The questionnaire
Although Im gonna check every review, Im not gonna answer them for this quiz and you don't to leave your name if you don't want (hello guests!).
I would appreciate if anyone were kind enough to answer this questions or at least the ones you find most important or flagrant so that I can improve my writing and the next story (ies). Even a general opinion and/or critic would help :)
Is the story BORING?
- Does any part of the story Drag?
- Are their parts that you skipped to get to 'the good part'?
- Do I over-inform anywhere? (ok, yeah, I do. But where? Just in the science rants or on other parts too?)
Did you Get it?
- Did you understand phrases / terms I used? ( besides the science stuff)
- If someone unfamiliar with this Fandom read this, have I explained enough for them to understand WHY everything was happening?
- Did you have to reread any part of the scenes to understand who was doing what to whom? - Did I forget to mention something? Anything ?
- Did the actions flow smoothly from one to the next, or did they jump as though something was skipped?
Fluff and Action Scenes?
- Where there enough or too many?
- Were the scenes too fast, too slow, or too (in)frequent?
Do the scenes FLOW?
- Does one scene lead logically into the next?
- Is there enough downtime between intense scenes to allow it to build to the next?
- Were the Flashbacks smoothly integrated - or did they seem plopped in, like a chapter that was in the wrong place?
- Do I repeat things that Don't need to be repeated?
- Was there nice clean chapter breaks?
Is anything VISUALLY Confusing?
- Can you SEE every action clearly in your mind like a movie?
- Could you SEE what the characters looked like?
- Could someone who was Not familiar with the fandom SEE what the characters looked?
- Could you picture the places that were described?
- Did I forget to describe their Clothes, their Hair, their Eyes, any other distinctive feature that pertains to a specific character?
During DIALOGUE scenes?
- Could you see what the characters were DOING while talking?
- Did the dialogs made sense (save for her techno babble, that was supposed to be confusing)
Did the Characters WORK?
- Do the characters ACT realistic?
- Does the Dialogue sound realistic?
- Do their Reactions seem logical & realistic?
- Could you feel the Emotions between the characters?
- Did the characters seem IN CHARACTER?
- Did the characters with powers USE them in the story where it was needed?
- Did the Original characters worked for this story?
- What character did you like best and WHY?
- What character did you hate and WHY?
- What character got on your nerves and WHY?
- Does any one character get in the way of the STORY?
- Was there a character that would have made the story Better by being Left Out?
Thanks a lot and hope you enjoyed.