The Shield Goes Trick-or-Treating

Disclaimer: I own nothing associated with the WWE or any other references made! I only own Aemilia.

Summary: Twoshot. When Roman Reigns' fiancée is unexpectedly called away for work on Halloween, he recruits the only two people he can think of to help him take his five-year-old daughter trick-or-treating– his best friends and onscreen teammates, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. What could possibly go wrong?

Characters: Dean Ambrose, Tyler Black/Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns, features an OC

Pairings: None

Rating: T

Genre: Friendship/Humor

Author's Note: Hello! Since my muse for these three guys seems to not want to leave me alone as of late, I'm back with another short story that again focuses more on the everyday lives of Dean, Seth, and Roman. It's a fun side to explore, and I'm sure I'll be doing more of them as well, lol. Again, this is dedicated in part to my mother, one of the biggest Shield fans I know (and of Dean Ambrose and now Seth Rollins in particular), but I hope you all enjoy it as well! :) Read and review if you would like, just no flames please. Thanks!

Chapter 1

A shrill scream echoed through the living room.

Dean Ambrose smiled as he settled back on the couch in his dark living room in Cincinnati, Ohio with his feet propped up on the low table in front of him, leaning his head back against the cushion as he tossed a couple kernels of buttered microwave popcorn into his mouth from the bowl on his lap. He chuckled as he watched the frightened young woman leave the house in a panicked run, the large form of the killer in the telltale white, emotionless mask slowly walking after her. John Carpenter's Halloween was certainly a classic, and a favorite of his for his favorite time of year. He couldn't recall just how many times he had watched it over the years, but by this point, it was a movie he could nearly quote word for word.

He leaned forward and grabbed the bottle of beer that was sitting next to his feet, taking a quick sip before he sat back against the couch again and enjoyed a few more kernels of popcorn. Then, his eyes narrowed slightly when his cell phone rang, and disgruntled that he was being interrupted, Dean picked it up from where it was sitting on the couch beside him. Seeing the name on the screen, he sighed and answered after the third ring.


"Hey, Dean. Got a minute?"

Dean sighed. "Almost that exactly," he said as the movie went to commercial. "What's up, Roman?"

Roman Reigns, one of his best friends since they had been on the developmental scene together as well as one of his current onscreen teammates, laughed a little. "Listen, man, I have a favor to ask," he replied.

"Tonight?" Dean wondered. "Come on, man. Halloween is on..."

He could almost hear the older man roll his eyes. "And it's almost over," Roman countered. "I'm watching it, too. But anyway, no, not tonight. In three days."

Dean craned his neck to look over the couch behind him to the calendar that was hanging on the wall near the door that led into the kitchen. He squinted slightly, trying to read it in the light from the television. "Like on Halloween?"

"Yes, on Halloween," Roman confirmed. "My fiancée and I take Aemilia trick-or-treating every year, as you know."

"Uh-huh." Dean settled back into a comfortable position on the couch as the movie came back. "And?"

Roman sighed. "Well, my fiancée is leaving tomorrow for an unexpected business trip and won't be home."

Dean suddenly had a feeling where this conversation was going. "Uh-huh..."

"And I was wondering if you'd like to join us instead," Roman concluded. "I've already asked Seth, and he agreed."

"I knew it," Dean grumbled under his breath when he heard the name of his other best friend and onscreen teammate before he cleared his throat. "Roman, you know I usually have plans on Halloween." His "plans" typically didn't change from one year to the next, unless a show landed on that day that he had to be at, and they always consisted of him planting himself on his couch and having a scary movie marathon and indulging in trick-or-treat candy he got from the store. It was the one day a year he could afford to do that.

Roman chuckled. "Yes, Seth informed me of your plans," he muttered. "I'm sure you could break them for one year. I'll give you gas money or whatever when you decide how you want to get here. Though if you really don't want to, I'll just have to tell Aemilia that her Uncle Dean won't be coming along..."

Dean closed his eyes and rested his head back against the cushion behind him. Of course the other man would use his adorable five-year-old daughter against him when he knew she was one of the few people on the planet that he could not say "no" to no matter how hard he tried. "Fine," he said with a sigh. "I'll be there to go trick-or-treating with the little princess. I can't have Seth be her only uncle showing up."

"I knew you'd come around," Roman replied. "So, if you're driving, do you want some gas money when you get here?"

It wouldn't have been the first time he had made the drive down to Pensacola, Florida, and Dean knew that gas money wouldn't be a real concern. "No, that's okay," he told him. "Though I do have something else instead."

"What's that?"

Dean smirked. "You could give me a similar amount in trick-or-treat candy," he suggested.

Roman laughed. "You got a deal. See you in a couple days."

"See ya." Dean ended the call before tossing the phone back down on the couch, not able to believe that he had let his friend coerce him into going trick-or-treating. But then, he smiled slightly as he focused again on the ending of the movie. He may have been missing out on his traditional movie marathon, but at least he'd still be getting his candy fill.

And that, to him, was a definite positive.

"You know, it's not the end of the world tomorrow, Dean. Hell, it could even be fun if you let it."

Dean chuckled quietly as he looked at where Seth Rollins was sitting across the table from him where they were catching an early dinner in a small diner just within the Pensacola limits. They had both driven straight through a little over a day and a half to arrive in the southern state from their respective homes in Cincinnati and Davenport, Iowa in time for Halloween and had agreed to meet for a quick meal before they made the rest of the journey to their third teammate's house.

"Of course it's not the end of the world," he said, leaning on the table. "I mean, we get candy and get to see Aemilia, both of which are awesome. But I thought you usually had plans on Halloween, too."

Seth shrugged. "I usually just dress up and stay at home to hand out candy to kids in my neighborhood," he replied. "If we're not at a show, that is."

"You still dress up?" Dean asked with a chuckle.

"Why not? It's fun," Seth answered with a laugh of his own. "And besides, you can't tell me that as a kid, you didn't have fun dressing up and going around to houses to get candy."

Dean sighed. "Well, I didn't live in the greatest of neighborhoods growing up, as you know," he muttered. "But I did have a friend who lived in a better one, and I would sometimes go there." He looked at the other man curiously. "How about you? You go trick-or-treating as a kid?"

Seth smiled. "Every year," he told him. "My older brother and I always went together. It was a lot of fun."

"Well, then I'm sure you're really looking forward to this." Dean smiled a little himself as the waitress came back to their table with their orders and set the correct plates in front of them. "Thank you, ma'am."

The blonde-haired woman smiled in return before she walked away to tend to other customers, and Seth chuckled as he turned his attention to the chicken strips that he had picked. "Why wouldn't I look forward to going trick-or-treating with our niece?" he wondered.

"Very true." Dean reached over and picked up the ketchup bottle sitting under the window to put on his hamburger. "Was that the clincher to drive down here?"

Seth shook his head. "No, though it'll definitely be more fun with Aemilia," he said. "You?"

Dean smirked slightly, eating a couple fries. "Kinda, yeah," he admitted. "I mean, I wouldn't go trick-or-treating if it was just Roman. Besides..." He paused for a moment, putting some more ketchup on his plate. "I can't have you showing me up in the uncle department."

"Wouldn't dream of it, man." Seth grinned, and both men laughed as they continued to eat.

They left the diner about a half hour later when they were finished eating and paid their separate checks, preparing for the last leg of their trip. The darkening sky was still overcast and lightly rumbling with distant thunder, and Seth and Dean both hoped that the weather would clear up before Halloween the next day. It was about a fifteen minute drive to Roman's comfortable, two-story house, and having followed the other man, Dean found a spot to park across the street while Seth settled for next to their third teammate's car in the double driveway. The latter waited for his friend to join him, and he and Dean made their way up the cobblestone walkway with their overnight bags to the front porch and rang the doorbell.

The door opened about a minute later, revealing a small girl with shoulder-length, lightly waved black hair and dark eyes, and a large grin appeared on her face when she saw the two men on the porch. She made an excited sound before she jumped forward with her arms outstretched, and Seth caught her and gave her a tight hug.

"Uncle Seth!"

Seth laughed, quickly kissing her head before setting her back down. "It's good to see you, too, my dear," he said, his smile lingering when he watched her then move on to hug her Uncle Dean, who picked her up and spun her around a couple times, causing her to laugh.

"Give them a chance to come inside, Aemilia," another voice spoke up from the doorway, and Seth turned to see that Roman was watching them with a broad grin on his face. "I'm sure they've had a long trip."

The excited five-year-old glanced at Roman as well, keeping her small arms tightly around Dean's neck. "Sorry, Daddy," she mumbled with a smile, chuckling a little when Seth reached over and tickled her side.

Roman shook his head slightly, a quiet laugh of his own escaping from him before he walked further into the house. Seth and Dean followed him, the latter setting Aemilia down before they slipped their shoes off on a mat next to the coat closet and shut and locked the front door behind them. They glanced around, seeing that there were some smiling pumpkins and fake spiderwebs hanging about the entrance hall to be festive.

"Can't be too scary for a five-year-old," Dean commented, both setting their bags down near their shoes before he and his friend wandered into the kitchen where their last teammate and his daughter were. Aemilia was sitting at the table with a couple pieces of pizza on a paper plate while Roman stood near her.

"We thought that with my fiancée gone, this would be the easiest route to go for tonight," the latter explained before gesturing to the counter where a pizza box with a few slices of a medium pizza still remained. "There's not much, but you can help yourself to whatever's left, if you'd like."

"Oh, no thanks, Roman. We already ate," Seth politely declined while Dean rested a hand over his stomach and nodded his agreement. "Thank you, though."

Roman smiled slightly before putting the leftovers on another paper plate and wrapping it in tinfoil before putting it in the refrigerator. "That's okay. Nothing wrong with some cold pizza," he said, rolling up the box and tossing it in the garbage before he leaned back against the counter to face his two friends. "Now, we were going to go before, but once Aemilia found out you guys were going to be joining us for trick-or-treating tomorrow, she wanted to wait."

Aemilia took a big bite of her last piece of pizza before looking up at Roman. "Uncle Seth and Uncle Dean are coming, right?" she wondered excitedly.

Her father chuckled. "You have to ask them," he told her. "They might be tired from their trip down here."

Dean crouched down next to her chair while Seth leaned forward on the table, both curious about what the little girl wanted to wait for them to do. "What's up, kiddo?" the former prompted.

Aemilia turned to them with a grin. "Do you and Uncle Seth wanna come costume shopping with us?" she asked.

Seth smiled in return. "I don't see why not," he answered, glancing at his friend, who regarded him with a raised eyebrow. "Your Uncle Dean and I think that would be a lot of fun."

The five-year-old squealed with excitement before she quickly started to work on finishing her pizza so they could leave sooner.

Once the rest of the mess from dinner was cleaned up, Roman led the way out to his car to make the costume run. He secured Aemilia in her car seat while Dean climbed in the passenger seat and Seth joined his niece in the back, and once everyone was settled in, Roman got behind the wheel and began their drive to the mall downtown that had the biggest Halloween selection that time of year. It was packed, which they had expected, with people buying last minute costumes, accessories, and decorations. Roman kept a tight hold on Aemilia's much smaller hand so he wouldn't lose her in the crowd while his two teammates followed along behind as they made their way over to the wall where pictures of all the available costumes were displayed. Seth pointed out the children selection, and Dean lifted the little girl on his shoulders so she could see better.

"Ooh, I like that one..." Aemilia's eyes were wide as she looked at all of the options that were available to her. "But that one's pretty..."

Roman leaned over to Seth as his daughter pointed out a witch, a superhero, and a fairy costume, chuckling quietly. "This could take a while," he muttered.

"That's okay," Seth replied with a grin. "I can remember as a kid how long it took to pick a costume sometimes. There are just so many choices, you know?"

"I hear ya," Roman agreed. "I would go trick-or-treating with all my cousins every year, and picking a costume was always a lengthy ordeal since no one wanted the same one." The other man chuckled.

"Do you have any that you're leaning toward more than others, sweetheart?" Dean asked, glancing up at his young niece. "You could always try them on before you make a decision."

Aemilia looked down on him with an excited look. "You're right!" she answered, her dark eyes narrowing somewhat thoughtfully as she looked back at the pictures before she pointed a thin finger at a red and black princess dress with a tiara and other fake jewelry included. "I want to try that one on!" Dean arched an eyebrow, and she gave him a sheepish smile. "Please?"

"Well, since you ask so nicely..." Dean smirked as he walked closer to the counter to where a worker dressed in a witch's costume was checking the cash register. "Excuse me, ma'am?"

The black-haired woman looked up from what she was doing, and he saw that her face was coated with pale green makeup and a long, wart-filled plastic nose. Aemilia chuckled. "Yes, how can I help you?" she wondered, tilting up the wide brim of her black pointy hat to smile at the girl.

Dean turned his attention to the pictures on the wall behind her. "Well, the little lady and I were wondering if it'd be possible to try a costume on before she makes her final decision on if she would like to have it or not," he told her.

"Of course!" the witch said. "Which one would she like to try on?"

"Um..." Dean glanced up at the five-year-old. "You'll have to help me out here, sweetheart. I couldn't tell which one you were pointing at."

Aemilia smiled as she pointed again. "That one, Uncle Dean! The princess!"

"Which princess? That one?" Dean pointed to one himself, to which the girl shook her head.

"No, not the fairy princess, silly. The princess!"

Dean sighed quietly. Why did there have to be so many different varieties of princess outfits? "You'll have to be more specific..." he muttered as Seth and Roman wandered over to see what was going on.

Aemilia chuckled as she grabbed Dean's hand in both of hers, directing it to the one above the one he had pointed at. "That one!" she said. "The red and black one."

The witch smiled. "It's all right, Sir, I know exactly which one she's talking about," she assured Dean. "The rebel princess costume is very popular this year." She then turned to get one for the young customer.

"Did she decide on the one she wanted already?" Roman asked curiously.

Dean shook his head. "No, she just wants to try it on," he answered.

"Good idea, kiddo." Seth smiled and quickly rubbed Aemilia's back as he found the picture of the costume she wanted. "I think that'd be a good choice if you went with that one."

Aemilia grinned down at him. "I really like that one, Uncle Seth," she agreed.

The witch came back a couple of minutes later with a bag in her hands, handing it up to the five-year-old with a smile. "There you go, my dear," she said, chuckling when the bag holding the costume lightly hit Dean in the face as Aemilia pulled it up into her arms. "I think you'll look beautiful in that."

The little girl grinned excitedly, looking down at Roman. "Can we go try it on, Daddy?" she asked.

"Of course, baby girl," Roman answered with a smile, reaching up and carefully lifting her off of Dean's shoulders. "Then we can show your uncles how it looks and see what they think."

"Okay, Daddy!" Aemilia kept a tight hold on the bag in her hand as she wrapped her arms around her father's neck. She smiled as she looked back at Seth and Dean, the look broadening when they began to follow after their third teammate. Roman brought the five-year-old over to where the fitting rooms were along the adjacent wall. There were short lines in front of all three curtains, so he started to go through the bag's contents with her while Seth and Dean started to look over some of the makeup and varied masks that were hanging on the wall across from them.

Finally, it was Aemilia's turn to get into a changing room, and Roman stayed to help her. Dean nudged Seth on the arm and pointed to a couple masks in front of them, and the latter couldn't help but smirk slightly as he nodded once. Aemilia walked out from behind the curtain wearing the red and black princess dress along with the fake jewelry, smiling with excitement as she looked around for her two uncles.

"Where'd they go, Daddy?" she asked with confusion when she didn't see them.

Suddenly, Dean leaned down close to her from the side and made a quiet sound to startle her, wearing an old man mask with a long beard while Seth did the same from her other side, wearing a green witch mask with long black hair. Aemilia let out a shriek as she tightly grabbed her father's leg, and both men chuckled as they immediately pulled off their masks.

"Sorry about that, my dear," Seth said with a kind smile. "Just a little trick for ya."

Dean smiled a bit himself, the look turning into a smirk when he saw Roman giving him a hard look. "What? I was originally gonna go for that big, ugly devil mask up there, but we didn't want to scare her too badly," he muttered in his defense. "But it's Halloween, Roman. Gotta be slightly startled at some point."

Roman opened his mouth to offer a retort, but he was stopped when Aemilia giggled. "It's okay, Daddy, it was funny." She smiled as she reached out a small hand and ran her fingers lightly over the witch mask Seth held before doing the same to the one in Dean's hand. Then, the look broadened into a grin. "What do you guys think of the dress?"

Seth smiled as he nodded his approval. "I think you look beautiful, Aemilia," he told her. "I love the jewelry that goes along with the dress, it looks very nice!"

"Yep, you're the perfect little princess," Dean agreed. "Is that the one you want?"

"Um..." Aemilia glanced down at the dress she wore before she looked at the wall of pictures of other costumes. She then looked back at the three men with her. "Can I try more on?"

With help from her father and uncles, the five-year-old tried on a variety of costumes, including a cowgirl, an evil sorceress, a fairy, a nurse, a cat, Wonder Woman, a cheerleader, the Little Mermaid, and a butterfly. But after all of these, the final verdict was the princess costume she had originally picked.

"Ah, I see you've made your decision," the witch behind the counter stated with a broad smile when Roman, Seth, and Dean brought Aemilia back to make the purchase. "As I said before, the rebel princess look is very popular this year, and I think it's the perfect one for you, my dear."

Aemilia smiled as the woman grabbed the red and black costume for her and returned to the counter. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." The witch smiled before looking at the girl's father and uncles. "How about you three?"

Dean cleared his throat, slightly startled. "Well, I can't speak for these two, but I wasn't really planning on dressing up..." he began.

"Ah, come on, Dean, you can dress up for once," Seth said with a chuckle. "It's not gonna kill ya." He then glanced down at the expectant five-year-old. "I'll dress up with you, kiddo."

Roman chuckled when his daughter jumped with excitement before he turned to his third teammate. "Come on, Dean, we're all gonna do it," he added. "You don't want to be the odd one out, do you?"

Dean smirked. "Well, it wouldn't be the first time..."

Aemilia then let go of her father's hand before she moved to stand in front of her reluctant uncle, taking both of his larger hands in hers as she looked up at him. "Aww, please, Uncle Dean?" she asked. "It'll be fun! I'll even help you pick!"

A moment passed where Dean continued to look down at the pout that appeared on his niece's face, inwardly cursing up a storm. It was impossible to say "no" to this little girl. He sighed quietly before a small smile appeared on his face. "All right," he finally agreed. "I'll do it. But only if you help pick one."

Seth and Roman exchanged grins as Aemilia squealed with excitement, and she tightened her hold on his hands as she pulled Dean toward the other end of the counter where the pictures of adult costumes were. He lifted her on his shoulders once more so she could see, and after a while of quietly debating with herself, the five-year-old finally decided on the perfect costume for her uncle.

"A pirate?" Dean repeated with an arched eyebrow after she pointed it out to him.

"Yeah!" Aemilia confirmed with a broad smile. "It's a good look for you, Uncle Dean!"

The witch behind the counter smiled as she looked back at them. "I tend to agree with her on that one," she said with a chuckle. "Though you could try it on if you're not sure."

Dean sighed, glancing up at Aemilia when she lightly patted his head. "Nah, that's okay," he muttered. "I'll just take it..."

"All right, then." The witch turned and grabbed a bag with the pirate costume in it and offered it to him. "The hat, eye patch, fake earring, and parrot are included! The only thing you need is a sword."

"Thank you kindly." Dean forced his smile to broaden and took the bag as his other two teammates joined them. He then glanced up at his niece again. "You should help your Uncle Seth pick out a costume next, sweetheart."

Seth chuckled as Aemilia nodded before a thoughtful look appeared on her face as she started looking over the pictures once again, this time with her other uncle in mind. This time, she debated a little bit longer before a broad grin appeared on her face.

"I've got it!"

"Let's hear it," Seth said, ignoring the almost evil smile that Dean was regarding him with.

Aemilia leaned over a bit so she was closer to him, pointing at a picture a couple ones away from the pirate one. "That one!" she told him.

Roman smirked as Dean tried to hold in his laughter while Seth stared at the picture for a moment. "Hercules?" he asked. When his niece nodded enthusiastically, he smiled and shrugged slightly. "Why not? It should be fun!"

"You're a good sport," Dean muttered quietly to his friend, causing Seth to laugh a little as the witch grabbed the Greek demigod costume for him.

"It's Halloween only once a year," he replied casually, taking the bag from her when she offered it to him. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." The witch smiled at him. "Your sweet little niece is good at picking out costumes for you guys since this is a look that suits you. Arm and leg bands are included in this one, as is the cape. Like your friend, all you need is a sword. You can find those in the store as well."

Seth nodded. "Thank you, we'll go look for those after her father gets a costume, too," he told her, and he and Dean both turned to look at Roman expectantly.

Roman smiled as he looked up at Aemilia. "Well, baby girl, you said you wanted to match this year," he said. "So, let's find something that goes along with your princess costume."

"We have a couple different choices," the witch explained as she turned to the wall of pictures behind her to point out a couple. "As you can see, we have a king, which is a popular choice this year, as well as the knight in shining armor and the always fun court jester."

Dean and Seth glanced at each other, both mouthing "court jester" before they laughed as quietly as they could. Roman arched an eyebrow at them, but Aemilia shook her head slightly with a thoughtful look in her eye.

"Any other ones?" she wondered.

A disappointed look crossed Dean's face as Seth glanced up at their nice curiously, wondering what could be going on in her little mind. What else was there that could go along with a princess costume?

The witch smiled up at her where she was still perched on Dean's shoulders. "Well, since you like being creative, we do have the makings for a dragon costume," she told her.

Aemilia's face brightened up at this information. "Yes! Perfect!" she exclaimed.

Seth had to turn and distract himself with trying to find where the costume accessories would be so the five-year-old wouldn't catch him laughing, and Dean leaned over to his other friend with a broad smirk and began to quietly hum a tune that sounded eerily like "Puff the Magic Dragon." Roman narrowed his eyes at him, but the look vanished when his daughter reached down and set her small hand on his head.

"Right, Daddy? The dragon would be fun!" she said.

Roman sighed quietly before he turned to the witch behind the counter with a small smile. "I'll take the dragon," he told her.

She smiled broadly in return. "I'll be back shortly."

As she hurried away from the counter, Dean and Seth both turned to smirk at their third teammate. "A dragon, huh?" the former wondered before he glanced up at the five-year-old. "Good choice, little lady."

Aemilia laughed as Roman then reached up and lifted her back down to the floor. "At least it matches..." he muttered.

Seth chuckled. "You'll make a good dragon, Roman," he assured him.

Before they could say anything more, the witch returned with a variety of items in her arms. "First off, I picked up a couple swords for the two of you as well," she said, setting the weapons aside. "And for the pirate, I got some makeup that will help make facial scars, as well as scruff."

Dean nodded slightly, setting the package of makeup and sword on top of his costume. "Thanks for that, ma'am," he replied while Seth took his sword as well.

"You're welcome." The witch then turned to Roman. "As for you, I picked up some makeup as well," she continued. "This will make your face and neck green and scaly. I also picked up the dragon mask we have that will cover the top half of your face along with some fake teeth to give the fang effect. And lastly, some fake nails that will give you claws, a set of wings, and a tail."

"Thank you very much," Roman muttered, smiling slightly when Aemilia jumped with excitement from next to him.

"All righty!" The witch then turned her attention to cash register. "Are these together or separate?"

"Separate," Roman answered as he pulled out his wallet. "I'll just be getting mine and my daughter's."

"Sounds good, Sir!"

Dean and Seth glanced at each other as Roman paid for his purchase, chuckling quietly. They were getting more than they bargained for after their drive down to Pensacola to go trick-or-treating, but they both knew that the next day would prove to be very interesting indeed.

Author's Note: Well, that's it for this one! The second half should be up soon. Again, just a fun, lighthearted story involving the daily lives of the Hounds of Justice. Thanks for reading! Your reviews are much appreciated. Thank you!