I hadn't been in a romantic relationship in more than six months and just as things start clearing up with Ziva and we start to hang out more often outside of work; I find one of my more frequent one night stands on my door step. At the time we saw each other maybe twice or three times in a fortnight just to quench the yearning of sex. It was meaningless and I didn't have to tell her why I couldn't stay the whole night or why I'd get random phone calls, she got them too. It was about two years ago however when I decided for myself that I wasn't going to be that type of a man anymore and she said that she was moving on too. So I never saw her again, now here she is standing in front of my door with a sleeping little girl in her arms clenching around her neck, as soon as I saw her I tried to get her to come in but she just shook her head saying rather breathlessly that she didn't have time and that she was never coming back. She handed me her little girl and she ran from my apartment, from the building and from my life one last time. I looked at the young girl and stood in shock rooted to the spot, she had my hazel green eyes, my dark brown hair which was rather curly and quite long for a 11 month old, she was rather skinny and average height for a child this age. This was my daughter and I had no idea what to call her or even what stage of growth she was. Ziva who had been in the shower after a rather gruesome fight walked out in the change of sweatpants and t-shirt that she had left in my apartment for occassions such as that. She walked out and then saw me still standing by the door. After a couple of minutes she made her way to my side questioning from behind me
"Tony is everything alright?" I made no move to turn towards her, hell I was having a war in my head.
"Tony is everything al-" but she had made her way to my side and saw the sleeping girl who i hadn't realsied I had been holding out like she had done something bad.
"I am not sure if alright is the right word" I whispered.

After a couple of mintues silence the young girl in my arms was starting to fuss and wake so I tried not to over react and made my way further into my apartment bringing the frozen Ninja assassin with me.
"Ziva, you've known me long enough to know that up until two years ago I was still a man who went out on many one night stands. There was this one that I saw every couple of days until we both decided we needed to grow up and stop it. Since then I haven't seen or heard from her until just before whilst you were in the shower. She arrived and left without so much as an apology for not letting me know that this girl is my daughter or even her name I have no idea what to do Zi, but I'm not going to leave her like her mother or my father left me. I'm going to give her everything" I told her, she looked at me and smiled reassuring me that if I needed anything then she would be here to help.
"I understand Tony and I want to help in whatever way I can" she said putting her hand on the now slightly squirming girl in my arms before getting up and trying to find an answer to the questions that we both had.
"I found something" she hollered from the doorway grabbing at the note on the floor.
"It says I know this may come as a bit of a surprise for you Tony. But I can't look after her anymore, what I've gotten myself into is too dangerous for our little girl but what I said when I left you with her is still true, even if I get out of this mess I will never come back for her. She needs you now Tony more now than ever. Meet your daughter Skylah Jamie DiNozzo. I love her Tony and that is why I gave her up. Treasure her like a gift and love her with your life she is something special Tony. Yours true Meg."
"My little girl, oh Sky" I whispered stroking the top of her hair and hugging her closely. That is when the crying started and I knew exactly what she wanted as I was rather hungry too. So I went in search of something that wasn't hard to mash up for her as she only had one or two teeth it meant she couldn't chew very many hard things.

I hoped that Ziva was truly on board with this, but now that she was here with me, helping me and suppourting me through this for the long run. I knew that I hadn't exactly been around any children before, or looking after them for long periods of time. This time however it was my own child that I was looking after and I didn't have her mother or anyone to help me with the things that she liked and the things that she didn't understand. How was I going to do this.
"Zi; will you help me?" I asked as I left the lounge and held the little girl close.
"What do you mean?" she asked unsure
"I mean will you help me with my daughter, will you be here to help me through this everything, I need you Zi. I need you so much" I said to her, letting all the emotion run through my voice and trying to get her to see how freaked I really was because of this, having a child to look after was a huge responsibility.
"I promise to be here for you Anthony, through thick and thin my love we are forever and if having you means having Skylah as well, then I'm on board a hundred and fifty percent" she told me holding my hand for emphasis.
"I love you Zi" I told her kissing her lips. She wasn't going anywhere and that was such a huge relief. I was glad that she was just as committed to our nine month relationship as I was.

If you want more chapters, I will need the motivation to write so please review and tell me what you think!