Hey guys, this is my first story, so take it easy. I accept all criticism ad hate, I know I suck at this. Sorry if its a little short,now enjoy.

"This is the last time I'm gonna tell you Rigby, the trash in the park has to be picked up or no one is going to come here. Now pick your lazy ass up, and start cleaning, or YOU'RE FIRED!" Benson then drives away to overlook Muscleman and HFG. "Man," Rigby complained. "Why does Benson always have to be on our case?" "I don't know, dude." Mordecai replied. "But Benson does have a point. You have been slacking off a lot more than usual." "What? I do work."Rigby argued. "No you don't." Mordecai countered. "You've been sitting in the cart for an hour,whining about how hot it is while I do all the work, as usual." "Whatever man, you can work all you want, because when you do all the work, and I pretend to help, we both get paid money, and Benson still hasn't fired me." Rigby said with a content smirk on his face. "Do what you want Rigby. I'm going to ask Benson for a break."

"Ok dude, I'll come with you." Mordecai shrugged. "Whatever Rigby, unless you think you can convince Benson to give you a break, be my guest." Together, the duo left to go to the park house. "Hey, Benson?" Mordecai knocked on the door to Benson's office. "Come in." Benson replied. "What do you two need, I'm busy." "Uhh, can I take a quick break?" Mordecai asked. Benson stared at Mordecai for a few seconds before answering. "Fine. BUT. Only Mordecai can go on break." "Aw, what?" Rigby whined. "Sorry Rigby, I guess you should of thought of this when you decided not to work. Now go finish picking up the trash or YOU'RE FIRED!" Rigby sighed in defeat before leaving the room. "Mordecai, you can have a 20 minute break, I have noticed how harder you've been working. Now enjoy your break before I change my mind. I have a lot of paperwork to do" Benson said before pointing Mordecai to the door. "Okay Benson, thanks so much." "I should visit the coffee shop. I haven't seen Margaret in a while." Mordecai thought to himself.

So what do you guys think. Good? Bad? Not even good enough to be considered writing? Regardless,tell me, I want to know how to improve my game. Once again, this is my first story, so I'm new. Vengeance of One out!