A/N: Welcome readers, to the sequel to "Stitches" I hope you continue to enjoy this series.

I will be attempting to follow the Twilight story line as closely as I can, yet giving a fresh twist of my very own.

Side notes: Victoria is dead, Riley is still alive, Vanessa has been added to the family, the man who raped Bella has been killed, and Bella's wedding is coming up soon. Zander is growing one year, per month.

Bella's Point of view

"Can you believe Mr. Banner gives homework out on the first day of school?" Zander said with a frown, shaking his dirty blonde hair for a moment.

"It only gets worse from here to, his pop quiz will kill you," Emmett sniggered, his arm slung carelessly around Rosalie's chair.

Zander sighed, scooping around the mash-potatoes on his tray, before taking cautious bites; a bored look came to his face as he glanced around the lunchroom. Looking at ease, but uninterested.

It was still so hard to believe how grown-up he had gotten, so quickly. One day he was my sweet little baby, and now he was my handsome teenage boy. Time truly seemed to be the only enemy that we faced at the time. Zander was physically the age of 15 right now, but just in three months he would be completely matured and slow down to his normal aging.

I was pleasantly surprised that Zander was able to kick up with his fast developments, he was just as bright as the kids his age, he understood his emotions, and most importantly he knew he was different than others, but he accepted this with a smile on his face.

"Mom, I think we have gym together," Zander said with a chuckle, pulling out his schedule from his pocket, neatly unfolding it, to take a glance at it, "Yep, that should be fun, right?"

I had to admit, in my human years, gym had always been a huge challenge to me, firstly not to hurt myself, and not to hurt the others around me. It was never easy, but I usually ended up with a new bruise each day I went to gym. But not now, now that I was a vampire, everything was much more bearable.

"It sure will be," I smiled watching him, amused by his eagerness.

As waves of sparks zapped through my body, I glanced down to see Edward's hand resting on my thigh, smiling I leaned more into his side. Knowing full well that if I looked into those golden eyes, I knew he had locked on me, I would lose my train of thought.

His smooth lips touched my forehead for a minute, before his hand now took mine, tangling out fingers together on my lap. Just with his hand in mine, I felt a whole new feeling come to me; it was a content high that I normally never felt unless I was around Edward.

"Oh," Alice squeaked her eyes going wide as she got all our attention, a wide smiling coming to her face. "We have a new girl here today,"

Jasper raised a brow, watching his wife silently, as she took his hand, and stood up with her tray. They both walked gracefully towards the garbage, and as my eyes followed them, I saw a girl come walking into the cafeteria.

"Is that her?" Vanessa asked quietly from across me, her golden eyes glancing from me, to the girl that had walked in.

Rose rolled her eyes, looking towards the girl, before looking coldly towards Vanessa, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder, before locking her icy stare on Emmett, making sure his eyes didn't wander towards Vanessa.

"I think so," I whispered, and took my time to really study the girl, as she walked with Jessica Stanley, and Angela Webber.

Her hair was a perfect strawberry blonde, a few freckles dotted her face, and the way her chocolate brown eyes moved from person to person, hinted a shyness in her. She was almost as pale as we were, and her body was that of an average human girl. Overall, she was a pretty girl, and she seemed nice.

Everyone by now was turned away, as Alice and Jasper came back to the table, except for Zander, his eyes stayed in her direction.

"Zander, it's not polite to stare," I reminded him gently.

And with deliberate slowness, he moved his head back to look at the rest of us.

"Dad, what is she thinking?" He responded.

Edward raised a brow, glancing at the girl, then back to his son, "She is wondering if the lunch food is really edible,"

Zander crackled a smile, chuckling, before he turned his sights back on the girl, watching her with no shame. "She is… interesting," He mused.

Vanessa now cleared her throat, her eyes looking down towards the table, picking her tray up, "I'm going to head to class early," She said gently, glancing from Zander, to the rest of us before walking away.

I couldn't help but watch Zander, he was paying a lot of attention to his girl, it's something that made me start to think, and I wasn't sure if this was something he would need to talk about with me. Surely Edward would be able to talk with him about this better than I could.

It was hard watching my baby grow up right before my eyes, it was nearly impossible to even bring myself into terms of him being an adult. Everything in my life seemed to finally be looking brighter however.

The wedding would be in just three months from now, and Alice would be watching for Riley, if he ever did decide to come for revenge, we would be ready. And since Carlisle had healed Leah, and she was doing so well, the wolves have really became close friends of ours, there was always still a bit of hostility at times, but all in all, we got along pretty well.

It felt like nothing could ever ruin this, nothing was ever going to get in the way of our happiness ever again. But I knew better, it was only a matter of time.

So what did you think for a first chapter?
5 reviews get you an update!

you can see Zander as a teenager, by the link on my profile.