Marshall Lee slowly floated over to where Gumball was standing getting ready to start painting the ways of the nursery.

"Oh no you don't" He snatched the paint brush out of his lovers hand letting it fall to the floor causing pink paint to splatter all over the tarp that had been laid out.

"What was that for Marshy?" He glared up at the vampire.

"You are not painting the nursery pink."

"And why not?"

"Because every other room in this place is pink I don't want the nursery to be damn pink." Marshall Lee had landed in front of the pink prince.

"Then what color do you suggest I paint it?" He looked at the vampire watching the smile come across his face.

"I have an idea WE can both paint it and we both will be happy" He brought the cans of paint inside and opened them to reveal a lavender and a dark black. " We paint the walls and ceiling the purple and the door, window frames and trim black and ill paint a design on the walls as well then we can start moving furniture in."

The two got to work painting the walls. When everything was finished that he could do Gumball took a seat in the rocking chair he had set in the corner of the room once Marshall had finished the walls on that side and they had dried.

Marshal had his hair pulled back into a small pony tall and the ones that strayed pinned back. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor in one of Gumball's pink shirt and a pair of sweat pants. He was oblivious to the world around him as he always was when he got involved in his work. This was Gumball's favorite was to see his husband and the one he found the most attractive. This side of Marshall Lee was the one he only got to see. With making as little of noise as possible he went and sat down behind the concentrating vampire slowly raping his arms around his pulling him close.

"Hello sexy." He could see the redness slipping onto Marshall's cheeks as he turned his head to look at him.

"I am not sexy." Gumball leaned down gently pressing a trail of kisses down the vampire's neck as he slowly ran his hands up under his shirt.

"Oh yes you are do you have any idea the affect of seeing you like this does to me?"

Marshall Shivered under his touch and tried to squirm away. "I need to finish painting the walls."

Gumball pulled Marshall back smiling. "You can finish those latter." He kissed the blushing vampire and it wasn't long before they were both lying in the floor only in their boxers.

"We can't do this in here it's her room."

Gumball smiled at the vampire "She'll never find out"

Latter that night Gumball was laying in bed reading waiting for Marshall Lee to get out of the shower. (He had insisted that they take separate shower.)

He didn't waver from his book when he felt a certain vampire crawl up under the covers laying his head on the pink mans chest and Gumball knew he wanted to be read to.

" The sun was setting on the hill as the dark haired knight stood there waiting under a tree-their tree- for his love to appear. He headed the quite footsteps as he turned to see the blue eyes prince pick up his pace. He ran into his lover's arms barring his face into the knight's chest crying out of joy and relief that they were able to find each other.

'You came I didn't think you would want to leave and risk being killed over me.' The prince took his loves face in his hands gently wiping his tears away."

'Why wouldn't I come run away with you Ianto, I love you. You have captured my soul and heart. You are my reason to live and breath. You are worth the risk of being killed. You are my night and day. You are everything. Which is why I not only run away with you but I ask you to let me love you and be with your forever. Ianto what I'm asking of you is will you marry me?'

The young knight knew from the moment he met the prince that they were meant to be together forever. The tug on both of there hearts had been too great to ignore. They were soul mates that had found each other in many life times before this and had found each other once again and would continue until the stars would go out.

'Yes love as soon as we get to Lashington where we will be accepted and safe the first place well go is the chapel.'

The two shared a quick kiss and road off into the night not sure what journey lie ahead of them but everything would be alright because that had each other."

Marshall Lee had fallen asleep so Gumball put the book away and curled up in to the bed next to his lover. They were together and nothing bad could happen because they had eachother.

Author's comments and notes: I thought you guys deserved somthing better than the last chapter so with no homework tonight I wrote you something better. The story gumball reads aloud is an original of mine so dont steal it. Thank you for reading and please leave comments telling me what you think they make my day.