Hey everybody, here's the next book in my series which surprisingly focuses on Kai more than Cole. I know this might be a bit of a stretch since the first two books in my series were focused on Cole, but I got this idea while I was planning for the second book and I thought it would be a very interesting take on the events that have transpired so far. And yes, I know that the title isn't the one I said from the last book, but if you remember I didn't say I was gonna use that exact title, I just said it would PROBABLY be the title or something close to it. But enough of my endless chatter, let us move on to the story, shall we? :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago because, well you know why ;)


(Normal pov)

Somewhere, deep inside of Ninjago city lies a research lab. Inside that particular research lab is where a group of scientist are currently studying a very peculiar looking creature. This certain creature was sprawled out, unconscious, on a medical table. It had the body of giant black lizard, sharp claws, razor sharp teeth, blood red eyes that were now closed, and the head of a hideously deformed snake.

"What do you think it is?", One of the scientist asked.

The scientist was named Jonas, who had semi-short black hair.

"I'm not sure, it is unlike anything I've ever seen.", Asked another scientist.

The other scientist was named Thomas, who appeared to be older than the others. He had short pure white hair with round glasses.

"Have you tried dissecting it?", asked yet another scientist.

This scientist was female, her name was Rachel. She had long brown hair that was put up in a ponytail with square glasses.

"The other scientist and I considered that, but something about this creature is rather unnerving.", Said Jonas, with a hint of fright.

"What do you mean?", asked Rachel, curious.

"Well", Jonas started nervously. "Just the other day, I was walking past the creatures pen to get some supplies from the storage room. While I was walking, I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned and saw that the creature was just staring at me with a grin of pure evil, I also noticed that lying at it's feet, was the remains of a large lab rat.

The rats organs were scattered all over the floor of the cage, it's head had been completely ripped off, with blood splattering the floor. But the most terrifying part was that, their was one terrifying word written on the wall in the rats blood. Die.", Jonas explained, his voice full of fear.

"This is nonsense, if it were true the other scientist would have seen the same thing when they entered the room to bring the creature here!",Thomas protested.

"I'm telling you Thomas, I know what I saw, and this creature must be destroyed at all cost!"

"Lets just try to remain calm. Now Jonas, are you sure your mind wasn't playing tricks on you?", Asked Rachel, trying to keep everyone from going insane.

While the scientist kept talking, they were completely unaware that Zuko was starting to become conscious. His vision was a bit blurred at first, due to the anesthetics used to knock him out. Once Zuko's vision cleared, he started to get up.

Jonas was the first one to notice this. "It's waking up! Quickly, we must-"

Zuko cut Jonas off by lunging at him. He immediately started tearing into Jonas flesh, ripping out his throat, along with hunks of his flesh. Rachel and Thomas, acting quickly, headed for the door. They knew it was too late to save their friend, so their only chance was to escape while Zuko was busy mutilating Jonas.

Zuko noticed that his prey was about to escape, so he stopped tearing Jonas body and dashed for the door. Unfortunately, since Rachel was faster than Thomas she was able to escape, but Zuko shut the door front of Thomas when he was only a few meters away.

Thomas stood there in terror, while Zuko just smiled evilly and said, "It appears that we are alone."

"W-what are you?", Thomas managed to choke out.

"What I am shouldn't be the first of your concerns, but it shouldn't matter to me since you are about to die.", Zuko replied venomously.

Thomas just stood there, too shocked to speak. Zuko, seeing that the old man was paralyzed with fear, lunged at Thomas, knocking him down.

"I think it's time we tested out my own experiment.", Zuko said, while using his tail to grab a laboratory flask full of clear looking liquid off the table.

Thomas knew the liquid was sulfuric acid, it was extremely dangerous if ingested.

"Hope your thirsty." Zuko said with an evil glint in his eyes.

Before Thomas could react Zuko pried open his mouth, and started to slowly pour the acid down his throat. Thomas started screaming in pain, he could feel the acid burning through his esophagus. The acid made a distinct hissing sound, as it burned. As the blood started flowing from Thomas neck, his screaming quickly turned into a gurgling sound.

As the blood started to also flow from his mouth, Thomas finally stopped moving after what felt like hours of pain. Zuko, satisfied with his work, got off Thomas and left the room in pursuit of Rachel. Zuko knew the woman was probably down the hall by now, but he could easily catch up with her.

Meanwhile, Rachel was running down the hallway, in hope of finding someone for help. She was almost at the door, when something ran into her from the side. Rachel was knocked against the wall, the impact caused her glasses to fall off and break, while also knocking the wind out of her. Rachel looked and saw something large and blurry approaching her.

Zuko started walking towards Rachel, once he got close enough, she was able to see him. Rachel gasped in horror and started to get up and run, but Zuko quickly pinned her against the wall. "It seems that your the last one.", he taunted Rachel.

"What do you want from me?", she asked out of fear.

"I don't want anything from you, all I want is to bring suffering to others.", Zuko explained to her.

Rachel only gave him a stare full of pure hatred.

"Such beautiful eyes.", Zuko cooed while holding her chin. "I think those will look rather well with the other ones I have, don't you?" , he asked with an evil smile.

Before Rachel could understand what Zuko meant, he sunk his claws into one of her eye sockets and started to slowly pull out her eye. She started crying out in pain as blood started flowing out of her sockets, once Zuko was able to fully pull out her eye he tore off the optical nerve it was attached to.

Rachel started gasping, relieved that it was finally over, but then Zuko prepared his claws to take her other eye.

"No, no please! Ahhhhhhh!"

But Zuko didn't acknowledge her pleading, and started tearing out her other eye. This time he made sure it took even longer to take out Rachel's eye. Once it was finally out, Rachel was on her hands and knees with blood dripping out of her empty sockets.

Zuko smiled and said, "Now that we have that taken care of, I'll just take my leave. And don't worry about your eyes, they'll be safe with me."

After that he left, leaving behind a now blind Rachel.

(Zuko's pov)

I walked through the dark night in Ninjago city, holding the eyes I took from that girl. That escape was rather fun, but I still have to find a way to get the ninjas, who were the ones that made me get captured. I've tried everything, but these ninja find a way to ruin my fun! If I could just find a way to frustrate them like that fire ninja-

Wait a minute, the fire ninja, could he possibly be the one I've been looking for? Yes, he has to be, no one else could be more fitting for the role. I felt a grin creep across my face as I started running towards the outskirts of the city.

I have a brilliant idea, and that fire ninja is going to play a very vital part in my plans. Oh yes, this time I will have my revenge.

Well, that turned out to be kind of long for a prologue, but ooooh cliffhanger! What do you guys think he wants with Kai? And what did Zuko mean by "the one I've been searching for"? R and R everybody ;)