"Where to next then?" asked Rose.

"Should be around here somewhere.." said Claudia.

A strange metallic buzzing was coming from her back pocket.

She took out a strange brown box and flipped it open. Artie's face popped up onto the screen.

"Hey, Artie."

"Have you found the artifacts yet?"

"We've got one,"

"Good. Listen, the next artifact should be close, but it won't be easy. You guys need to watch your backs and whatever you do, don't look at it if it's-"

"Floating?" Rose asked nervously. She'd stopped walking and was looking at something straight.

"Get out of there. Get out of there now!" yelled Artie.

Claudia closed the Farnsworth and did as Artie said, not bothering to look for the artifact.

Steve followed close behind, but Rose stayed planted.

"Rose! Didn't you hear Artie?" Steve called desperately.

Rose seemed mesmerized by something and she started walking forward.


"Come on, we'll find another way to save her!" panted Claudia as she pulled on his arm to drag him away.

They sprinted down the blurred aisles. A sudden howl of a wolf split the air and there was a strange grunting noise, followed by the sound of large paws pounding on the cement floor.

"Is that a wolf?!" Steve yelled as he listened to the noise.

Claudia was too breathless from sprinting so long to answer. [i]'My body was not built for this..'[/i] she thought tiredly.

They ran for about another minute before they couldn't run anymore and had to stop.

The occasional howl alerted them where the wolf was.

"H-how... did... a [i]wolf[/i] get in... the Warehouse?!" Steve panted heavily.

"That's not just a wolf..." said Claudia after she'd caught her breath. "it's a werewolf."

"A werewolf? Right."

"The artifact? It's an amulet that is triggered by light. It floats in the air when triggered and latches on to the first person that sees it, turning them into a wolf."

"So Rose is a wolf?"

Claudia nodded and glanced around nervously. The growls of Rose seemed right on top of them.

"Ok. So how do we turn her back? Silver bullet?" Claudia glared at him. "Right, not funny. Sorry.."

"I don't know if we just have to bag it, o-or... I don't know.."

"What if w-" Steve was cut off as a large yellow wolf came bounding down the aisle towards them.

It had the large amulet wrapped around it's furry neck.

"Run!" yelled Steve as he started to scramble away but Claudia stood her ground. Steve saw she'd pulled out her mini-Tesla and was turning it up to full blast. "Claude!"

"I've only got one shot with this! It won't hold something that big for long; even at full blast! Get ready to bag the artifact!" she yelled instructions at him before Rose was almost upon her and she'd pulled back the trigger.

Rose halted, frozen by the bolts of lightning streaming from the gun. She howled and dropped to the ground.

Steve rushed forward and fumbled with the amulet for a minute before he managed to get it off. Rose was just stirring as he dropped it into a static bag.

Watching her turn back to human was a weird sight. Her snout sank back into a normal nose, her whole body shrank back to it's normal size, her tail disappeared, her paws turned back to hands and feet, and her hair went back to normal.

The weird thing was that she was still wearing her clothes.

"W-what happened?" gasped Rose as she stared at the agents standing above her, looking rather shocked.

"You... um... you turned into a wolf." said Steve, slightly awkward.

"A wolf? Like a werewolf?" she registered this for a minute before smiling. "The Doctor will love to hear that story! I'm not going to keep turning into a wolf, am I?"

"You shouldn't. We bagged the artifact."

"Thank you for saving me," Claudia and Steve returned her smiled and helped her up.

"Let's get back to the office."

.::. .::. .::.

Hope you enjoyed n.n

This was COMPLETELY different from my last version of this chapter. I'm glad I had to re-write it. I'm a lot happier with this one. :)