First Person

When I awoke, I noticed the limo's engine was off. My eyes rested on Zane and Luna, their eyes were filled with concern.

"What's wrong?"

Zane shook his head." You were thrashing in your sleep, did you have a nightmare?"

My eyes narrowed." No," I said," not a nightmare."

I said nothing more; I only opened the door of the limousine. The night sky was filled with black clouds, rain poured heavily on us. Lightning flashed across the sky. I could smell the evil here, it tainted the air. For some reason, this evil seemed familiar. I shook my head and continued forward; knowing Luna and Zane were behind me. Little Italy was eerily quiet.

The scent of vampire was everywhere. While Little Italy had fairly average sized buildings, I don't remember a skyscraper ever being here. At the top of the building, in big lit up letters "Sanguis Parvi Italia" shined

We were in the right place, the building literally screamed Vampire. Besides, the evil scent was coming from the top floor of the seventy story building.

"Do you feel that presence, Percy?" Luna asked. There was fear in her voice; Zane even looked paler than a vampire should.

"Percy, that presence… my father's told stories and this aura…" Zane muttered.

"What is it, Zane?" I asked.

Zane looked grim." It feels like yours," Luna nodded in agreement.

My eyes widened." That's impossible! I don't know any family member that's a vampire."

Zane nodded." I believe you… do you know my father fears you?" Even Luna raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked, I didn't want to lose another family.

"Because, he said you look so much like his best friend. My father was born over two thousand years ago. There was a massive war happening in the homeland of the vampires. Our race came from Romania and spread throughout the world. My father and his friend led many of the clans into battle against the most powerful vampire to have ever lived. The mortals know him as Vlad Tepes, we know him as the Prince of Darkness, Lord Dracula."

"I always thought he was a myth used to scare the vampire children to bed." Luna said.

Zane shook his head." No, he was real. My father and his friend managed to corner him at Castle Dracula with the help of Abraham Van Helsing. It his final moments, my father's friend and Abraham sacrificed themselves to destroy the Prince of Darkness."

"Why are you telling me this?" I demanded, this story was having an effect on me that I didn't like.

"Vampires are hard to kill Percy, there even harder to keep dead. Abraham and my father's friend's bodies were destroyed. Dracula's wasn't. My father burnt the body to ash and hid it somewhere in hopes that his friends sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. He said that it was a possibility that Dracula could return. Being turned to ash would probably be just a setback. This aura I'm feeling is exactly like my father described his friend and Dracula's."

"What was your father's friend's name?" I asked.

Zane shook his head." I don't know, only my father and the vampires that lived in that age knew what his name was. Dracula is called the Son of the Dragon or Devil. My father's friend was called Princeps tenebrarum filii." He let it settle before he continued." Let's go, I just want you guys to be careful."

Luna and I nodded. He wouldn't be telling us this if there wasn't a reason. I could feel a small presence that was covered by the darkness. It was Azalea's. A new found sense of determination filled me. I smirked at my two companions.

"I'll take a look at what that darkness is, you two find the Elder." They were about to protest but the look in my eyes changed their mind. They nodded and disappeared in a flurry of bats. I unsheathed my scythe. A wicked smirk was plastered on my face. The darkness was having an effect on me and I liked it. The sky will rain blood when I'm done.

Zane POV

Luna and I flew through the thirtieth story window. The Elder was ten stories up; I could feel his presence through all the darkness. His life-force was weak, very weak. We were in an empty office room. As I opened the door, the building shook from an explosion from the bottom floor. A smirk was on Luna's face. Percy's downstairs playing. We ran throughout the hallways, they reminded me of the Villa Giovanni in Florence. The walls were covered in numerous amounts of paintings. A crossbow bolt from behind me, hitting someone on the other side of the hallway, a dead Giovanni fell to ground. The bolt was sticking out of his chest.

Luna smiled at me before continuing her killing spree. I pulled out my sword and joined her. They didn't even see it coming. Another explosion rocked a floor below us. What is Percy doing down there? Every time a Giovanni made an appearance, I could never get a good look at him, Reason being that there's a crossbow bolt in his face. A black blur flew past us, heading upstairs. I shook my head in amusement. Leave it to Percy to hog all the bogies.

Percy POV

These bastards never had a chance, every one of them that stood in the way of me getting to Azalea died. I will get my daughter back and no one will stop me! Before I knew it, I was at the top floor. A door made of titanium stood in front of me. The dark energy was definitely coming from the other side. Strange, I could feel pure holy energies on the other side as well. From what I've read, Rosary's and such can help keep a vampires power level at a more human level. That's probably how they got Azalea. What I don't understand is that how did the Giovanni use it? The power would harm that specific clan!

It doesn't matter at the moment. I concentrated on what Selene had told me.

"Concentrate, Percy. Find your core and channel your power through your fists to increase the amount of force it can do."

Her angelic voice rang throughout my mind. My fist glowed with a red tint to it. I pulled my arm back and punched as hard as I could. My fist met the titanium door with enough force to crack a tank in half. The door flew off its hinges and into the room. Dust and debris circled me. With a wave of my hand, the dust disappeared. The room looked like a tomb. Atop of an altar rested a large coffin. It was obsidian black and had carvings of the sun being destroyed… and next to the coffin was my baby girl. Behind her was a blond haired, red eyed vampire. He held my daughter by her neck. He smirked at me, squeezing her throat.

"LET HER GO!" I snarled.

Azalea's eyes found my own." Daddy!" she cried.

The Giovanni that held her looked at me in the eye, challenging me." So it's true, you have returned."

I gave him a confused look." What are you talking about?" I demanded.

He looked perplexed before laughing, dropping Azalea to the floor." So you don't remember, ah, that's a shame, Alucard. Here I thought you would remember me."

What did he call me, Alucard? His smirk grew at my confusion." Now that you're here, the prophecy can begin." He pulled out a vial filled with a red liquid. I could smell what was inside. It was blood. I looked at a cut on Azalea's arm… her blood. I growled.

"With this blood, I shall begin the end of the Tyranny of the Sun. Behold, the power."

Azalea ran to me, hugging my waist tightly. I gently ran my fingers through her hair, never once did I stop looking at the Giovanni. He walked to the coffin and pushed off the lid. It fell to the floor with a loud bang. Inside it was nothing but… ash. He uncorked the vial and slowly dripped my daughter's blood onto the ash. When he finished, he dropped the vial and waited.

After a moment, I held my daughter close as the darkest energy I have ever felt hit me. Black tendrils surrounded the area, the room darkened and the temperature dropped to sub-zero temperatures. My eyes narrowed, the dark energy I've been feeling had grown exponentially. It far more powerful then I am. The ash slowly took a humanoid shape. Soon grey skin appeared; next, eyes that were the exact color of my own appeared. The humanoid creature stepped out of the coffin. It was bald and looked like an Arabian ghoul. Its eyes were filled with intelligence. It stared at the Giovanni, its eyes lingered on his neck.

"Lord Dracula," the Italian vampire bowed.

I was shocked, but held my poker face well. This "Thing" was Count Dracula. The grey skinned creature leaped upon the Italian, shocking him.

"W-hat are you do-ahh!" Dracula sunk his teeth into the Giovanni's throat. I covered Azalea's eyes as the monster ripped out the Giovanni's throat. The red eyed vampire's life drained out of his eyes before it finally took a glassy look. He was dead. Dracula's features had changed. He looked like an older version of me. His hair was slightly longer and his features were harsher. His body was covered in a crimson cape. He stood up and turned to face me. Our eyes met, understanding dawned in his eyes.

"So the Giovanni spoke truthfully, my son is alive." His voice was deep, a slight Romanian accent lingered. His son? I am not his son.

"You must have me confused with someone else," I glared.

I stood no chance if he confronted me for a fight. His lips curled in amusement." Please, don't looks so confused Alucard; after all, you promised you would "defeat" me," he said. His eyes moved to Azalea," ahh and my granddaughter is here as well, what joyous reunion." His tone was mocking. He knew he could beat me easily.

The sound of footsteps could be heard behind me and soon Zane and Luna were behind me. Zane pointed his sword at Dracula." Who are you!" he demanded.

Luna had her crossbow aimed for Dracula's heart. The said Prince of Darkness chuckled." You know exactly who I am, Son of Tiberius."

Zane had paled to a bone white color, his hands were shaking." No, it can-nt be."

The vampire lord laughed and turned to me." I shall give you the same offer that I gave you a thousand years ago. Join me and let us cover the world in darkness and rule as father and son."

Zane gave me an incredulous look. I glared at him." I don't know who this Alucard is, but I am not your son and I will not join you." I snarled.

Azalea held onto me tightly as Dracula gave me a wicked smile." So be it, Alucard. For now, I shall let you live, the next time we meet, I shall destroy you like I should've done a thousand years ago. You don't have Van Helsing to help you now." His laughter rang throughout the night. His body shifted into bat form and he flew out into the night.

Luna rushed over to me and looked for any injuries. When she didn't find any, she smacked me." YOU IDIOT! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL US?" She nearly sobbed.

Zane was still pale and refused to look my way. Dracula… or father's aura had a bad effect on them. I picked up my baby girl and held her close.

"You came for me," she said softly.

I smiled." I promised, didn't I?" my smile turned to a frown." You have some explaining to do, young lady. When we get home, I need you to tell me everything, understand?" she nodded and dug her face into my neck.

I turned to Zane," Where's the Elder?"

Zane's eyes narrowed." He was dead when we got there. We need to go my father and tell him what's going on. If that was truly the Prince of Darkness, then New York and the world don't stand a chance."

I nodded. Luna was still glaring at me as we walked to the window. I gave her Azalea." You and Zane need to get to the castle. I have a feeling that Dracula is still around."

Her eyes widened." Then you need to come with us!"

Zane nodded in agreement." You're probably his biggest target. I have no doubt that he's looking for allies, you need to go with us."

I shook my head." Don't argue with me right now, I'll stay here and see if the Giovanni left anything that could tell me what Dracula's planning."

They looked like they wanted to argue, but they agreed. Luna, Azalea and Zane disappeared in a flurry of bats. I sighed, thinking about the Giovanni's words."You don't remember, Alucard?"

Why did he call me Alucard, more importantly, why did Dracula think I was his son? I scanned the area and found a book next to Dracula's coffin. The title read "Resurrectionem de Sanguine" or resurrection of the blood. I skimmed the pages, my eyes widened in shock. The whole book went into detail about bringing a vampire back from the dead. I tucked the book into my jacket and ran toward the window. I leaped without fear, out the window, freefalling.

I shifted into bat form and flew toward the ground. I returned to my normal shape and began to walk to clear my mind. Bad idea. After a couple minutes, I caught the scent of pine and let out a curse. I quickly pulled out some shades and rested them on my eyes. Sure enough, the hunters of Artemis arrived, Thalia at the head.

My cousin and her hunters surrounded me. Her blue eyes looked at me uncertainly, like she couldn't recognize me." Percy," she said with a little fear.

I smirked, the hunters had their bows drawn, their arrows aimed for my heart. Phoebe stepped infront of Thalia." Something's off about this boy, Thalia. He's unnatural." She turned her attention to me." Take of your glasses boy!" she demanded.

"It's good to see you Thals, but I'm a bit busy at the moment. Do tell Nico I said hi." I started to move, arrows flew from almost all directions. I leaped into the air, right over the hunters." Catch me if you can!"

I bolted away from the building, my vampire speed giving me advantage over the girls. Thalia was the closest behind me." Percy, stop!" she begged.

My heart hurt, but I had no place in her world anymore. They would only call me a monster." I'm sorry Thalia," I whispered. I took a sharp left into an alleyway and shifted into a bat before they could see me. As I flew, I saw Thalia sink to her knees, tears running down her face. A lone tear fell down my face. I saw Phoebe looking right at me in the sky. Our eyes met and I knew that she knew my secret. Her brown eyes turned an amber color… I realized that I knew hers and she wouldn't reveal mine.

If the prophecy is correct, my cousins and I will be together again. Only time will tell. I only hope that they don't encounter Dracula in their search for me. I don't think my undead heart could take the guilt.