I love school AU or college AU's... they're so much fun! Anyway, my first Hannigram! I love this pairing to death! But, this one is for a long run guys, so be sure to keep up with it. Thanks! Sorry for anything that doesn't make sense. I will get better at my writing...

The day couldn't get any worse for Will Graham. His coffeemaker short circuited, four of his dogs decided to run out of the house, his car broke down before he could even get anywhere close to the University, and when he finally arrived some jerk decided to drive through a puddle and soak him completely. Will was about ready to go back home and not go into class, but he couldn't. He had to go because if he missed a day of his psychology professor's class then he would fail at least two of his quizzes whenever the man decided to give them.

His psychology professor, Hannibal Lecter, was the strictest professor in the University. Will could not escape his class. Will had to take it. Almost everyone in the University would take it twice. The subject wasn't hard, but Hannibal made sure he engaged his students into thinking critically. Most student overthought things and failed the course.

Will Graham had to take the class twice like many of his peers. However, his former classmates moved onto the next class, since most had taken it once already. Will was stuck with a new set of classmates and Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Nevertheless, Will was doing an amazing job as Hannibal complimented many times. He studied the most for that class and often thought outside of the box for those extra points. Will Graham knew what his professor liked to read.

He entered the now empty classroom. His heart stopping when he realized he missed the lecture and would have to beg his fellow students for notes (although they we're not very fond of him). Hannibal noticed a petrified Will standing at the entrance and cleared his throat. Will stepped over to the professor, his eyes on the ground like a scolded child. He hated making eye contact with the man. Will thought about it many times and knew it was because of intimidation and arousal.

"I-I'm sorry I was late… I ha-had a very bad morning." Will stuttered.

"It's not a problem, Mr. Graham." Hannibal smiled, "I do fear that you missed a pop quiz." Will almost whimpered when he heard that. Those pop quizzes were like precious diamonds in Hannibal's class, "And you missed valuable information that will be on the mid-term." Will felt his stomach drop.

"I will try to get notes from a classmate." Will said. He really wished there was another way for him not to talk to his classmates, but Will wasn't the type to beg to Hannibal.

"Will, I noticed that you don't speak with your classmates often. You try not to answer questions in class as well and you hate it when you have to work in groups." Hannibal stated. Will looked up at his professor with confusion in his eyes.

"Did you-?"

"I am a teaching psychology it's only natural I psychoanalyze my students, Will." Hannibal smiled, "Will because you have been an excellent student I will give you the opportunity to listen to my lecture again." Will's eyes widened underneath his glasses.


"However, I'm afraid I do not have time during this week. Seeing as the midterm isn't until next week, I can re-lecture on the weekend." Hannibal explained, "I hope you are available."

"Y-yes! I can do it on the weekend!" Will smiled now making eye contact with the professor, "Thank you so much Dr. Lecter I-!"

"No need to thank me." Hannibal said, "What day works best for you?"

"Um… I can come on Saturday, maybe early in the morning."

"How does ten in the morning sound?" Hannibal offered.

"That's perfect!" Will beamed, happy that he would not need to take this class again. Will looked at his watch to check the time. He had to go into his other class or he'd be late, "I'm sorry, but I have to go into my next class."

"It's okay Will. Come by my office tomorrow, I will have the arrangement done."

"I will." Will waved goodbye before he could leave the classroom. Hannibal chuckled to himself as he saw his student leave. He had never witnessed a smile, so beautiful.

Will sighed as he arrived to the parking lot of the University. He stopped and remembered that his car had been lugged by triple-A so he had to walk home. About ten miles of walking, great. Will's last hope was the bus. He checked the time; he was just in time for the last route. The bus wasn't going to leave him on the doorstep of his house, but at least he wouldn't need to walk ten miles. Maybe a few blocks and that's it.

He sat at the bus stop quietly. He was glad no one else was waiting for the bus. The University was small, so most people knew each other. Most students knew who Will Graham was. The student who was unstable and has an episode from time to time if he doesn't take his meds; the others would just stare at him as he would walk on campus or in a classroom. They just wondered when he would breakdown, so they could record it and place it on YouTube just like when Will was in High school.

A few drops of water fell from the sky, hitting Will's glasses. Will groaned and moved to the nearest building to hide from the water. This day just kept on getting better and better. Will wiped his glasses clean as the water began to pour. He figured the bus would take a while so he sat and took out his psychology textbook to revise terms. He read in his head until his mind navigated to the professor teaching the subject. Will had to admit, he did have a crush on Hannibal.

It started when some brute in class decided to use Will as an example for one of the illnesses they were discussing. Will could defend himself, but he left it alone. Hannibal, however, pointed out that he suffered from worse things than Will. Hannibal made him shut up before Will could copy down all the terms on the board. When, Will went to thank him after class. Hannibal only smiled and said that there was no need to thank him. After that the brute left Will alone.

Will smiled as he reminisced in the memory. He thought he was over Hannibal, but it was proving to be otherwise. He knew it would be impossible to even date the doctor, much less catch his attention. Will looked up from his book and saw the bus coming to the bus stop. He quickly picked up his bag and began to run towards the stop, but before he could even reach, the bus had left. The rain drops fell on him and he threw a small tantrum. Will Graham was having a horrible day, so he deserved to bitch about it. He finished cursing the heavens and sat back down on the floor of the building.

Hannibal walked out of the building. He grumbled under his breath, that stupid meeting went on longer than he wished. He took out his umbrella ready for the rain. Hannibal saw something move at the corner of his eye. He turned and saw Will shivering and huddled in a ball. Hannibal squatted down to him and took in the faint amounts of his scent that he could. The smell of his wet skin was, for Hannibal, the greatest scent he had ever taken. Will jumped when he noticed the older man next to him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice you." Will said.

"It's alright." Hannibal cleared his throat, "I presume you missed the last bus." Will nodded only to have a shiver run down his spine, "Don't you have a car?"

"It's being repaired… something happened to it this morning." Will sighed. The pain of the morning coming back to him.

"I assume that's why you were late to class?" Hannibal inquired. Will nodded his head slowly, "Well, Mr. Graham you have appealed to my sympathetic side… I can take you home, if you wish."

"Wh-what!? I wouldn't want to inconvenience you!" Will jumped, "I'm sure the rain will lighten up a-and I can walk home."

"I don't think that's the case." Hannibal said, "You'll definitely get hypothermia if you stay out here." Hannibal helped Will up, leaving his umbrella on the floor for a while, "Don't tell the other students. I have to keep a reputation of being the worst professor on campus."

The dark, deep chuckle made Will, feel a slight blush cross his cheeks, his heart skip a beat or two, and he have the urge to squeal that chuckle rang through his ears. Hannibal opened his umbrella and ordered Will to follow. Will did not hesitate and followed his professor without question. He tried to take his backpack from Hannibal; however Hannibal refused to give it back.

"You've had a bad day, Will." Hannibal smiled, "Maybe this will lighten it up."

Will almost chocked when he saw Hannibal's vehicle. A (what seemed) brand new Continental V8 Bentley; he looked at Hannibal in horror as Hannibal placed the backpack in the back seat. He moved aside, moving the seat back to its erect position, so Will could sit inside. Will shook his head vigorously.

"I-I'm going to dirty the inside! I can't!" Will hesitated.

"I can always take it to be cleaned." Hannibal said, "Besides, you're only wet. Water is easy to clean."

They both knew this was a lie. Will was covered in mud. The mud from earlier had dried, but the water from the recent rain had turned it into mud again. Hannibal insisted, so Will went inside. Hannibal closed the door and went to the driver's side. Will shook quietly, but stopped once Hannibal turned on the heater. The car hummed as they drove to Will's home. It was a bit quiet on the road; however it started lightening up when Hannibal began to ask about their study session together.

"Where would you like to have the study session?" Hannibal asked, "The library is closed on the weekend, and my home is having repairs at the moment."

"Uh…" Will looked at Hannibal and knew that he didn't want to have his professor attacked by all of his dogs, "You can choose an outside location… maybe a café or something."

"Café sounds lovely." Hannibal hummed, "I can pick you up from your home at nine forty-five."

"W-what!? No! I can take a bus, or walk to the location!"

"That may prove as an inconvenience. I don't want you to be late." Will buried his face in his hands. He was embarrassed that Hannibal even addressed that again, "I will pick you up from your home at nine forty-five on Saturday."

"B-but I-!?"

"No point in arguing now, Mr. Graham." Hannibal smiled as he pulled into Will's driveway.

"Fine." Will sighed, knowing he was utterly defeated.

Hannibal turned off the car and retrieved Will's backpack, while Will got out of the Bentley. Will thanked Hannibal and assured to see him on Saturday, since he didn't have his class until the next Wednesday. Hannibal walked Will up to his house, since he stilled carried his backpack. Will was beyond embarrassed and didn't want to open the door because of his dogs. He took his backpack and shuffled his feet in place. He couldn't understand why he was feeling so feminine.

"Well, I'll see you on Saturday." Will said. His voice low as a whisper. Hannibal chuckled and brought out a hand, "Thank you for the ride."

"See you then, Will. I hope tomorrow turns out better for you." They shook hands. They gave each other at least two second between each pump; Hannibal turned his heel and left Will's front porch. Will stood there until Hannibal could leave. He let out a girlish sigh, but snapped himself back to reality. It was going to be a long week.