Thrown Out on the Street

Chapter 3: Recovery

Sonic was leaning back in his chair at tails work bench, eyelids closed and all that could be heard was loud snoring. *Ring * Ring* the phone attached to the wall rang. "Tails can you get that?" Sonic asked tiredly. No one came and the phone continued to ring. "Tails?" Sonic repeated as he sat up. "Oh that's right… he's taking the Tornado two out and testing the new modifications…" The phone continued to ring as Sonic finally stood up and picked the phone off the receiver. "Hello?"

"Bout time!" Shadow cried from the other end.

Sonic rubbed his eyes with his left arm as he tried to wake himself up. "Oh… Hey Shadow, what's up?"

A second later…

"What?! Charmy's in the hospital?!" The hedgehog cried in shock. "What the hell happened?!"

"Eggman happened…"

"What?" Sonic asked in confusion.

"My guess is that Eggman came to find you, but could only find Charmy." Shadow Explained. "So he grabbed him with his machine and interrogated him to get your location, and electrocuted him whenever he gave him an answer he didn't want. Eggman upped the volts every time Charmy gave him the wrong answer, until he finally fell unconscious which is when I arrived and destroyed the robot. I quickly searched the city for a hospital and here we are now." Shadow finished.

Sonic stood there speechless holding the phone up to his ear, but not responding. "You there faker?"

At the hospital…

"Faker respond!" Shadow ordered into his cell phone.

"Hello I'm looking for a friend of mine who maybe a patient here." Came a familiar voice from behind.

Shadow turned towards the voice to see a blue hedgehog talking the receptionist. Shadow looked back to his cell phone. "Well that explains the silence." He put his phone back in one of his jeans pockets and walked to the hedgehog.

"And may I ask his or her name?" the receptionist asked.

"His name's Charmy." Sonic answered.

The receptionist typed on the computer to search for Charmy's name. "Ah yes we do have a young boy named Charmy bee, but he can't have any visitors at the moment though."

"Oh…" Sonic said sadly as his arms slumped to his sides.

"The Doctors almost done though so you're welcome to wait."

Sonic nodded and walked over to the wall and sat on one of the empty chairs. "I thought you were still on the phone." Sonic looked over to find Shadow walking towards him.

Meanwhile at the Chaotix Detective agency…

*Knock* *Knock* Came a knock at the door. Espio sat up from his meditation and answered the door to find an armadillo and a squirrel. "Hey Espio long time no see!" The armadillo exclaimed.

"Mighty, Ray! It has been a long time!" Espio claimed happily.

"Well well look at what the Swatbot dragged in!" Vector exclaimed as he walked up to them. "How've the two of ya been?"

"Hey Vec it's been great!" Mighty exclaimed happily.

Suddenly the phone rang, Espio excused himself to answer it while Vector, Ray and Mighty continued to catch up some more. "Greeting's. This is the Chaotix detective agency. How may we be of service?" Espio greeted.

"Hey Espio, it's Sonic." The voice on the other end said.

"Oh hi Sonic. What's the matter?"

"Uh, well you see um…" Sonic stumbled with his words.

"Out with it!" Espio cried.

"Ok ok, but you may not like it…" Espio was suddenly very curious as well as very worried knowing that this may have to do with Charmy. "You Charmy is kind of sort of…"

Sonic finished explaining to Espio. "WHAT! HE'S IN THE HOSPITAL!" Espio cried at the top of his lungs and startled the others.

"Who's in the hospital?" Mighty asked.

Vector already knew the answered started to tip toe out of the room before the chameleon brought up the subject again. "Charmy! He was tortured by Eggman!"

"W-What?! W-Why wasn't h-he h-here like he u-usually is?!" Ray asked while stuttering.

"Because he fired him and through him on the street!" Espio exclaimed and pointed at the Crocodile who was now half way up the stairs.

Vector looked towards the group and nervously smiles and waves at them. "VECTOR!" Mighty cried as he started to chase the Crocodile around the house.

After a few minutes of nonsense, Espio finally stepped in between the two of them. "Enough! Now all four of us are going to go visit him." Espio explained.

"But, but, but-"

Espio glared at the Crocodile. "All FOUR of us are going to go visit him." He repeated to the stuttering crocodile. "Whether you like it or not."

The crocodile lowered his head in defeat as the four of them left the house.

Meanwhile at the hospital…

Sonic lowered his phone from his ear to prevent deafening his ear from the yelling coming from the other side. "VECTOR!" A cry came from the phone.

He hung up and put the phone back in his pocket. "Yeah their pissed." Sonic chuckled.

Not long later a brown male cat in a doctor's uniform entered the room and spoke to the receptionist, and left a minute after. "Good news, your little friend is awake and you're allowed to see him now." She explained happily to the hedgehogs.

"Thank you." Sonic thanked her as He and Shadow made their way down the hall.

After a quick elevator ride and a walk through another hallway they finally reached Charmy's room. Sonic peeked in through the door and could see nothing, but a bed that held a small weakened bee that was connected to some medical equipment. The bee noticed them and forced a weak smile. "Hi… guy's…" He said quietly, but just enough for them to hear.

Sonic smile and walked in with Shadow closely behind. "How are you doing little guy?" The cobalt hedgehog asked gently.

"O-ok… I f-feel weak though…" The bee answered while one of his eye lids drooped half way down.

"Well you were shocked with a tremendous amount of electricity, you're lucky to even be alive right now." Shadow responded.

Charmy weakly laughed at Shadow's explanation. "Lucky me huh?"

Their silence was suddenly interrupted by four familiar people barged in. "I was wondering when you guys were going to get here." Sonic chuckled then looked over to Mighty and Ray. "Hey Mighty, Ray long time no see!"

Mighty and Ray looked over to the cobalt hedgehog. "Uh, do we know you?" Mighty asked Sonic.

"Huh? Mighty you two remember right? It's me Sonic!"

Mighty shook his head in disagreement. "No way. The Sonic we knew was smaller and a bit chubby."

Sonic looked down and rubbed his belly in shame. "That was a long time ago. I grew and I worked off the fat."

"Wait you were what?" Shadow asked the hedgehog in disbelieve.

"Drop it Shadow." Sonic warned the ebony hedgehog who chuckled slightly.

"Aw i'm kidding Sonic I know it's you." The Armadillo laughed as he put his left arm over Sonic's shoulder.

Sonic groaned in anger. "I hate you. You know that?"

"Uh guy's can we get back to the topic at hand?" Espio asked the two.

"Oh yeah sure." Mighty said and walked over to the bee. "Charmy i'm sorry of what this dick here did to you."

"HEY! I didn't do this to him!" Vector cried angerly.

"Yeah, but if you didn't kick him out he would have been safe and this wouldn't have happened!"

"Well if he didn't burn half the office down I wouldn't have had to!"

This argument went on for a while and eventually they had to kick them out of the room. "That's better." Espio sighed. When they turned back to the bee, his eyes were shut and his chest was slowly lifting up then down. "He must have fell asleep."

"Yeah after all this excitement I don't blame him." Sonic smiled.

Shadow nodded in agreement and headed for the door. "Come on, let's leave him alone while he sleeps. Besides I have some thing's to take care of." Sonic and Espio agreed and followed him out the door. After dragging Vector and Mighty out of the hospital six of them said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

Sorry if the end sounded a little rushed, but I have other stories to write. Two specific ones are guess what... NOT SONIC RELATED! The two new stories I'm writing are both Klonoa stories. The first chapter for one of them named, Amnesia, is so far around 25% complete. Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and the chapter's yet to come! :D