tomato looked at him and he just pointed upward. Canada looked to where his teammate was pointing and gasped in shock.
"What..." Romano started to ask but he seemed at a loss for words.
"What is that?" Spain asked in a quiet voice that was unlike his usual loud demeanor.
"It was what the fog was hiding." America said. "No wonder no one could ever find Fogbound Lake."
"We were just wandering around in circles..." Canada whispered. "That is Fogbound Lake. The lake has been above us the whole time."
It was like an upside down mountain. The thin rock formation in front of them was the base and it became a flatland at the top. That was where the waterfalls were coming from. It was mystifying.
"This is no time to be gawking!" Romano said, snapping the others out of their staring.
"We'll let everyone in the guild know!" Spain said, starting to tug on Romano's arm. "You two go ahead."
Spain ran off back to camp, dragging Romano with him. Canada and America sweat dropped at the Italian loud... choice of words. Once the two brunets were out of sight and hearing, America turned to Canada.
"All right! Let's move on Canada!" America said excitedly. "Onward to Fogbound Lake!"
Canada laughed and they started walking but a voice stopped them.
"Hold it!"
Team Skull ran up from the side and America glared.
"You brutes?!"
"Good job!" Turkey laughed.
"You... solved the... mystery..." Greece said, holding the Skitty again.
"You're no longer any use to us." Eygpt said simply.
"We'll swipe the treasure, thanks to you." Turkey laughed again.
"You commies!" America shouted and Canada looked at him funny.
"What does that mean?!"
"Not now Canada!" America said. He turned back to Team Skull. "So thats why you joined the expedition! You planned this all along!"
"Did you... expect anything less?" Greece asked.
"I'm sorry to say..." Turkey said. "We'll have to get rid of you right here."
"W-what?!" Canada asked.
"We'll make you eat those words!" America yelled. "We won't let you go to Fogbound Lake!"
"You've already forgotten our last showdown?" Turkey asked, smirking. "Let me remind you how you lost... You were destroyed by our pokemon's noxious gas special combo!"
America and Canada stepped back and picked up their Pokemon as Turkey's Skuntank and Greece's Koffing came closer.
"You're destined to fail again." Turkey laughed. "Enough talking! Attack!"
But before Skuntank and Koffing could attack, they heard a cheerful voice.
"Wait! Wait! Wait for me!"
A Perfect Apple came out of nowhere and Rome came, following it.
"Perfect Apple! Perfect Apple!" Rome ran up and grabbed the apple, his Wigglytuff behind him. "I finally caught you~! My Perfect Apple~!" Rome looked around and finally noticed that he was between the two teams. "Oh? You two!" He said to America and Canada. He turned to Team Skull. "And my friends too!"
"G-Guildmaster..." Turkey gulped. "Wh-what are you doing here?"
"Huh? What am I doing?" Rome questioned. "I was taking a walk in the forest when my Perfect Apple went rolling and rolling away from me! So I ran and ran and ran and now I'm here!" He looked back at America and Canada. "Hm! Why are you here? You have a job!" Rome told them with a smile. "To explore the forest! Go on then!"
America looked like he was about to argue but Canada was glad that he rethought it. He did not want to argue with the Guildmaster. America turned to Canada.
"L-let's go, Canada." He said, frowning. They walked off back into the forest.
"Good luck!" Rome called after them. He turned to Team Skull and clapped his hands. "Oh I hope we get some news soon~!" He turned back away and started to looked around like a child.
"Um, Guildmaster..." Turkey sweat dropped.
Rome looked back at them and cocked his head like a puppy. "Hm? What's the matter, friend?"
"We were thinking that we should go and explore as well..." Turkey said.
"Oh!" Rome smiled. "No! I couldn't burden my friends like that! We'll just let those two do the exploring. Let's wait for their report~!" He went back to looking around.
Egypt leaned closer to Turkey and whispered, "Turkey, this is getting weird..."
"Team New World's... going to beat the treasure..." Greece whispered, though it wasn't much lower then his regular tone. "What'll... we do?"
"We have to do something..." Turkey grumbled. "We have no choice. We'll take down Rome and his Wigglytuff right now. Then we'll chase down Team New World!"
"Do you really think that's a good idea?" Egypt whispered.
"It'll be fine. He's no big deal." Turkey mumbled. "Besides... Rumor has it Rome has an unbelievably precious treasure." The other two looked at him in shock. "I was planning on mugging him anyway, so this is a good opportunity. Greece, have Koffing prepare the attack."
The three nations and Zubat stepped back as Koffing and Skuntank walked forward to attack.
"Rome is really going to get it! No hard feelings... But the famed explorer, the great Roman Empire is finished!" Turkey laughed.