Chapter 25

Author note: So I hope the last chapter was okay, first birth scene I've ever written! Sorry for slow updates! Enjoy!

31st December 5:09am

Bebe pov

"Waaaa!" The familiar shriek sounded from Caitlin's bedroom. You would think after being pregnant, you could finally have a proper nights sleep, without Braxton hicks or the big stomach getting in the way. But sleeping was not an option right now, because once again I was forced to pull myself from the comfy pillow and traipse on into my newborn's room.

"Hey sweetie." I cooed, picking her up out of her crib to begin feeding her. You know what? I so should have got that breast reduction surgery back in fourth grade, because right now they were so sore I swear they were going to fall off any minute... Hmm, those early morning thoughts.

"She ok?" Kyle's voice arose as he entered the nursery, an oversized dressing gown slung over his shoulders.
"Mm..." I mumbled. "I'm not. I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm cold... And I need to pee now."
Kyle abruptly unwrapped the dressing gown from around his body and draped it over me.
"Thanks but that wasn't a hint." I give a slight smile.
"Yeah, yeah." He shrugged.


Wendy pov

I cannot lie on my stomach because the bump will get in the way. I cannot lie on my left side because that arm gets cramped easily. I cannot lie on my right side because the shadows on the wall have always scared me and I could not lie on my back because... Well who does? Unless you are deep in thought, it is increasingly difficult to sleep on your back.

Maybe I should just forget about trying to sleep, go downstairs and make some coffee... Oh wait no, it's forbidden to have caffeine when you're pregnant.

Maybe I should go and get started on my early morning stretches. Oh wait no, harsh exercise is also not allowed when you are up the stick.

Or I could just take one of Stan's cigarettes and let all of this stress out with a few puffs. Oh hold on...

Who was I kidding? Pregnancy sucks. Birth sucks. And the next eighteen years after suck too. Do not get me wrong, I loved my family and I was extremely proud of each and every one of them but, Belle had gone missing a few weeks ago, Harry had a milk addiction, Harvey was in trouble at school again, Hannah had no clothes that fit her anymore and Hope... Well let's not go there.

But was I really stressed out because of the pregnancy or the family I complain about all the time? Or was it just because I had so many other regrets? Like falling out with Bebe? Or being a complete bitch to Red yesterday?

I had not meant it. I never meant it. Red had been a really good friend to Bebe and I in the past, even though she never said that much she was still always there for us, always backed us up. We used to depend on each other when we used to work in that sleazy bar back in New York, we used to have this code that we would yell out to the other one if some old man was trying to hit on us. It was my fault I thought she was perfect. She had not been as irresponsible as me, just settled down with Kenny and the kids.

But I was jealous of her for that, and because of that envy, I thought I hated her.


Red pov

I had been awake for hours now, the whole thing replaying in my mind. The symptoms, the sickness, the signs... That little red positive cross.

But I was smiling, even though watching Caitlin's birth had been completely scarring, I had been through it before. Twice. So I could do it again, totally... I just did not know how I was going to tell Kenny.

I had found out on Boxing Day that I was pregnant again. I had a feeling something might be happening since Christmas Eve, that was when I started throwing up anyway, but I had to do it quietly, I did not want to twins to think I was ill and I did not want Kenny to find out until I was sure.

Now I was sure. The ice cream cravings and pregnancy test had made me sure. I was so happy, this was going to make the family complete, this was all I had ever wanted.


Cartman pov

Ok, this was weird, because never had I been awake before nine in the morning. This whole baby thing must really be bugging me.

I had to tell Butters, I wanted to tell Butters on Christmas Day but we were looking after the Marsh kids and then found out that Kyle's bird had sprouted a kid. Great, we now had a female version of Kyle. Wonderful.

I had been looking into adoption, Tweek and Craig managed to do it so why could we not? The only thing I was stressing about was telling Butters, incase he laughed in my face and said he did not want a child. But I was sure that would not happen... Hopefully.

I never really understood why I loved Clyde frog and Polly prissy pants so badly, but now I did. I treated them like my children. I talked to them, shared a bed with them and had tea parties with them (though I would never let people know this... Except for when Stan, Kyle and Kenny caught it on video...).

But now I wanted the real thing, I was a different person inside, I was not that cruel, uncaring exterior which everyone else saw. I was sensitive. I wanted children.


Stan pov

Yep, there were the creaking doors, the hushed whispers and patter of feet on the landing. One minute late was surprising however, but I suppose it was New Years Eve, they would probably be excited for the party here later.

For once, we were actually hosting a party, after Christmas and the Thanksgiving fiasco we were told about, I thought it was only fair if it was our turn.

"Daddy!" Harry yelled as once again, all kids piled on to our laps. Wendy sitting up and smiling for once.
"Hello kiddies." I greeted. "I thought you might have a bit of a lie-in considering you're going to be up until midnight!" I over-emphasised the last word, which made Wendy giggle.
"Wow!" I suddenly heard Hope's chirpy voice in the doorway as she came to join us on the bed. "How cool is that going to be guys?"
"Amazing!" Harvey yelled and I exchanged happy looks with Wendy. I did not know what had suddenly caused Hope to be so friendly, but I was not complaining, the kids finally had the big sister they wanted and the other day I saw her pouring full bottles of vodka down the sink and throwing her cigarettes in the trash.

"Right come on, let's go and get dressed." She beamed at them all as they clung onto her hands. "And then we will all go downstairs and mommy and daddy will have made us all yummy pancakes!"
"Oh will they now?" Wendy laughed as Hope winked at us before leaving the room with the kids.

"You ok?" I turned to Wendy.
"Yeah." She nodded as I kissed her on the lips. "I just... Feel bad about what I said to Red yesterday."
"Newsflash!" I held up my hand like a megaphone. "Wendy Marsh feels bad about what she said to Rebecca McCormick. Alert the morning news!"
"Stop it." She playfully hit me with the pillow. "I'm serious Stan, I've been a right bitch to her, I'm going to go and apologise this morning and invite her round tonight."

"...Wow are you on like... Drugs or something?" I teased, but I was also pretty surprised, Wendy had hated Red since I could remember.
"Haha very funny." She droned sarcastically. "Right, I'm gonna get dressed."

I studied her as she climbed out of bed and began brushing her hair. What was it that was making all this family sane again? Again, I was not complaining, this could put our friendship with the others right back on track...


Kenny pov

I awoke to see Scarlett and Ruby prodding my face, their crimson hair tickling my chin.
"Well hello there girlies." I smiled.
"Dad stop hitting on us, that is wrong on so many levels!" Scarlett slapped me lightly and my eyes widened.
"Well, I wasn't..." I frowned with a slight laugh. "And I don't know what you have been watching on TV but it's no longer allowed."
"It's New Years Eve daddy!" Ruby yelled. "Are we going to a party?"
"Um... Well no..." I stuttered, I was not about to tell them that we were the only family in South Park not invited to The Marsh's tonight.
"Harvey Marsh said his mommy and daddy were having one." Scarlett whined. "Why can't we go?"

"Well because..." I trailed off, thinking of an excuse. "We're having an even better party here!"
"Really?" Ruby squealed, jumping up and down on the bed.
"Who's coming?" Scarlett asked excitedly.
"...Well... Mommy, you, me..." I counted on my fingers. "And that's all we need for a good party..."
"What so no one else is coming?" Ruby scrunched up her nose.
"Ugh, that's boring." Scarlett groaned.
"No it's not because we'll have chocolate and-" It was then I realised that Red was not lying next to me. "Where's mommy?"

"She went in the bathroom." Ruby informed me.
"Is she ok?" I fretted.
"Hmm, she looked a little sick." Scarlett recalled and I jumped out of bed, dashing to the bathroom door.

"Red are you ok?" I knocked on it quietly.
"Um... Yeah..." She sounded unsure.
"Have you been sick?" I questioned and I heard the lock slide across before the door opened.
"Come here." She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom.
"Ok but, the kids are awake so I don't think we should take too long doing it." I told her and she raised her eyebrows.
"Not that!" She scolded and then began to speak softly. "I've been being sick for a while now."
"Why? How long have you been out of bed?" I inquired.
"Not just today..." She hesitated. "It's been happening for a while, since Christmas Eve."

Oh shit.

"I took a test yesterday and..." She bit her lip as I put my hand on her shoulder but before she could say anything more we were both smiling. I lifted her up and twirled her round.
"Oh that's not good for the sickness." She prompted and I instantly put her down.

This was the best late Christmas present ever!


Wendy pov

I hesitated before knocking on the door, this was massive, it was taking back everything I had said for the past five years. But it had to be done, I did not want to cause anymore trouble.

It took a while before I heard footsteps on the stairs, maybe Red and Kenny had still been in bed. But eventually the solid oak door slowly opened and I could see Red's surprised expression when she clapped eyes on me.

"I don't want any trouble." She immediately held her hands up as if I was a cop. "I'm not feeling too great."
"Hey!" I cut in. "Me neither." I was not used to refraining from ripping on her. "Can we talk?"
"Erm... Yeah." She looked confused and stepped aside so I could follow her into their large open-plan living room.

"Do you want a drink?" Red politely asked and I shook my head, perching on the edge of the couch. I could see her eyeing up my stomach but she did not ask a single question, like Bebe would, because she knew I did not like to talk about it.

"Red I'm sorry." I blurted out, coming straight out with it to avoid a long silence.
"For what?" She questioned, sitting down in the armchair opposite.
"For everything!" I exclaimed, either she was being polite or she was extremely stupid. "For ripping on you all the time for being 'perfect'. For everything I said the other day. For making you feel like you weren't part of the group..."

There was a silence then whilst Red stared at the floor.

"Oh and also for not inviting you to our party sooner." I smiled and she looked up.
"What party?" She frowned, well shit, clearly Kenny had not told her about that.
"Um... The one we're having tonight and you're invited." I stammered and she nodded but still looked a bit bewildered. "Look Red, I've been a complete bitch, but it was just because I was jealous. I mean, I love my family but you seemed to have everything and I was just getting out of my depth. Especially when Stan went into hospital and I found out I was pregnant again. I just envied how your marriage was still standing and how you had control over your kids. I never meant anything I said, honestly, it was just in the heat of the moment... Which lasted a few years... But seriously I am really, really sorry and you don't have to forgive me but please still come tonight because everyone's going to be there and that includes you..."I paused. "And I didn't even prepare that as a speech."

She continued to stare at me then and I did not know whether I had made things worse or better. But eventually her face broke into a smile and she stood up, holding out her arms. At first I thought she may be doing some weird prayer but when I realised she was aiming to hug me I jumped up instantly.

My heart was beating so fast I could not even feel it. But that was over now, my New Year's Resolution had been completed before the year had begun.


Kyle pov

"So is it smart or casual tonight?" I called from the bedroom, flitting through a number of shirts and jumpers that hung up in the bedroom.
"It's the Marsh's." Bebe piped up from Caitlin's room. "So I presume no one will notice what you are wearing anyway."
"Do you think my blue shirt and jeans will be ok?" I asked as she wandered into the bedroom with our baby in her arms.
"Yeah sure." She shrugged and I walked over to tickle Caitlin on the head. She really did look like Bebe, which was lucky because anything that looked like me was going to end up being teased by some fat kid all the way through childhood. "Oh, I said we'd pop over to see Kevin and Lola at two before the party, they wanted to see Caitlin."
"Oh the joys." I rolled my eyes sarcastically and she lightly slapped me across the face.
"This is your daddy." Bebe pointed at me whilst talking to our little girl. "He's very silly and sometimes does stupid things, but we love him."
"Aww." I kissed her on the forehead. "The stupidest being the day I married mommy!" I joked and she glared at me.

At least she could take a joke now though. A few weeks ago she would have yelled at me for saying something like that. I was just glad we finally had our perfect little baby girl and our family was officially complete.

Well, unless we ever wanted another one. God forbid.

12:16 am

Hope pov

I had opened my eyes.

Finally opened my eyes to what the world was really like.

I had overestimated myself, thought I could handle life on the edge, thought that the people who loved me, hated me and the people who were using me, loved me.

But now I understood that despite how tall I tried to stand or how brave I attempted to be or how hard I anticipated I was, it was all just in my head because really, I was vulnerable, weak and in need of family.

I thought I did not need them, but as I stood here watching Belle take her first steps, with dad video recording it, Hannah cheering, mom crying with happiness and Harvey and Harry... rolling around on the floor. It made me realise how important this family really was, how mom and dad did love each and every one of us, accident or not. It was just sad how it took me this long to find that out.

"Yay!" I clapped as Belle collapsed in Mom's arms. It was not long ago since I was that small and I hoped to God Belle did not grow up feeling how I felt, because just looking at this now, I could tell my parents both loved her, like they loved me... Love me.

"Right kids, we have lots to do today." Dad piped up, clapping his hands. "There's lots of food to make, floors to vacuum, surfaces to dust, decorations to put up..."
"I'm doing decorations!" Hannah yelled, throwing her hand up.
"I'm doing food!" Harvey also began jumping up and down.
"I'm not vacuuming!" Harry scrunched his nose up.
"Oh great, another job for me then." Mom rolled her eyes.
"Nah, I'll do it." Dad put his arm around her. "You help Hannah with the decorations and Hope can help Harvey and Harry with food."
"Good luck to me." I joked and grabbed Harry and Harvey's hands as they dragged me into the kitchen.

I had already wiped a clean slate before twelve midnight and I was not going back.

1:57 pm

Cartman pov

I had to tell him, today, now, that would be my New Years resolution.

"Butters?" I called up the stairs and he appeared at the top immediately.
"Yes Eric?" He replied, innocently.
"I... Need to talk to you about something..." I stuttered.
"Ok, no, you're not wearing that shark suit outside ever again." He lectured. "I told you Eric, not another person is going to be injured by how you-"
"It's not about the shark suit." I sighed and clapped a hand over my face.
"Oh, right..." I tapped his knuckles together and looked at me intently.
"Well come down here then, I need to speak properly." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh!" He exclaimed, bounding down the stairs. "So this is a serious conversation."
"Um, yeah..." I nodded and decided to just come out with it. "Ok well... This may shock you but... I want to have children."

There was a silence, a long silence, longer than the the silence after Wendy had kissed me in front of everyone in assembly in fourth grade.

He kept rubbing his eyes and blinking at me. Did he think I was joking? Was he finding this funny? Or was he just in shock?

I waited.

"You..." He coughed. "Eric Cartman... Want to have a baby?"
"Yes." I replied bluntly, slightly pissed off that he had 'full-named' me as if it was some massive personality change. Well it was, but there was no need for that.
"...You want to have a child?" He continued questioning.
"Yes." I answered immediately, yet again.
"...You want to have a kid, care for it, raise it, feed it, change it, bathe it and look after it?" He listed, still frozen in the same position, whilst his mouth moved repeatedly up and down.
"...Yes." I nodded and there was another long silence.
"...You?" Butters' eyes narrowed. "Want a-"


"...Ok, well that sounded slightly creepy." He stated, clearly very taken aback by my uproar.
"...Sorry." I gulped. "I just don't like people stereotyping me to what I used to be like. I really want a child, so I can teach them what a childhood should really be like, with parents who love them. I never had that, you see, I never understood as a child why I was so different to all my friends' families. Stan's family; perfect. Kyle's family; perfect. Kenny's family; perfect... Except for the lack of money... I want to show a kid what it feels like to be loved and I'm so ready. I know I am. You won't understand, you still think I'm the shallow prick I was in Elementary school. But I want this so badly Butters, I'm ready to have a child."

Was he about to start questioning me again? Was he going to laugh at me for opening up to him? Was he going to walk out the door and never come back?

"Ok..." Butters studied me carefully, his blue eyes shining. "...Then we'll start looking into it."


Bebe pov

"It's like, I love Lola but Kevin is such a wash out." I bitched while we were stood at the door of Kevin and Lola's house.
"Well people were probably saying the same about us." Kyle shrugged. "'How the hell did the geeky Jewish kid pull her?' I think were the exact words." He quoted and I kissed him on the cheek.
"Aww." I smiled, true though... "But seriously, it's Kevin? Like, the crazy geeky kid... Kevin!"
"Hey Kevin." Kyle greeted as the door opened.
"Oh yeah, hey Kevin." I waved, holding Caitlin's carry cot in one hand.
"Hi guys." He exclaimed. "Is this the ickle one?"
"Well who else would it be?" Kyle frowned but Kevin took no notice, he was already tickling my daughter under her chin. How was he not gay? Seriously? He must have been really good in bed... But I suppose that was their story not mine.
"Lola! Kyle and um... That blonde girl have brought their baby round." Kevin yelled into the house.
"It's 'Bebe'." I grunted, how did he not know my name?
"I know it's a baby! I'm not that stupid!" He chuckled and my eyes widened.
"No, I'm Bebe." I corrected him angrily. Was he serious? He just frowned at me and then beckoned for us to come in.

"Hello Bebe hun!" Lola shrieked as she ran down the corridor to hug me. "And Bebe's um..."
"Kyle." He corrected her and she nodded politely. I exchanged glances with my husband. Either this was a set up or they had really bad memory's. Whatever it was, I wanted to leave as soon as possible.


Stan pov

"Ok guys, twenty five minutes until people start arriving. How are we getting on?" I asked, circling the array of busy hands and concentrating faces in the kitchen.
"Well that's the last batch of New Years cookies to go in the oven." Hope sighed, taking off the oven mitts and high-fiving me.
"New Years cookies?" I frowned.
"They've got a special New Year ingredient in them!" Harry shrieked excitedly, tugging on my shirt.
"Ok well, I'll be keeping clear of those tonight then." I winked and Hope raised her eye brow.
"Then you're missing out." She laughed.

"Right boys, let's go and let Hope get ready and we will get you changed out of these sticky clothes." I told them as Hope left the kitchen.
"Can I wear the new shirt I got for Christmas?" Harvey questioned excitedly.
"Of course you can." I smiled and he followed me out of the room. We stopped in the doorway however, when Harry's footsteps were not heard. "Harry, you ok?" I turned to see him stood there.
"Daddy?" He looked up at me inquiringly. "Is next year going to be less scary than this one was?"

I blinked at him and bit my lip. The realisation that a three year old understood everything that had happened over this past year washed over me. This had affected my whole family. I turned my head to see Wendy and Hannah giggling as they tied balloons to the ceiling, Belle playing with her toys on the floor and Hope entertaining her by pulling funny faces. I picked Harry up and looked him right in the eye.

"Now listen to me Harry, ok?" I told him straight, virtually fighting back tears. "Everything that has happened this year, everything that has ever happened in our lives, has only made this family stronger. It was a test to see whether we could cope and we passed. We stick together, we do, all of us. And we all love you and each other no matter what. Now I promise you, that whatever next year brings, that will never change."

"...Never ever?" He questioned cutely.
"Never ever." I nodded and kissed him on the forehead. "Now let's go and get changed."
"I'll go it." Hannah sounded from the other side of the living room. It was then I realised that the music had stopped and everyone had been listening.
"Yeah come on Belle, let's go and get you ready too." Hope lifted her up and all the children left the living room.

Wendy was left looking at me and slowly began to walk over.
"You really mean that?" She asked, quietly. I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes.
"Definitely." I told her. We wrapped each other in a hug then and it brought back memories of when we used to hug back in third grade. Except without the projectile vomiting straight after. I loved her so much and I never wanted to let go...


Kenny pov

"Right okay, are we ready to go then?" I asked everyone who was assembled at the door; the twins in their crimson duffel coats, nodding excitedly. "And you're absolutely certain Wendy invited us?" I checked, tucking a lock of ruby red hair behind Red's ear.
"Yes, I told you, everything is fine now!" She beamed at me and I kissed her quickly.
"Ew gross!" Scarlett and Ruby moaned in unison.

"Yes, yes, gross." I laughed, ushering them out of the door. "You wait till you get boyfriends."
"I'll have one before Ruby!" Scarlett exclaimed.
"No you won't, Harvey Marsh already fancies me." Ruby preened.
"No he does not!" Scarlett retorted and I raised my eyebrows at Red.
"So does!" Ruby elbowed her lightly. "He told me I have nice hair."
"Well Jamie Valmer said I have nice eyes." Scarlett sassed. "And that's something we don't both have!"

"Jamie Valmer?" Red frowned, deep in thought.
"Yes that is Jimmy's son." I replied to her unanswered question.
"He loves me." Scarlett pouted and skipped off ahead into the snow, followed by Ruby.
"Yeah well sometimes we can't help who we fall in love with." I whisper and Red turns to look at me. I wrap my arm around her waist and we walk off into the night.


Kyle pov

We were always late for everything, but tonight it was not our fault. Lola had insisted we arrived at the Marsh's together and Kevin had forced me to play all of his video games before we left. Well I would not say 'forced' it was quite enjoyable actually. A blast from the past considering Bebe had banned all game consoles in our household on our wedding day.

"Well we got here in the end." Kevin nudged me as we approached Stan's front door, as if it was my fault. The girls were behind us, wheeling pushchairs and feeding the Stoley's children grapes.

I knocked on the door in the pattern me and Stan always used to do when we were kids. Then rang the bell as I was pretty certain the other method would not be heard over the noise I could already hear from outside.

"Hi guys." Stan pulled open his front door and 'safed' Kevin and I. I guess that never got old.
"Hey dude." I smiled. "Happy New Year."
"Yeah well, it hasn't happened yet." Stan winked. "You never know, it could be an unhappy New Year, let's wait and see how pissed you get."
"I think we've had enough unhappiness to last us all a life time, don't you think?" I replied, subtly, aware that Kevin was shivering right next to me.
"Yeah well, here is to a fresh start." Stan handed me a beer as I walked through the door.
"I'll drink to that!" I cracked open the can and we both took a gulp.


Wendy pov

"Hiya Cartman, Butters." I smiled as I sat down next to them on the couch.
"Hi Wendy, how you holding up?" Butters greeted, Cartman's arm around his shoulder.
"Really good actually." I nodded. "I'm definitely ready for a New Year!"
"Yeah well I'm sure it'll bring a lot more joy than this year." Cartman sighed sympathetically.
"Fingers crossed." I giggled. "I've already completed my New Years resolution so, that's a start."
"Really? What was it?" Butters chirped. "Or aren't you supposed to tell people that? Oh wait no, that's wishes..."
"Continue." Cartman interrupted and I laughed.
"I apologised to Red earlier." I told them. "I mean, it's the least I could do and it probably sounds lame to you now but I was bricking it. Plus we've sorted things out now, so clean slate for this coming year.
"Oh that's excellent!" Cartman beamed at me. "I'm so glad you managed to do it."
"Yep." I bubbled. "So anyway, what are your New Years resolutions?"

"Well..." Butters bit his lip and I saw them exchange glances. "You can tell her."
"Ok well... We're going to try and adopt children this year." Cartman announced and I jumped up to hug him with excitement.
"Oh wow! Really? Oh that's so great." I cried and then paused. Maybe this would be a brilliant... Wait no, I couldn't... "Hold on..." I hesitated and they both looked at me intently. "...Ok... Since this is truth time... Um... Stan and I are thinking of giving this one up for adoption." I pointed to my belly and their eyes widened. "I mean, we have five already and, don't get me wrong, I love them all to bits and wouldn't love this one any less but, I just don't think, after the year we've had that another child is going to fit into our lives... But it would be so hard to give it up. I mean, when I was pregnant with Hope... I almost did it..." I paused. "But if you're looking to adopt then at least we'd know who the parents were and they'd be closer to home..."

"Are you serious?" Butters gasped and Cartman just looked lost for words.
"I mean, I can't promise anything but I'm just saying... It's a possibility, if you're on board too." I bit my lip then too and a smile crept across both their faces.
"That would be... Amazing." Cartman looked close to tears, something I did not think I had ever seen. But just seeing his expression made me happy. This was such a perfect idea.


Red pov

Everyone was in high spirits, something that had been rarely seen over the last year. Well, in my opinion this year had been amazing but I knew everyone else, particularly the Marsh's had been through hell.

This was going to be a fresh start though. Purely because of what Wendy had come over to say earlier, which I had found extremely odd. I was aware that it was likely just to have been a New Years resolution, but something had seemed genuine about it. Maybe she had finally come to the realisation that no one was perfect... She was just as perfect as me, anyone was. We all had flaws and we all had good qualities. That is just the way life is.

We all knew each other inside and out really, we had known each other since Kindergarten and damn that was an achievement! I had always been the quiet one, hanging around with Bebe and Wendy and only chipping into to an argument when we called a meeting to order about the hottest guys in our year, or when Cartman started shitting in the girls toilets...

On the subject of Cartman; look how much he had changed. Finally settled down with a boy he said he used to hate, rip on and use to upset Kyle. He was the manager or a factory for crying out loud! Given it was a Cheesy Poof factory but still, big achievement. He had changed emotionally too, very rarely did he even insult anyone anymore or do anything to hurt them and if he did we knew it was just because he was insecure. Like when he put laxatives in pizza or gave Kyle aids... Ok, I will admit that was extreme...

Kenny had been quiet too, but for different reasons. If he had not had his parka covering most of his face, to muffle his dirty little jokes, he would not have been the same person, the Kenny that everyone loved. The one who ran around town in his underwear as a superhero or jetted off to Hawaii with Butters. He said it was because they were friends but everyone knew it was for the chicks!

Bebe, well she was what you would have called 'plastic'. Obsessed with boys and Clyde and make-up and boys and Clyde. Even back to elementary school she was the one to have breasts first, and all the boys loved her for it, naturally. But she could be sensitive. There was often times when she would soften up, like when she offered Stan advice on how to get back with Wendy or when she came to school in a cardboard box so the boys would go off her. Maybe her obsession was not that strong...

Kyle was a dad now and he was with Bebe. He never got ripped on for his religion anymore or wore that pathetic green hat... Well rarely. I always knew from when we had to take care of those eggs that Kyle would be a good father. Plus he finally celebrated Christmas, which was kind of lucky considering his daughter was born on it!

Wendy? Well she had her life cut out right now. She always used to go on about how her and Stan would grow up, get married, have many children and live happily ever after. Granted, maybe this was not the fairytale ending she has wished for but teenage pregnancies and head injuries aside, things appeared to be shaping up for her. I looked over to where she was smiling, holding Belle in her arms with Stan wrapped around her shoulders. She had not looked this happy since elementary school musical in 4th grade! I suppose they had pulled through the worst of it now, hopefully.

Stan was the one who had changed the least. He was still the same as back in school in my eyes. Apart from the fact that he owned his dad's business and had five children. He was still the peacemaker who was the role model of the 'average school boy' I had always seen him as. He still had his friends, had his inspirational little moments and often wore his red puff ball hat around town.

See for some of us, everything has changed, but for others, everything stays the same...


Hope pov

"One hour till midnight guys!" I yelled through the laughter and blaring music.
"Hope?" I heard mom's voice sound from behind me and spun around. She reached out her hand and locked her fingers with mine. I smiled at her, it was something I was not used to doing but it felt right.

"I'm so proud of you." She told me and I raised my eyebrows. I was not about to let my entire guard down.
"Thanks mom." I winked at her, and she rolled her eyes.
"You know I love you." She smiled, and I hesitated.
"Yeah... I love you too." I mumbled.
"Sorry what was that?" She joked.
"I love you too!" I yelled in a sarcastic tone, she could be so annoying sometimes, but she was my mother and all mothers were like that I guess.

We both burst into fits of laughter then and she hugged me tight.

"This year will be better yeah?" She asked me and I nodded, if I said anything I might cry and I was not at that stage yet. "You got a New Years resolution?"

"...Yeah." I pondered. "To change." I smiled at her and could see there were tears in her eyes then. "From now on, everything changes."


There is one minute until midnight.

One minute until the New Year.

One minute until a fresh start.

One minute until the kissing and hugging and celebration.

One minute until resolutions become the truth or lies.

"Are we ready for the big countdown?" Stan Marsh yelled, grabbing his wife Wendy's hand and his son, Harvey's.

Harvey joined hands with Harry, who joined hands with Hannah, who joined hands with Hope, who joined hands with Bebe, who joined hands with Kyle, who joined hands with Red, who joined hands with Kenny, who joined hands with Scarlett, who joined hands with Ruby, who joined hands with Butters, who joined hands with Cartman, who joined hands with Wendy.

And when the clock strikes twelve and the New Year is brought in.

Everything changes.

Author note: Thank you so much for all your support and patience throughout this book. I would not have had the motivation without you! Your kind reviews and comments have given me even more inspiration and self belief and I really hope everyone enjoyed this book, the third and last in the Everything Changes series! It has honestly been such an achievement writing this trilogy and again I cannot thank you all enough for the support along the way.

Thank you!