"Hey Gold Digger! Whatcha got there? A love note?"
Gold was in the mess hall when he received his next letter from Belle. He did not appreciate being bothered or rather heckled.
"It is none of your concern. Be gone."
"He thinks I'm gonna go away. What's wrong Gold digger? You miss your mommy?"
"Will you evaporate from my sight and do not refer to me as a gold digger. Is there nothing else to occupy your time?" Gold looked away from his letter and glared at the fellow inmate.
"Nope, this is pretty fun. Let me see that. Did your girlfriend break up with you?" The inmate said as he snatched Gold's letter and tried to read it.
Gold stood up to face the inmate.
"Return that to me." He said as he tried to snatch it back but the inmate was quick.
"Woah what's got your undies in a knot? Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the concrete this morning?"
Gold was furious! His face was red and he was about to explode.
"That is my personal property!" Gold screams at the top of his lungs and by that point, he has gained an audience. Before Gold even realized what he did, his fist came in contact with the inmate's face and knocked him out cold.
The inmate fell to the ground with a thud and the room became quiet.
"Alright, what happened here?" The guard said and then radioed for the medical team.
"Gold did it!" They all shouted.
"Gold, what on earth?" The guard said making his way toward him.
"I am at fault and will make no excuse for my actions." Gold spoke calmly. He was in shock that he could be pushed to the edge a second time.
"I can't believe you! Do you know what this means...?"
"Yes, I am to be reprimanded." Gold said interrupting.
"Yeah, Solitary confinement. Three weeks. Now let's go." Gold got up and the guard escorted him out of the mess hall.
"Now tell me what provoked you." The guard asked as he led Gold to his new room for the next three weeks.
"He taunted me and then seized my letter." Gold explained.
"He took your letter? What are you, five? Grow up, Gold! My word!
The guard couldn't believe it.
"May I obtain my letter back please? I haven't fully read it yet."
"The only thing you will be able to do for the next three weeks is write your letters because it is unfair to the girl to stop. Here is your letter. Now get in the room. Your meals will be brought to you." The guard closed the door and left.
Gold sat on the concrete bed, let out a sigh of discontent, and put his head in his hands.
"What have I done?" Gold said as he looked up and shook his head. "Gold, you are an ignorant fool." He said to himself.
Gold looked down at the letter that was still in his hands.
"Maybe this will cheer me up. Not that I need to indulge in any praise worthy opinion of myself at the moment." He scoffed.
Dear Mr. Gold,
I would like to know you as well. Thank you for being an encouragement to me. I suppose I should tell you a little bit more about myself so you can know who you are dealing with. I am an only child. Therefore, I have my mother's full attention. Sometimes too much if you ask me but I guess it's better than nothing. I do love my mother dearly though. She is all I have now. My father is a well-off business man so he is gone quite often. I hardly ever see him anymore. I do love animals and the outdoors. Although that is almost a thing of the past now. I spend most of my days inside now. Reading is a new hobby that I have picked up. Now I know the truth behind the statement 'nothing like curling up with a good book'. I had an accident about two years ago that changed my life drastically. I used to be more outgoing but I've kind of been stuck in a funk so to speak for a while now. I want to tell you about my accident but I haven't fully told anyone else yet so it scares me. Hopefully I'll get the courage to do so soon. You seem like a guy who would understand. Life is hard but I think I might be starting to see the light.
Looking forward to your letter.
"Belle, Why were you outside in the rain? It's cold out there. Now you have caught the flu. Why don't we tone this new courageous side down a little bit. You look awful."
Belle just wanted to get some fresh air when it started to sprinkle lightly. She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt a few rain drops on her face. It soon started to down pour and she couldn't get inside fast enough. The wheels of her wheelchair got stuck in the newly softening mud and she couldn't go anywhere. Her mother finally found her but it was too late. She was already drenched and shivering. Her mother showered her in warm water then tucked her into bed.
Belle let out a few sneezes. "I'm sorry, Mother. It won't happen again."
"I was coming to find you because you received a new letter in the mail. Read it and then I want you to try and nap. Ok honey? Belle's mother asked kindly. "I'll be back to check on you later."
"Yes, Mom." Belle said as she opened the letter.
Dearest Belle,
I thank you for your compassionate words. I do believe that your words have bestowed upon me a sense that I may still have a shred of decency within. I have committed atrocious deeds but if you are willing to get to know me, even though you know I am incarcerated, than I must still have a chance at redemption. I want to say 'I was in the wrong place at the wrong time'. I want to say 'I was caught between a rock and a hard place' apart from it, I must own up to what my actions caused. I implemented the final blow. I was at fault and I cannot redo the scenario no matter how remorseful I may be. I know it is a daunting task to open up and share an unsettling past with a man you hardly have any knowledge about let alone have never met; but I feel it too. I just yearn to be loved and commended just as much as the next person; and I am sure you feel the same way. So, I have a proposition for you. If you will pledge to surrender, in writing, the details of your past to me, I will in turn reveal the full-fledged narrative of my past with you. Nothing will be left unsaid and no retracting is allowed.
Do we have a deal?
One last thing. I wish to ascertain you are fully able to recover the bubbly characteristics I'm certain you still retain deep within yourself, Sweetheart.
I as well anticipate the arrival of your ensuing letter.
Mr. Gold