Hey guys! This is my first fanfic because I love Fairy Tail and NaLu so much. I decided to add to the fanfic pile! I'm a little rusty so just bear with me. I plan to make a few chapters out of this so we'll see! Hope you enjoy! Don't worry I'll have the next chapters within a day or two. (This will mostly be from Lucy's POV just an fyi).

Chapter 1

I looked at myself in the mirror.
Today had been a pleasant day. I got to go with Erza to the baths - this time without Natsu and Gray. I groaned at the thought of what it would have been like if the duo had been there. Natsu would've destroyed something. Gray would have stripped. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

As I began to brush my teeth for the night, I pondered what the guys had done for the day. Perhaps Gray went out with Juvia. She likes him so much and he barely notices. If it hadn't been for Mira, Gray probably wouldn't have really took action on Juvia's feelings. Which reminded me...

I nearly choked on my toothpaste as I remember what Mira had said to me a couple days ago.

"Lucy!" Natsu shouted. "Come over here so we can pick a job from the board!"

I sighed heavily as I got up to make my way from the bar to the pyro, but Mira pulled my wrist."Huh?" I questioned.

Mira had a devilish "Happy" face on, "So when are you two gonna hook up?"

"W-What?" I stammered as my face flooded with heat.

"You know what I mean. I know he cares for you."

"W-Well yeah of course! But as a friend!"

"Luuuuucy!" Natsu was growing impatient.

"Just a second Natsu! Wait!"

He hmph'd and pulled his scarf up.

I turned back to Mira."Well you don't see the way he looks at you."

I snort, "Mira, you sound so cliché."

"Maybe," Mira smirked. "But maybe I'm right. Just you wait. 500 Jewels says you guys do it within the next couple weeks."

"W-What the hell Mira?! Pff that's crazy talk. You're gonna lose that bet!"

"Highly doubt it," Mira sang. "I never lose my bets."

"What bet?" said a voice behind me.

I flipped around, "N-Natsu?! When'd you get here?"

"Just now. I wanted to see what was taking you so long," he crossed his arms and glared at me.

"Aye!" chirped Happy as he mimicked Natsu.

"Nothingc'monletsgo!" I said quickly pulling him away to the board.

I moaned at the memory. Just the thought of it made my body heat up. Ever since Mira said that, every time I see Natsu I – I have certain thoughts that I shouldn't think about. And I really shouldn't since he's my best friend. But. One can't deny how attractive he is.

I splashed my face with some water hoping to calm down a bit when I hear a loud thump coming from my room.
My eyeshot open.
My heartbeat sped up.


I dried my face and opened the bathroom door. Sure enough. They pink haired fireball was laying in my floor.

"Natsu!" I yelled. "It's midnight!"

"Hey Luce," he waved from the floor.

I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well...," he began as he sat up. "My place is being fumigated."

"What?!" I screech.

"Yea termites or something," he said without a care in the world. "Anyway... I kinda need a place to stay til then." He rubbed the back of his head.

I groaned, "I'm taking it that you want to stay here."

He flashed his award winning, cute as hell grin. My heart fluttered. My face flushed. I turned so Natsu couldn't see my face.

"Why can't you just stay with one of the guys?"

Seriously though! Why couldn't he just stay with Gra- no that wouldn't work. I silently laughed at the image of Gray and Natsu trying to room for a whole week. There would be shit flying everywhere.

"Oh," he sounded almost sad. I heard him stand up. "But I like your bed the best!"

Shit. There was no resisting his cuteness was there.

I whipped around, "Fine."

His whole face lightened up, "Thank you so much Lucy!" He pulled me in for a giant hug.

"N-Natsu," I mumbled into his body. I was fully aware that my breasts were squishing against his body. Was he aware though? I thought nervously. "You're squishing me." It came out muffled since my face was buried in his chest.

He pulled back a little, "Huh?"

"I said, 'You're squishing me.'"

"Oh oh!" He jumped back. Both of our faces were flushed. "S-sorry Lucy," he mumbled not making eye contact.

"Oh it's fine. Nothing different than your usual embraces," I chuckled.

"Um, Lucy?"

"Yea?" I sat down on my bed.

"Can I take a shower?" he voice sounded strained. He wouldn't face me. That's weird. Why is he asking for permission. I mean he just barges into my apartment every night without asking.

"Sure?" I said hesitantly. "But I mean... it's past midnight?"

"That's fine!" He said as he speedily made his way to the bathroom.

I sighed. Why do I like such a weirdo?

I turned out the lights and climbed into my bed. It was cold. Natsu would always warm up the bed before he left for the night. I rubbed my face in my pillow and moved my legs around to try and warm up the bed but it didn't help. I tossed and turned. Sleep didn't come easily to me as I heard the water running in the bathroom.

My thoughts were drifting places they shouldn't again. Like what Natsu would look like with water running down his body. I shuddered. I imagined the water drifting down his sculpted body - down to a place where I hadn't seen.

Those thoughts however were interrupted by Natsu opening the bathroom door. I sucked in a breath as I heard his footsteps get closer. He lifted the covers and I felt his weight shift the bed as he crawled in with my back to him. He shifted around until he was comfortable and said, "Goodnight Lucy."

"Good night Natsu."

I could smell him from where I was layin. A clean smell. I had the sudden urge to turn around, hug him, and breathe in his scent. I had to stop myself from groaning.

What the hell is wrong with me? I thought.

This was going to be a long, long week.

To be continued...