Hey there! Well, this is my first Victorious fanfic so take it easy on me… pretty please? Oh well, I haven't post a fanfic since October last year I think or something like that. I used to write Harry Potter stories which I never finished, I wrote them in Spanish. I truly hope I don't stop writing this one.
Oh, another thing I consider IMPORTANT: I'm not exactly a Victorious fan, I saw some of the episodesand I was bored, searched for fanfics and yeah, I got catched on. I plan on watching the whole show in English (I watched the episodes in Spanish, I'm from Latin America) so I'm not THAT lost. But I think, since I have read LOTS of fanfics I can of get what's everybody's personalities likes… more or less. Okay with that said, let's start (:
WARNING: Includes femlash. Meaning girl x girl. If you don't feel comfortable with it, I'll ask you to leave, not because I don't like you just because it's for the best of both of us… now if you feel curious feel free to read :D
Disclaimer: Isn't dumb that we have to write this stuff? Like who came up with it for starters?
Boys are totally idiots. They are.
They are so immature and so annoying, I just can't stand them!
Okay, okay, okay, it wasn't always like that, I mean I had a couple of boyfriends before, yeah, but now… It's kinda weird to explain.
I looked at my side. Jade is writing down everything the teacher is saying, I'm not really paying attention at all.
She and I have become pretty good friends over the last weeks. Okay, we aren't the closest but almost I can tell.
I looked around: boys. I stared at their hair. Most of them are all messy, I guess that's the boy's trend now a days. Playing guitar, skateboarding, making out with girls, partying and have messy hair.
I tried to catch something on them that I may like but no, just no.
I've been having this little "problem" for a while now… It's actually pretty stupid but, I just CAN'T HAVE A CRUSH! Like, for more I look at boys and stare at them in the hallways (not like a creep, don't get me wrong) it just won't work and it's getting me worried! Of course I haven't told anyone about this yet because, come on they're just laugh.
I heard Jade chuckled. I glance at her and she was typing on her phone for like the tenth time this class. What's with the freaking texts?!
She finished texting, then glanced at me, lift her eyebrows in a friendly way and went back to her notebook.
I wonder who is she texting. Definitely not Beck they broke up like two months ago. Maybe a friend she made on winter break… Yeah that's actually a good possibility, this all texting thingy started back then.
The bell finally rang.
"What's your next class?" Jade asked.
"You know that already, singing, we go there every Wednesday together, remember?"
"Oh, yeah, well sorry I'm distracted" she excused herself.
"I notice…" I replied.
"Woah, why the bad mood?" She asked while we walked through the corridors.
"I'm not in a bad mood; you're in an extremely good one though"
She chuckled. Ninth time this week. It's driving me crazy not knowing what's going on in her phone.
The day went through, it wasn't as boring as always, but I was so happy when the last bell rang.
I arrived home along with Trina. Oh Trina, sometimes you can be seriously annoying.
I laid on my bed, switched on my laptop and just logged into The Slap, nothing really interesting…until I saw that ONE status.
So Jade was now in a relationship… She had a boyfriend and I knew nothing about it! How couldn't she tell me anything? I mean, I thought we were getting along very well, I guess it's not like that. Ouchie?
I felt anger, jealously and sadness all at the same time. Anger because she didn't told me a thing, jealously because she can actually have crushes and boyfriends, and sadness because that little time Jade used to spend with me would be totally filled with her new boyfriend.
I really, really, really don't like boys, you know what, the feeling is more than that, I hate boys!
Well I hope you liked that and let me know if you would like me to keep writing this story (: I can assure you I won't quit this time since is stuff that happened/is happening to me, so I won't have any writer's block haha. I know it doesn't tell too much about the whole story, but I do like how it came out :D
Maybe leave me a little review? I haven't eaten for like two days… FEED ME WITH REVIEWS! :D (Yes, I'm your wri-pet now)