Terror Down Under

A/N - This is my first post on FanFiction Net, although I have published fics in other genre on other sites. Reviews much appreciated.

Timeframe - 2011; 5th season Sea Patrol; 6 years post London for JAG. (I haven't 'aged' Harm as many years as the time frame requires. Please indulge me - I wanted him to be fairly close in age to Mike Flynn.)

Captain Harmon Rabb stared at the tall RAN Commander facing him. Mike Flynn was only an inch or so shorter than himself and subtly oozed the same level of confidence as the US naval aviator cum JAG lawyer. In his defence Harm's only previous exposure to Australian naval officers had been somewhat coloured by his limited exposure to the strangely named Mic Brumby. This man, whilst neither an aviator nor a lawyer, was very different to Mic whom he had disliked immediately upon being introduced all those years ago. In contrast, Mike Flynn was obviously used to command and it sat easily upon his shoulders. The question that puzzled Harm was why a commander with such obvious experience was still commanding a Patrol Boat, a position which, in Harm's understanding, only required a Lt Cdr.

"Welcome to Cairns, Captain Rabb," the Australian held out his hand and smiled, breaking the moment of uncomfortable silence as each man had sized one another up. "Unfortunately you've arrived in what passes for early autumn up here - which in Cairns means 30 degree temperatures plus a bit of humidity for the next few weeks."

"I think I can handle your temperatures, Commander," returned Harm with a grin. "Your 30 degrees Celsius is at least twice as high as what I've just left in DC, not to mention London where I've been for the past few years!"

"Glad we've been able to oblige, then, sir," grinned Mike. "Let's get your bags and I'll take you to NavCom. My boss is waiting to see you and he takes a dim view of what he deems my tendency to be late for meetings."

"Sounds like we might have something in common then, Commander," laughed Harm as they waited by the baggage carousel. "My previous CO seemed to think I was running late more often than I should have been."

"How was your flight, sir?" asked Mike. "That's a long haul from LA. Not one I ever particularly enjoy."

"It was quite good," Harm grinned. "I managed to get an upgrade. Makes a helluva difference." He paused and contemplated the friendly commander who appeared to be roughly his own age. "Are you by any chance involved in this investigation I've been sent out to head up, Commander?"

"Sir, the name's Mike. And yes, I think I'm going to be quite involved," Mike's attitude sobered as he led the way towards the airport exit. "Perhaps I'd better wait till Commodore Marshall has briefed you on the situation. Don't want to be accused of jumping the gun."

As the doors slid open and the two men walked into the brilliant North Queensland sunshine Harm was extremely thankful he was wearing his summer whites. He suppressed a small sigh of relief as he sank into the comfort of the air-conditioned sedan Flynn had led him to.

"Is this your first visit to Australia, sir?" asked Mike curiously as he exited the airport and headed towards the highway to the city along a road that was bordered by thick tropical undergrowth.

"My second, Commander. I was in Sydney a few years ago for a case." Harm's thoughts returned momentarily to that particular scenario and he wondered, not for the first time, if his life would have been different had he accepted Mac's offer on the Harbour Ferry. No, he decided, he'd left that particular demon behind. Whatever regrets he might have had over the final collapse of his relationship with Mac had long since been buried. The coin toss had been the catalyst. Falling in Harm's favour, Mac had decided she wanted her own command far more than she wanted Harm and the lifelong commitment he offered, thus proving the truth of her own perception of their relationship when she had previously stated they both wanted to be on top. Harm had belatedly realised that Mac had never truly understood nor really fully comprehended who he really was. He would have willingly resigned his commission to be with her had the coin fallen the other way, but Lt Col Sarah McKenzie had been incapable of recognising that. Consequently, a sadder but wiser Captain Rabb had taken up his London billet alone. Since Mac had made her decision, he had decided to cut all his ties to their turbulent past and had purposely distanced himself from any further contact with her, other than the occasional professional contact their duties occasioned. He knew she was still commanding the San Diego JAG, but he had no idea of her current status relationship-wise. It was healthier this way. Slowly he had recovered emotionally, and to his personal surprise, had discovered he enjoyed the personal freedom he now experienced without the necessity of always being Mac's anchor and fall-back guy.

He awoke from his reverie as he realised the RAN officer had asked him a question as they sat at the traffic lights waiting to join the traffic on the Cook Highway into Cairns and NavCom.

"I'm sorry, Commander. I was miles away," Harm gave an apologetic grin. "What did you say?"

"No need to apologise sir. You are off a long flight. I asked if your last visit here was in relation to that Kevin Lee case. Created quite a bit of interest throughout the navy at the time."

"Yes, that was the one. Lee's in Leavenworth and he won't be coming out any time soon." There was no mistaking the quiet satisfaction in the Captain's voice.

The two continued to chat amicably as Mike worked his way through the early morning traffic and finally pulled to a stop at the Guard Gate to HMAS Cairns, the home of NavCom. Harm noted with interest the Patrol Boats moored along the dock, all surrounded by naval personnel obviously busy loading stores preparatory to departure. "What an unbelievably beautiful place to secure a billet," he thought as they drove slowly along the service road before pulling up outside the modern building that housed the RAN's northern naval command base for the western Pacific region. He watched as Mike exchanged salutes and some minor pleasantries with the RAN rating who took charge of the vehicle and then joined him as they mounted the steps together. Inside, Harm was struck by the similarity to naval command offices he had experienced world-wide, and he followed the Australian Commander through the Bull Pen towards a row of glass windowed offices that faced out towards the busy hub. His years spent in London, with increased exposure to the British armed forces and their somewhat more laid back attitude to interaction between nearly all level of ranks meant that he was not at all surprised that no one called the Bullpen personnel to order as they walked through. Instead, two junior officers and at least two other ranks smiled, waved, and greeted the popular Commander as he ushered his guest towards an office whose door was signposted Commodore S. Marshall.

Mike leant across and knocked on the open door. An older man, whose very posture oozed 'presence', looked up from the laptop on his desk and smiled in welcome.

"Come in, Mike. I presume this is Captain Rabb?"

Mike introduced the pair and Marshall gestured to the vacant chairs in front of his desk.

"I'll call Maxine. She needs to be in on this briefing," he added as he saw the slight frown and stiffening in Mike's posture. He sighed. "Mike, she is the CO of NavCom. She will be actively involved in the oversight of this investigation."

"Yes, sir," agreed Flynn non-committally. He rose as a striking blonde RAN officer, bearing the bars of a Commander entered in response to Marshall's brief call requesting her presence. Harm quickly joined him and returned the woman's smile as introductions were made before all three settled down again, facing the Commodore.

"Captain Rabb," Marshall began, "I've no doubt you've been briefed on the situation that has brought you out here, as have both Mike and Maxine, but since this is the first time we've all been together, I'll briefly outline the salient facts so we can ensure we're all on the same page."

All three subordinate officers nodded their understanding, eyes firmly fixed upon the Commodore.

"We requested your presence, Captain, not only because you've been out here before and you gained a lot of respect for getting to the bottom of that Lee / Dunsmore business a few years ago, but because you come highly recommended as an investigator whose focus is on getting to the truth, no matter what appearances might lead us to believe. As you're all aware, the matter before us is one that concerns not only our national security, but has the potential to impact upon the USA's interests in this region as well. The recent activities by insurgents in some of the nearby island nations and the global war on terrorism have impacted our mutual defence accord. Captain Rabb, I believe you've been brought up to scratch regarding the abortive coup in Samaru three years ago?" Marshall glanced at Harm who nodded in confirmation.

"You'll realise that Mike and the Hammersley crew were highly instrumental in cracking that particular case. As you no doubt also know, Hammersley has recently been involved in a couple of covert operations working with ASIO and it's the disturbing information we've gleaned from the last one of these that has brought you out here. Mike has located what our security people believe to be a training camp for a major terrorist group – a group led by a rogue former US Marine officer and whose 2IC we believe to be a former RAN officer. Our joint plan is for you to sail with the Hammersley to ensure we don't have any lose ends legally when Mike takes them down."

"ASIO agent, Madeline Cruise, will be sailing with you also," added Maxine White, holding up a hand to forestall the Hammersley's captain's anticipated objections. "Yes, Mike, we know you don't like her, we know you've already lodged an official complaint about her interrogation methods, and heavens alone know what else. You don't have to like her. You have a job to do. Get over it, Commander."

"As long as Ms Cruise remembers who's in command of my ship, I'll do my very best, Commander," returned Mike coolly.

"Yes. Well see that you do, Mike," put in the Commodore. "And another thing I know you're not going to like…" he paused, looking at the younger man who had long been something of a protégé of his, "…the SAS are coming with you."

There was a heavy silence. Harm glanced from Marshall to Flynn, wondering what lay behind these last two pieces of information, for it was patently obvious that neither was particularly welcome.

"I see, sir," Mike finally rejoined in a carefully neutral voice. "I take it they'll be led by Captain Roth?"

"They will, Mike. Please don't give me cause to remind me of your orders while you're out there again," Marshall's voice held an interesting edge, thought Harm. Maybe he wasn't quite as easy-going as he had first appeared.

"Of course, sir. Wouldn't dream of it," agreed Mike with a touch of cheekiness which made the JAG officer pause for thought as he noticed Commander White glance sharply at the other RAN Commander. Maybe there were more dynamics at play here than he had at first thought. Harm didn't know whether to groan or grin at the prospect of what promised to be a very interesting mission.

"I presume you're taking the Captain to lunch before boarding, Mike?" Marshall asked casually.

"Yes sir. Thought we'd find somewhere along the Esplanade and then go see how much progress the X has made in boarding preparation."

"Knowing your Executive Officer, Mike, I very much doubt you'll have any cause for complaint," laughed Steve. "In that case I won't detain you any longer. Dismissed."

The three subordinate officers stood and exited the office, the two men standing aside to allow Maxine to move through the door first. As they followed, she turned to Mike.

"Mike, do you have a moment before you go? We need to talk about Ryan."

"Not now, Maxine," there was no mistaking the coolness that had returned to his voice as he continued so softly that no one other than Harm and the female officer could hear. "I have a guest to look after and a ship to prepare for sailing. We spoke at length last week. Ryan's standing by his decision to resign his commission and he doesn't want anything to do with me at the moment – and who can blame him? We should have had this conversation 20 years ago. What more is there to say?" He held her gaze steadily. "I'm sorry Max, but that ship sailed a long time ago and we both missed it. I intend being involved in Ryan's life if he'll let me – and to that intent, I'll be in touch when I return." And nodding brusquely, he turned to the JAG officer. "If you're ready, sir, we should be going. Goodbye, Max."

